The Calm Before The Storm. 3/3

Feb 10, 2017 23:19

Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: Mature.
Beta: None. Me, myself and I. I apologise for any and all mistakes.
Feedback: Always loved and appreciated!


"Hey Evie." Andy said, looking up from her notes.

"Yeah?" Evelyn asked, also looking up from what she was working on; her colouring book.

"Did you want to go upstairs for me and ask Darcy if she would like something to eat before we leave. Tell her that Mommy makes the best ever cheese toasties."

Evelyn grinned. "Okay, mummy." She replied, putting down her pencil and jumped down from the island counter stool where she had been sitting with her Mama who was flipping through lots of different magazines. She raced upstairs to her big sisters' room coming to a stop at the closed door. She frowned upon hearing Darcy's angry voice.

"I get that your Mom hates me but does she have to be so fucking open about it? Serving me food I don't fucking like and giving me dirty looks all fucking night."

Evelyn's eyes were wide - she couldn't believe how many times Darcy used a naughty word. She pushed the door open, just slightly, and watched as Caroline's girlfriend picked up a hair brush.

"She wasn't giving you looks." Caroline responded, rolling her eyes.

"She was when you weren't looking." Darcy said as she angrily brushed her hair. "I knew I shouldn't have come here."

"You had to face her sooner or later."

"Later would have been better than at a cabin in the middle of nowhere with no quick exit getaway because trust me I'd have left last night if I could have." Darcy said.

"You said you were going to give her a chance." Caroline pointed out.

"I'm sorry, she's your Mom, but that doesn't mean I ever have to like her."

The feeling's mutual. Caroline sadly thought knowing her Mom felt the exact same way. "Well, if you hadn't done what you did she wouldn't be looking at you the way she does."

"It doesn't matter about any of that shit! She has always looked at me like I'm a piece of trash because I don't have the posh background she does and the fact that where I live is practically the slums."

"Stop being stupid." Caroline replied.

"Oh, it's so fucking obvious! In her eyes I live on the street in a cardboard box and she wants you to have no part in that."

Caroline rubbed her hands over her face, sighing in frustration. "She doesn't think that." she replied. She knew her Mom was a cold ass bitch at times, but she wasn't that bad to go as far as thinking Darcy was trash. "Baby, she doesn't think that. You're putting all this in your head for no reason. Please believe me." she firmly said, trusting her heart and believing her Mom was better than thinking such a way. "Now come on... can we try to enjoy the rest of our afternoon?" She questioned, hugging her girlfriend.

Darcy huffed, leaning into Caroline.

"We could go out to the hay bales." Caroline suggested. "Fool around for a bit."

It was then that Evelyn decided to make herself known as she burst into the room. "Can I come to?!" she asked, the excitement of going back outside with Caroline evident.

Caroline looked over her shoulder and replied to a hopeful Evelyn. "Cassidy wants to take you on in a game of Snakes and Ladders remember?"

"That's going to be so much fun!" Evelyn replied, continuing to speak and asked the question her Mummy sent her up here for.

"She really does make the best toasties." Caroline commented. "And you should eat."

"I know what I'd prefer to eat." Darcy whispered.

Caroline laughed nervously as she pushed Darcy's hand away which had gone down the back of her pants. "Shhh." she whispered, blushing, and looking to Evelyn. "Darcy would love a cheese toastie, thank you Evie."

"Hay bales first." Darcy whispered.

"But not yet. When we come back inside." Caroline said as they followed Evelyn out of their room.

"Can the both of you play Snakes and Ladders with me too before we leave?"

"I think we can make that work." Caroline responded, watching as Evelyn jumped down the last three steps.

Miranda stood as soon as she saw Caroline, opening her mouth to speak.

"We're going out for a bit." Caroline said, stopping her Mom as she took Darcy's hand and opened the door.

Miranda closed her mouth and watched her daughter and Darcy laughingly exit the house. She sighed in annoyance with herself.

"You're going to have fun fixing that." Andy said, putting her arms around her lover.

"Can't I just turn back the clock and fix my stupid mistake?" Miranda said, huffing as she leaned into her brunette beauty.

"If only it were that easy." Andy replied, kissing Miranda's cheek. "But thankfully you have me by your side with my excellent cheese toastie charm."

