Memories By Moonlight. Chapter 5

Oct 04, 2015 22:53

Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Mirandy <3
Rating: R18+ sexual themes :p
Beta: None. Me, myself and I. I apologise for any and all mistakes.
Summary: Andy and Miranda reminisce their favourite memories they've shared throughout the many years they've been together.
Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada character's aren't mine, I am simply borrowing them, and make no profit for this. Same as goes for the song by Lady Gaga, I am simply borrowing it, and mean no disrespect.
Special Thanks: dhautequest for the stunning banner! =D

Madison Square Garden, New York City. January 2007

Andy smiled politely to the waiter as Miranda gave him a very generous tip.

“Leave the bottle. We won't need your services again tonight.” Miranda softly spoke.

“Thank you, ma'am, I'll make sure you're not disturbed.”

Miranda nodded then turned back to where Andrea sat on the loveseat staring out at the darkened stage where the behind the scenes people were rushing about getting the next set of the stage ready for Lady Gaga who was sure to make another impressive outfit debut. The blonde woman never failed to impress and amuse the Runway editor.

Once the door was closed behind them Miranda locked it just to be on the safe side before wandering back to the loveseat and sat back down next to her brunette beauty who had just picked up their delivered bottle of champagne and beginning to uncork it.

“He probably thinks we're alcoholics.” Andy laughingly said about their third bottle.

Miranda's lips twitched into a small smile. “Well, I'm definitely not but I think you are a little.”

“Oi!” Andy said, giving Miranda a playful nudge.

“No, who cares what they think.” Miranda said, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against those gloriously soft lips. “I certainly don't.”

“You don't care if they talk and realise that we are in here as lovers...” Andy trailed off, looking into Miranda's eyes with concerned ones.

The Runway editor shook her head. “Let them talk.” She whispered. “They can't prove anything, and even if they did well it's nothing but the truth. I am very much invested in this incredibly romantic relationship.”

“So... You want to come out at some point?” Andy asked.

“Of course!” Miranda said with a roll of her eyes. “We can't hide this...” She waved a hand between them. “Forever. I'm sure we'll get plenty of backlash for quite a few reasons, but I know that Runway won't suffer - or well I would be surprised if it did - as we all know that the fashion world is full of LGBT people and my loyal followers will stick by my side no matter what.”

“You're very confident with yourself.”

Miranda smirked. “I'm always confident. You should know that by now.”

“It's very hot... You being so sure of yourself and the magazine.” Andy responded, beginning to kiss Miranda's neck.

“Mmm, you always know how to flatter me, darling.” Miranda said, leaning into her lovers lips.

The brunette placed the now forgotten bottle of champagne into the ice bucket again and moved so she was straddling Miranda's lap.

“Someone's very eager.” Miranda commented.

“Always...” Andy breathed into Miranda's ear before biting her lover’s earlobe. “For you.”

A quiet moan escaped Miranda's thin pink lips which were slightly parted. She felt a shot of arousal go through her to settle between her legs as a cascade of wetness began to form.

“And I mean, it would be a shame if we didn't take full advantage of this private booth...” Andy said, trailing off, chuckling into Miranda's ear as the older woman moaned some more. “Don't you think?” She asked, biting her lover’s earlobe once more.

“Yes.” Miranda breathed. “What a waste of opportunity that would be.”

“Good, I'm glad we both agree.” Andy replied moving her lips back to Miranda's mouth and kissing her firmly and heatedly as her hands ran through Miranda's iconic hair as she felt her lover’s hands begin to claw at her back just the way Andy enjoyed it. She breathed in deeply as they pulled away from the kiss for air and she grinned from ear to ear. “I can already smell you.”

Miranda's heart was racing as she swallowed hard.

“I love that...” Andy kissed Miranda again. “You're always so ready...” They kissed some more - the brunette nipping and teasing Miranda's bottom lip - “and wet for me.”

Miranda moaned again as she felt Andrea’s hands now palming her breasts. “You're the only one to be able to make me so worked up like this.”

Andy smiled, her heart fluttering knowing that her lover knew she was the one to genuinely want to please the Runway editor instead of just wanting her own desires sated which is how Eric and Stephen used to be. Bastards. They don't know what they're missing!

“You've ruined me for anyone else, Andrea Sachs, I hope you know that I won't be getting rid of you.” Miranda responded.

Andy pulled away and stared deep into Miranda's gorgeous blue eyes - eyes that she could easily get lost in forever - and cocked an eyebrow. “Never ever?”

“Never ever.” Miranda responded, pulling Andrea back in for another heart stopping kiss - kissing had never been high priority for her and was always mundane until now with her brunette beauty - and gasped and moaned along with Andrea.

The Runway editor froze when - a few seconds later - she realised that Andrea was moving off her lap and settling on her knees in front of her, her legs being slowly spread open. “What are you-“

“Just relax.” Andy murmured. “And make sure to breathe in and out.” She added with a chuckle seeing her lovers slightly laboured breathing.

“I haven't...” Miranda's voice cracked, and she cleared her throat. “This... What you're doing... For such a long time.”

Andy raised an eyebrow at those words and she knew Miranda wasn't kidding with such a serious and concerned expression on her face. “Good god! Those men are absolute dickheads!” She couldn't help but loudly say in an angry voice. “But I bet they made you perform oral on them?” She couldn't help but curiously ask.

“For a while I did to keep the peace but I never enjoyed it and because they didn't do anything for me I simply stopped... Sex was still very often, but again never nice.” Miranda responded.

“Let me guess... In and out within five minutes?” Andy questioned.

“Sometimes longer, but yes pretty much.” Miranda replied, sighing and lifting up her lower body to allow her lover better access at pulling down her skirt and underwear. She smiled when Andrea took extra care for said skirt as she laid it neatly over a nearby chair before turning back to her with full force and a fiercely seductive and hungry gleam in her eyes.

Andy stared up at her lover and could tell the older woman still wasn't relaxed. “If you don't want me to...” She trailed off.

“No.” Miranda said, shaking her head. “I want you to, but I... I don't want to, oh I don't know, disappoint you... I figure because my ex-husbands never went down there that it must be unattractive.”

Andy rolled her eyes at that. “They aren't meant to be attractive, Miranda.”

“Well,” Miranda cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing. “You know what I mean!” She snapped a little, hating that her nerves were getting the better of her.

Andy leaned forward, cupped Miranda's face, and stared into those gorgeous blues. “I would never judge or laugh at you, Miranda, please know this, and believe me when I say - and even though I'm still learning things about you - I know I will love every single inch of you… inside and out!”

Miranda shook her head. “You're a very strange woman, Andrea Sachs, but I am extremely grateful that you see something in me and want to be here, in my arms, for just me and only me... Not the money or the couture... I knew as soon as I met you that you were genuine... A keeper.”

“And I'm yours for the keeping.” Andy whispered, and then pushed Miranda's legs back upon where she was greeted by her lovers glistening pussy. Her mouth salivated instantly from the sight. She licked her lips as she looked back into her lover’s eyes. “Miranda Priestly, you carry far too much doubt and self-consciousness around on those shoulders.” She said, leaning up to kiss the older woman. “You're a beautiful woman inside and out and every day I am lucky to spend with you I will tell you these exact words from our waking moments to our good nights. You. Are. Beautiful.” And then with those words she lowered herself down again and got her first taste of her lover.

Miranda gasped at the first touch, the sensation sending butterflies straight to her stomach, and she bit her lip when Andrea moaned her pleasure telling the older woman that she liked what she was tasting and so she felt herself slowly beginning to relax and sag back into the love seat.

The brunette began twirling her tongue around Miranda's clit causing the older woman's thighs begin to quiver. She knew it wouldn't take Miranda long tonight and she moaned at the thought of tasting Miranda's climax right from the Runway editor’s pussy. “You taste so good.” She informed her lover. Sure she had tasted Miranda after their first time making love by licking her fingers however tasting her lover right from the source with direct tongue contact was even better than she could have possibly imagined. “This is my new favourite thing. I don’t want to stop.”

Arching her lower body into Andrea’s mouth the Runway editor was taken aback by those words. She never thought she would ever find a partner that would put her needs before their own - and even though they have only been sexual three other times she knew that this wasn’t just sex for the brunette beauty and that Andrea was extremely genuine with her feelings - and Miranda was over the moon and hoped these feelings of joy never went away.

However with Miranda’s track record she wasn’t getting her hopes up just yet.

Feeling herself getting closer and closer to the edge Miranda covered her mouth with her hand, stifling her cry. “Oh god! Yes, don’t stop!”

Andy chuckled into Miranda’s sex, continuing what she was doing. “That’s it… let go for me, beautiful.”

And with those words Miranda did and she climaxed from Andrea’s amazing tongue. She sagged back into the sofa and felt her brunette beauty kissing her on the inside of her thigh before moving away and positioning herself beside her again. “That was… breathtaking.”