"Maybe we could say I made the toasted sandwich." Miranda said, biting her lip as she looked into Andrea's eyes slightly pleadingly.

Andy simply laughed as she pulled away and playfully slapped her lover’s ass.

"Was that a yes?" Miranda asked, hopeful.

"I dunno. I have to think about it." Andy winked.

Miranda smirked as she watched her lover sit back down.


"Yes, bug?" Andy asked, looking at her daughter who came up beside her.

"What does living in the slums mean?"

At Evelyn's question Andy frowned. "Where did you hear that?"

"Darcy said it. Says that Mama says she lives in the slums." Evelyn explained.

"I've never said or thought such a thing, and it's not a nice word to use." Miranda said, shocked by what she heard.

"But what does it mean?" Evelyn asked.

"You're very persistent, aren't you?" Andy said, tapping her lap for Evelyn to sit with her. "The slums isn't a nice word used for a poorer part of a town. Unlike where we live with Miranda, and your big sisters which is known as an Upper Class area-"

"Where people have magical money cards?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes, bug, but unfortunately not many people are lucky to have magical money cards that are because of this we always have to be thankful for Miranda in our lives and her kindness with her money. All of this stuff she does for us she doesn't have to do but does because she loves us."

Evelyn smiled. "I understand, Mummy." she said, but then frowned. "Darcy swears a lot, and in a weird whispered tone in the bathroom last night with Caroline when they thought I was asleep. What were they doing?"

"Oh god." Andy said, closing her eyes.

"What?" Evelyn asked, still frowning.

"That is a story for another day." Miranda answered, parroting the words her lover often said to their very inquisitive daughter who was always curious about this or that the way children do. “And if it happens again just put in your ear phones and listen to music."

Both mothers were thankful when Evelyn decided she was happy with that response and that going off to find Cassidy to play their game was a better idea than sitting and talking.

"Thank you." Andy softly said to Miranda. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"The feeling is mutual, darling." Miranda replied, smiling as they moved into the sitting room once more.


Andy placed two cheese and ham toasted sandwiches in front of Darcy who was sat at the counter with Cassidy and Caroline who were currently on a SKYPE call with a fellow surgeon who was getting advice from them.

The brunette then slowly made her way upstairs to the very top of the extravagant cabin.

In the bedroom Evie knelt on the bed in front of their overnight bags which Miranda was packing and resorting since Andy had thrown everything out earlier in order to find her favourite lucky undies. "I was wearing them the day fate brought us together in Melbourne." she had explained to Miranda a few days ago who had smiled in delight at knowing this little detail. "You're ridiculous but utterly wonderful in your own unique and perfect way." her lover had responded.

"Can I drive back with Caroline and Cass?" Evelyn asked, pulling Andy from her thoughts.

"That's a great idea because I need to do a bit more work before we get home." Andy replied.

"Yay!" Evelyn jumped down from the bed. "I'm going to go tell Caroline and Cass!"

"I think they're still on the phone so you'll have to wait as it's very important." Andy replied watching as her daughter raced out of the room causing her lover to chuckle as Miranda walked out of the ensuite. "I wonder if that energy will continue to grow or start to mellow."

Miranda smiled. "If it weren't I wouldn't be surprised."

"Time will tell." Andy responded as her lover looked around to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She grabbed one of the zippers to Miranda's CHANEL bag as her lover took the other zipper, and both closed it, the zippers meeting in the meeting. Their hands connected and both women looked up into each other’s eyes. The RUNWAY editor was absolutely irresistible to Andy causing her to capture her lips with Miranda's.

The older woman kissed her lover back, cupping Andrea's cheeks as their hearts beat as one and their tongues danced together.

When they pulled apart Andy sighed in complete happiness as her lover pecked her once more before picking up their overnight bags shooing her hands away when she tried to help.

"We're good to go when the girls are ready." Miranda said as she headed for the door, her lover following close behind.

Andy flicked off the chandelier lights, closed the door to the beautiful mind blowing room she knew they would frequently share nights of passion underneath the stars in a sweaty sexy mess. She grinned at the thought as she moved after her lover, eyes trailing down to Miranda's stunning ass.

"I can feel your eyes on me." Miranda spoke, smirking as her heart fluttered.

"I can't help it. You're irresistible." Andy responded, voice her earlier thought, squeezing her lover’s ass. "You have captivated me for life, Priestly." she added, not moving her hand as they made their way downstairs, trailing random patterns on Miranda's ass.

The RUNWAY editor shivered at the sensation it caused. "If you continue doing that it will be night fall by the time we leave." Miranda spoke.

"So, we don't have to leave when the girls do." Andy responded.

"Oh, darling, don't tempt me." Miranda replied, looking over her shoulder at her smirking lover who winked at her with a very obvious glint in her eyes. She turned back around, licking her lips as her body buzzed with so much love and arousal. "We really should try reaching the city before the traffic becomes ridiculously congested." she added, wanting to be home by 8:30PM at the latest.

"You're right. I suppose I can control myself until then." Andy whispered.

Miranda laughed heartily at her brunette beauties words. She then looked up past her lover to Evelyn who was walking towards the staircase holding her own bag. "Did you remember everything?"

"I did." Evelyn replied.

"Very good." Miranda said, continuing. "Let’s put them in the car then." but stopped upon seeing it was pouring down with rain outside. "I'll put the bags in the car while you two put your coats on. I can't have either of you catching a cold now."

Nodding Andy took the mentioned rain coat and handed it to her daughter who shooed her hands away to put it on herself. She hated being reminded that her Evie was growing up ridiculously fast with each new day.

"It's really coming down now." Andy commented as the girls came downstairs.

"Shit." Darcy commented, clearly unhappy about the rain fall that didn't seem like it would be stopping anytime soon.

"I'll have someone pick up your bike and tow it back to the city by lunch time tomorrow." Miranda said to the young woman.

"Oh, ah, you don't have to do that. I was the one who decided to ride here in this weather. I can hang around and ride back later when it clears up."

Miranda's eyebrow raised at those ridiculous words. Even if the weather did clear up the roads would still be wet and dangerous. "The forecast said it isn't due to stop raining for the next day or so now. I think it's best I have Joe from the towing place bring it back tomorrow as these roads can be very unpredictable. Not to mention the animals that come out in full swing at night time." Not to mention you have a stomach full of a 200ML bottle of vodka in you. She thought, but did not say.

"Yeah, you're probably right, but you know I can't pay for a tow truck." Darcy replied, rinsing her empty plate before putting it in the dish washer.

"Don't worry about that. It's on me as your safety is all that matters." Miranda responded.

"I do know how to ride, been doing it since I was fifteen, and I'm always safe." Darcy said, a little offensively, thinking as if the RUNWAY editor had been having a go at her.

Caroline nudged Darcy.

"But, ah, thanks again though. It's nice, ah... knowing someone else besides Caroline has my best, ah, interest in mind." Darcy spoke, after fumbling for the right words. She wasn't used to being so polite.

"Yes, well... of course. You're a part of this family now." Miranda replied. Whether I like it or not. Only time would tell how this was going to turn out and she simply had to hope that Darcy has truly changed and can continue to do so with her attitude to try and start fitting into their family circle. She would somehow broach this subject later. She would also from this day forward try to change her own attitude towards Darcy, try to know and understand the young woman, if only for her daughters sake as she didn't want Caroline to feel like she needed to choose between Darcy or her. Even though she knew they would continue to have their ups and downs she knew they could make this work. No matter how long and hard it was.

Once the girls finished their phone call and collected a few things from upstairs they were good to go.

"We're leaving together?" Cassidy asked.

"As tempting as it is to stay behind for a little while longer we need to be getting home to get a good nights sleep for this ones first day at Dalton." Miranda said, smiling at Evelyn who was beaming.

"I'm going to make so many new friends!"

"Yes, you will, bug." Andy replied, continuing. "It will be a great day and I already can't wait to hear all about it." she said, kissing the top of her daughters head.

Coming up behind them Miranda squeezed Evelyn's shoulder. "It's a fantastic school and one that I know you're going to love and it has so many different activites for you to get involved in."

"And you have the two of us... your awesome older sisters." Caroline chimed in.

"If you have any questions or need help we'll definitely have the answers." Cassidy said.

"I've been there a couple times too." Darcy commented.

Miranda raised an eyebrow as Darcy continued speaking and wondered what on earth the young woman would say next.