Andy smiled that gorgeous million dollar smile.

“You’re breathtaking.” Miranda corrected her words, their eyes connecting, and seeing the fierce love Andrea had in her gorgeous pools of brown eyes that were slightly glazed from the alcohol consumed and desire.

They began kissing some more before Miranda’s right hand began venturing down Andrea’s body, paying close attention to those gorgeous breasts that fit perfectly in Miranda’s palms. “Exquisite.” She murmured.

“You flatter me too much.” Andy replied, moaning.

“Just being truthful.” Miranda responded, moving from Andrea’s mouth to her neck. “I can’t wait to make you lose control.” She said - Miranda having only made Andrea climax two of the times they’ve been sexual as the brunette beauty had always been far too focused on making the Dragon Lady lose control and not caring about her own needs - just as the intermission break that Lady Gaga had taken ended and they heard music starting and the crowd roaring with excitement. She couldn’t tell which song this was as Andrea leaned into her mouth which was teasing her neck getting lower and lower to her chest.

Soon Andrea’s loose fitting tee-shirt was whipped up and over her head, her bra following suit, and Miranda was gifted with the sight of such beauty. She shook her head, staring from those gorgeous breasts to Andrea’s eyes. “How did I become this lucky?!”

“I’ve been asking myself this same question.” Andy responded just as the Runway editor’s mouth was on her left breast as Lady Gaga began singing again.






“Oh, I know this song.” Miranda thought through her desire fuelled haze of being incredibly keen on bringing Andrea closer to the edge of climax, and began to nip at Andrea’s breasts causing Andrea to jolt unexpectedly.

A shot of arousal went through the brunette and she bit down on her lip, moaning.

“I love that lavender blonde.

The way she moves.

The way she walks.

I touch myself… can’t get enough.

And in the silent of the night

Through all the tears

And all the lies

I touch myself and it’s alright.”

Lady Gaga sang.

“I need you inside of me.” Andy practically begged.

It was Miranda’s turn to chuckle then. “Where are those manners?” she questioned, as she swirled her tongue around Andrea’s right breast.

“Oh god.” Andy moaned, pushing further into Miranda’s mouth. “God, please Miranda, I need you… I’m so wet.”

And with those words Miranda surprised herself and the brunette as she pulled away from brunette’s breasts and began lowering herself to the floor just like said brunette had done a few minutes ago. She had never been so nervous in her entire life. “Never have I ever gone down on a woman.” She said, and laughed when Andrea picked up her glass, holding it out for her.

“Dutch courage?” Andy questioned, smirking.

With flushing cheeks the Runway editor couldn’t help but accept the flute glass and swallowed down a good amount of the MOET.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Andy said.

“The Dragon Lady never allows her nerves to get the better of her… I’m not backing down.” Miranda responded, unable to believe she was so nervous and showing how much in front of her newfound lover. “You must think… god… I don’t even know what you must be thinking of me right now. Pathetic old woman.”

“Oh my god.” Andy replied, face palming her head, groaning. “Would you stop with all this self-doubt?!”

Miranda looked at Andrea sheepishly. “I can’t help it, darling, my ex-husbands really knew how to lower my self-esteem in my personal life.”

“They’re dickheads.” Andy instantly said, balling her fists at the thought of them. “They never deserved you, and I can’t wait for the day when I can show them just how much they’re missing out.”

“You’re far too kind, Andrea.”

“I’m being honest, and you’re far from old… you’re a beautiful 51 year old who at the end of the day is just at the start of the prime of her life!” Andy said.

“I’m not sure about that.” Miranda responded, rolling her eyes. “Maybe the prime time age to have a mid-life crisis.”

“This is far from a mid-life crisis and you know it.” Andy responded firmly. “This is real… this is… true love.” She whispered, her breath catching at those words. She still couldn’t wrap her head around how lucky she was to be able to call Miranda Priestly her true love. “I want to make you my wife someday. That’s how genuine I am for you.”

Miranda swallowed at Andrea’s words, staring into those gorgeous eyes, shaking her head wordlessly. “It would be an honour to call you my wife someday, Andrea Sachs.”

The brunette beamed at those words as their left hands grabbed for each other and fingers entwined. Soon she turned from staring into Miranda’s eyes to grab for her own flute glass and just as she had been about to swallow the liquid her lover shocked her by capturing her pussy with those glorious pink lips. “Oh my god!”

“Just give in
Don’t give up, baby
Open up your heart and your mind to me

Just know when
That glass is empty
That the world is gonna bend

Happy in the club with a bottle of red wine
Stars in our eyes cuz were having a good time”

As Miranda moved her tongue up and down, in and around, her lovers lady garden she had no idea why she had been so nervous in the first place. Doing this to Andrea, tasting her lover and feeling this intimate part of her lover with her tongue was absolutely heavenly and she now understood why so many women loved having this done to them. “I’m going to repeat your words and say that this is my new favourite thing to do.”

Andy began laughing heartily at those words, keening eagerly into her lover’s mouth. “Ohhhh…. yes, Miranda! I will never tire of feeling your tongue inside of me. Never!”

And with those words Miranda began pumping said tongue as far into Andrea that she could… driving Andrea crazier with ecstasy and closer to her first climax and hopefully not the last for the night.


An Hour Later. Outside Madison Square Garden.

As they stood on the side walk waiting patiently for the town car to arrive both women could still feel each other inside themselves. It was heavenly and neither women wanted these feeling to go away.

Standing that little bit closer to Miranda the brunette spoke softly, but loud enough so only the Runway editor could hear over the loudness of the people around them. “I want to taste you some more. What do you reckon… should we have Roy take the long way back to your place?”

Miranda swallowed hard at those words, her vagina tingling once more and ready for Andrea. “Yes.” She gasped out not at all surprised that Andrea was eager all over again to bring her to another orgasm. She never thought she would be getting eaten out in the back of her town car. She had been about to speak just as she heard a familiar cackling of laughter coming from behind them.

Narrowing her eyes she began turning around.

“What’s wrong?” Andy asked, sensing the change in Miranda’s body.

“I was hoping that I had heard wrong.” Miranda spoke.

Andy turned around also and instantly saw who her lover was speaking to. Cassidy, her lover’s youngest, was standing several steps away and holding hands with a long haired blonde girl.

“Oh, crap!” was Cassidy’s reply.


Coming out from the memory both women laughed some more.

“You were quite thirsty that night also.” Andy commented, remembering how magnificent that orgasm had been from Miranda’s talented tongue.

The Runway editor’s cheeks were still flushed as arousal flew through her to settle between her legs.

“I'm not just thirsty for beer tonight though.” Andy continued to speak. It had been over a week since she had gone down on her lover and she was dying to taste her once again.

Miranda had been about to speak but stopped when they heard Cassidy coming from behind as the beer bottles clinked in her hands.

Both older women were handed a beer each before Cassidy sat on the arm of the park bench chair next to Andy. “Where are we up to in the story?”

“Andrea and I are waiting out the front for the town car when I hear you laughing and holding hands with Louise. May she rest in peace.” Miranda responded, looking up to the heavens. Such a sweet girl she had been and lost her life from a drunken maniac thinking he could drive.

“May she rest in peace.” The others murmured before Cassidy nodded her head. “I remember seeing you turning around like it was yesterday.” She said and with those words her mind transported her back to that very night.


Three Hours Before Lady Gaga - A Few Blocks From Madison Square Garden.

Cassidy stopped walking upon seeing her mom with a very familiar face. “Moms assistant.” She whispered. “The one who got away but came back after Paris. Andrea is a very unique young woman… very special… she always saw me differently and so that’s why I allowed her back.” She heard her mom’s voice.

“Why are we stopped?” Louise asked.

“I think my mom’s on a date.” Cassidy said. “With a woman.”

“Your moms a lesbian?” Louise asked. “Wasn't she married to that head CEO for the Stone something company?”

“Stephen, yeah, the dickhead.” Cassidy responded, walking a little closer to where her mom and Andy were sitting inside a corner cafe by the window. She watched as her mom laughed and covered her eyes with a hand obviously Andy having said something flattering. “She's enjoying herself. Allowing her wall down.”

“That's really sweet, but can we get a move along? I want to buy as much merch as I can before the show starts!” Louise said, a little annoyed at having been delayed.

“Yeah, hold on.” Cassidy said, watching as her mom reached over and took Andy’s hand, their eyes connecting, both women smiling as if in their own little bubble. “Amazing.” She whispered. “Please be the one for her.”

“Cass!” Louise whined impatiently, tugging on her girlfriend’s hand.

“Alright, alright!” Cassidy responded, allowing Louise to pull her down the footpath. “But you do realise we have VIP passes so you won't miss out on anything!”


Later: Outside Madison Square Garden.

“This is even worse than when you hosted a party that got out of control!” Miranda said, shaking her head. “You come out here at night-time two girls on their own... Anything could have happened to you!”