"And I was super impressed which is a hard thing to make me feel. I walked in thinking it was going to be this rich, snobby school to find it to be the complete opposite. That was shocking for me. The teachers were laid back, kind, oddly funny and only wanted everyone to excel with whatever they were studying. And then there were all the field trips and the camps." Darcy looked to Caroline and smirked. "They made it so easy for me to sneak in."

Caroline bit the inside of her lip, blushing profusely.

"It's safe to say you will one hundred percent have days where it won't even feel like you are at school. You'll behaving a blast the whole time. Trust me." Darcy said, nudging Evelyn who then jumped up and down in her excitement.

"I want it to be tomorrow already!" Evelyn announced.

Miranda smiled as she watched Darcy with surprise and curiosity.

"When you finally see past the drama from the past and actually look at her you'll see that she has lots of different attributes that are incredibly appealing not to mention she is smarter than she lets on." Cassidy spoke, standing next to her Mom as she put on her jacket.

The RUNWAY editor turned to her eldest. "You believe she has changed for the better?"

"I wouldn't be standing here trying to convince you otherwise . Not to mention Caroline would have already got a talking to if I didn't like her with Darcy."

Miranda nodded. "Good point, but I just... I know what addiction can do to a person."

Cassidy also nodded. "I know that's one of the main reasons you're concerned, but I trust Caroline when she says that Darcy isn't using or selling anymore."

Sighing Miranda rubbed her eyes. She knew that this next step was going to not only be a huge step for her but also a big gamble to let Darcy one hundred percent in to their family with complete trust. This better not come back to bite me in the arse. She thought as she looked to Darcy once more who had picked up her back pack along with Caroline's bag. "I was thinking comfort food is in order for dinner tonight... Are we all interested in Macaroni and Cheese?" she questioned. Surely Darcy had to like this meal! It was a staple in nearly every household in America and overseas. "I hope that you can join us Darcy?"

Darcy looked at her with slight uncertainty. "Oh, I really shouldn-"

"I insist." Miranda cut off the young woman whose mouth immediately closed. She watched Darcy shrug.

"I guess." The young dark haired woman responded, looking to Caroline who was smiling and looked hopeful. "As long as it doesn't have hidden veggies in it."

Miranda laughed, shaking her head. "No, it's good old home-style Macaroni and Cheese."

"Can mine have sliced tomato on top?" Evelyn asked, causing Darcy to cringe.

"Of course it can!" Miranda replied, continuing. "You can even help me make it if you like." she suggested and as expected her daughter beamed with excitement. Evelyn loved being able to help in the kitchen every change she got.

"That will be awesome!" Evelyn replied, bouncing up and down.

Andy smiled as she tightened her coat to protect her from the cold afternoon air. She really wasn't looking forward to getting drenched in rain. She looked to the twins. "Are you sure it's okay for Evie to travel back with you guys?"

"Ah... yeah! Of course!" Caroline responded, continuing. "Time will fly because we won't be able to stop telling jokes and laughing."

"Plus we have popcorn." Darcy commented.

"Two different kinds." Cassidy winked.

"Slightly salted and the other is coated with caramel." Caroline added.

At this Evelyn's eyes glazed over. "Popcorn.... mmmm! My tummy loves popcorn!"

"Don't eat too much though. You don't want to spoil Mama's mac and cheese." Andy said as her lover reopened the front door and a gust of wind hit them in the face.

"Fuck I hate this weather!" Darcy spoke without thinking.

Evelyn began laughing before Andy or Miranda could speak. "You're funny." she said, looking up at Darcy who looked nervous and apologetic. "You remind me of my Uncle Al. He never knows how to filter his naughty words either."

Andy laughed heartily at those words which were completely true, however her Uncle Al was much more crude, as her daughter continued to speak.

"But if you continue using that word Santa won't be happy and you'll receive lumps of coal instead of awesome presents and you don't want to wake up to no presents, do you?" Evelyn questioned.

"You're right. My little brother got coal and it was the worst Christmas ever so I definitely don't want another Christmas like that again especially being on the receiving end of coal... I would cry."

At Darcy's words Evelyn's mouth dropped open.

Miranda was taken aback.

Andy stared in shock as she waited for an explanation.

"Your brother got coal once?" Evelyn asked.

Darcy nodded.

"What did he do?" Evelyn asked, ever curious.

"Not a damn thing." Darcy responded, walking out of the cabin.

Evelyn frowned, confused and looked to her Mommies. "You don't think Santa will get confused and get coal that was meant for someone else like Jaime down the street?"

Andy quickly assured her daughter that would never happen. "Maybe to Jaime because she is a bit of a brat." she added softly to Miranda who looked at her and laughed.

When Miranda stopped laughing she turned back to look at Darcy who threw the bags into the back of the JEEP before pulling out a six pack of beer and getting into the back.

"Traveller's are on me!" Darcy was heard saying.

"Because if Santa made a mistake like that he would have to deal with the Dragon Lady because no one messes with my Evelyn." Miranda chimed in, reassuring her daughter also who was still concerned over being mistaken for another naughty child.

"Yeah!" Evelyn giggled. "And I've seen the Dragon Lady and it wasn't good."

Miranda chuckled. "It is good for me. It always works in my favour."

"Maybe I might become a Dragon Lady too someday with ruthless power!" Evelyn said with wide eyes at the thought.

"Ooookay... on that note I think we should head off." Andy said, looking to her lover who was smirking and absolutely pleased by what their daughter had just said. "All you have to focus on right now is tomorrow and how much fun you're going to have." she said as she looked down to Evelyn, brushing her daughter's hair out of her face. "I don't need two Dragon Lady's on my hands just yet..."

At those words Miranda chuckled as she closed the door behind them.

"Mama Dragon is enough for me." Andy added, laughing softly as her eyes connected with Miranda's.

"Now now, you love taming the Dragon when she appears." Miranda murmered, nustling her lovers neck as Evelyn ran down to the JEEP.

Andy moaned softly, leaning into Miranda's lips. "It has it's perks."

Chuckling Miranda spoke. "Mmm... indeed it does." she then regretfully pulled away from her brunette beauty who quickly stole a kiss.

The dark grey JEEP SUV beeped at them, pulling them out of their little bubble.

"You two are taking too long. We'll see you at home." Cassidy said from behind the wheel.

"Nah, we'll no doubt see you in the traffic once we reach the city." Caroline commented, putting down her window in the back seat. "I just had a look and it's already bad."

"At least we're leaving now then." Miranda replied, continuing. "Be careful on the roads."

"Don't worry. She drives like a granny." Caroline laughed.

"Shut up." Cassidy growled causing Caroline to laugh more.

"You know it's the truth." Caroline spoke.

In the rear-view side mirror out of sight from Evelyn Cassidy gave Caroline the finger.

"Alright, well, have fun and don't annoy each other too much." Miranda said, watching as Darcy downed a whole bottle of beer in a matter of seconds. Why oh why did Caroline have to fall in love with her?

"Bye Mummy and Mama!" Evelyn cheerfully said, poking her head out from where she sat between Caroline and Darcy in her dark purple car seat.

Miranda's heart swelled every time Evelyn called her Mama. It hadn't been long after she and Andrea got back together when Evelyn stopped saying 'randa and instead Mama and it had been the most natural feeling. She remembered the look she had shared with Andrea's tear filled beautiful eyes. The moment had been so wonderful that she herself had become emotional and still to this day she was still overjoyed with happiness. It was the perfect little family with so much love and support. She was one lucky woman when for so long she truly didn't think she deserved any of this.

"After you."

Miranda came out of her thoughts to find she had moved down the porch to the car where her darling Andrea held the door open for her. "Thank you, darling." she murmured, squeezing her lovers hand before ducking down into the Mercedes sedan. The door shut and she watched as Andrea moved around to the passenger side.

Turning on the ignition Miranda put the automatic car into gear and began driving down the long drive way and as they got closer looked over to Marlene and Brian's little cottage in a hope that Marlene would appear in the door way to stop them, apologise, and say goodbye until next time.

However that didn't happen and she sighed with disappointment as she stopped at the end of the drive way to make sure it was safe to pull out before doing so and driving down the long stretch of road.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked, knowing what Miranda was thinking and feeling.

"I'm just disappointed." Miranda replied, continuing. "I really didn't think Marlene would have reacted that way towards me. After knowing each other for so long and seeing her as a kind of mother figure I had hoped that her reaction might have been more supportive. Sure, she doesn't have to understand but for a switch to have been flicked and for her to not want anything more to do with me so abruptly... it's just... so sad... I get she is religious, but I thought she would have been better than this."

Watching as the RUNWAY editor shook her head Andy reached out and placed her hand on her lover's thigh, squeezing softly. "She might come around to the idea."

"I love your positive outlook on life and people, darling, I really do but I don't think she will give me a second thought like she used to anymore."

Andy sighed, wishing there was something she could do. "I have enough hope for the both of us." she said, squeezing Miranda's leg once more, knowing her lover firmly believed Marlene would never change her views on the love they shared. She, however, knew people and how they can adapt to new changes within time. She had to hope for her lover's sake anyway.

"Thank you, Andrea." Miranda said, looking fondly to her beauty. "You are the light of my life that has been missing for too long."

Andy felt her eyes tearing up at those words. "These bloody hormones running havoc with my emotions..."

Miranda smiled. "Oh, but they're beautiful emotions." she replied, placing her right hand atop Andrea's and squeezing.

They fell silent both buzzing with how they made each other feel.

The silence was soon broken when Andy's phone began ringing. It was a contact at the Victorian Mayor's office she had been waiting to hear back from. She answered and delved back into her work.

Miranda smiled as she listened to her lovers voice as she took in the road and scenery around them.

Time went by as Andrea continued speaking to different people and just as they were about fourty five minutes from coming in contact with the busy New York City traffic Miranda's own phone began ringing.

Expecting it to be RUNWAY Miranda pulled the car over and took out her cell. She was a little surprised to see that instead of RUNWAY it was the police Detective that Andrea dealt with when reporting her violent attack.

Normally he would wait for Andrea to call him back but instead of doing that and calling her phone made Miranda believe it must be important news.

"Miranda Priestly speaking." She answered in her usual stern, slightly cold tone. She listened to the familiar male voice who informed her they had a line-up for Andrea to come in tomorrow and hopefully identify her attacker. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll speak to Andrea who will get back to you tomorrow morning however I see no reason as to why she wouldn't be able to come in." she spoke, and listened as Detective Knight responded before they said their goodbyes and the call was disconnected.

Pulling back onto the road which was starting to pick up in traffic she continued driving as her lover continued speaking to whoever was on the other end of her Motorola hiptop slide phone as the view of New York City soon came into sight.

"Everything okay?" Andy asked a few moments later when she finished her phone call.

"That was Detective Knight. There is a line-up of suspects they need you to look at and hopefully convict by tomorrow afternoon." Miranda said, wanting the bastard who hurt her brunette beauty to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his miserable life.

Sighing Andy spoke. "I just want to forget that even happened."

Miranda turned to look at her lover who rubbed her face in frustration at the continued reminder of what happened that dreadful night. "I know, darling." she softly said, squeezing Andrea's hand. "But he needs to pay for what he did to you."

"I know, but it's still hard to think of facing that monster." Andy replied. She knew it was stupid because he would be in police custody in a completely different room and wouldn't be able to see her. This didn't stop her from feeling frightened for what emotions tomorrow might bring flooding back as these last two months she has been doing all she can to forget what happened to her. "Will you come with me?"

"You know you don't even have to ask." Miranda replied, already rearranging her work schedule in her mind. Even though lives would be ending for people in Melbourne and the areas surrounding the Fashion World wasn't going to be stopping anytime soon.

"I don't know how I would have gotten through this if you weren't by my side." Andy spoke.

"You never have to worry about such a thing." Miranda responded, and with the traffic still not moving she leaned in to Andrea to seal her words with a kiss.

They would always have each others love, admiration, and support. It was a fantastic feeling knowing this.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Andy whispered, cupping her lover's face, kissing Miranda again and again with all that she felt and more.

Even though the future had a dim uncertainty they knew they would get by and adapt with their perfect little family full of lots of hope and happiness, knowing that with the love and strength between all of them that they could get through any dark obstacles that might be thrown at them in what will be a brave new world after the events tomorrow will bring.



Notes: Thanks for sticking with me on this journey in our favourite ladies lives!

user: pure_ecstasy6

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