“But nothing has... I'm perfectly fine.” Cassidy replied. “Louise’s older sister came with us.”

“That is beside the point.” Miranda shot back. “I mean, look at you! I don't even know this person!” She said taking in her daughters skimpy clothing, straightened strawberry hair, and face that was caked with make-up making her looking older than she was. “This isn't you!”

“But maybe it is... Maybe this is who I want to be... To be allowed to explore with make-up and new clothes and not forever dressing similar to Caroline and with the ugly curly hair all the time.” Cassidy said.

“I thought you liked your hair.” Miranda said, frowning.

“Not anymore. It's annoying me, and I prefer it like this.” Cassidy replied. “I might be only fifteen, but I'm growing up mom and I'm sick of always identifying like someone I'm not. Surely you can understand this?!”

Miranda slowly nodded as she rubbed her eyes. “Yes.” She said, sighing. “I do understand. I suppose I just... I'm not ready to let my little girl go yet.” She added and felt comfort from Andrea who placed a supportive hand on the small of her back. “I think it's great that you want to explore and find who you are and be different from your sister, but this is no way to do that! I am very disappointed, Cassidy, I thought you knew better than to sneak out behind Cara's back... Just imagine how horrified she would be if she realised you weren't in the house?”

“I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to come here with Louise, but I knew you wouldn't let me because I'm already grounded.” Cassidy said.

“Well you're going to be grounded for a lot longer now.” Miranda replied. “But you know had you come to me and asked for permission I may have allowed it as I know something like this doesn't come by every day.”

Cassidy bit the inside of her lip, kicking herself. “I'm really sorry, mom. Is there anything I can do to get you to forgive me?”

Miranda sighed and shook her head. “I'm too disappointed at the moment to think of anything, but I already have your punishment.”

“Oh, no, really?” Cassidy asked, whining.

“Yes. Roy will drop you at Runway tomorrow afternoon once school finishes and you'll clean up the closet as there was a frenzy of panic today and it's a complete bombshell.” Miranda replied. “And you will come back again the next day and do something else I can come up with. You will also take over a few cleaning duties at home.”

Cassidy sighed in annoyance. “Fine.”

“Do your parents know you're here?” Miranda questioned Louise.

“Yes, Mrs. Priestly.”

The girl replied and Miranda nodded. “Good. At least that's one of you.” She said, pointedly looking at her daughter. She couldn't believe Cassidy had done this. She had never rebelled like this before. “Do you need a lift home?”

“Ah, yes, my sister went off with her boyfriend once the show finished.” Louise replied. “My house will be too far out of your way though.”

Miranda waved those words away. “As long as you get home safely it doesn’t matter.” She replied just as the silver Mercedes pulled to the curb. “Finally.” She muttered as Roy - who she had appointed as her night-time driver - clambered out of the car.

“So sorry I'm late, Miranda, there was a terrible accident two blocks away.”

“You're here now.” Miranda replied with a sigh. “You two, inside.” She said looking to her daughter and Louise who quickly got into the car in world record speed. She then turned to Andrea with guilty eyes.

“I should probably go...” Andy trailed off.

“Oh no, please don't. You really don't have to.” Miranda replied, quickly taking the brunette's hand and squeezing. “We could have a night cap?”

“And rein check on the other thing.” Andy whispered, winking at Miranda.

“Darling, I didn't forget.” Miranda murmured, her cheeks flushing. “And I won’t.”

Andy softly laughed. “Good to know. That will be happening tomorrow night then.”

“Oh goodness.” Miranda whispered, her heart racing as another shot of arousal went through her. “You make me feel all these things that I haven’t felt in such a long time.” She said, her voice quivering as well as her legs.

Andy grinned. “As for tonight… well, who knows what else the night could bring.”

Miranda licked the lips, her vagina tingling. “So, will you come back to the house?”

“I would love to.” Andy murmured, and as she moved passed her lover her hand brushed against the Runway editor’s ass.

Miranda gasped at the unexpected sensation as Andrea opened the door to the back of the car.

“After you.” Andy said.

Cassidy had observed the whole conversation and she could instantly tell how invested her mom was with whatever was going on between her and her assistant. “Please don't hurt my mom.” She thought, watching as the brunette opened the car door for her mom before getting in the front with Roy. .


“I really should have listened to Caroline that night who told me I'd regret sneaking out.” Cassidy said as her mother’s turned to look at her from where she had moved from sitting on the arm of the chair to one of the large garden rocks opposite her mothers. Sipping her beer then she shook her head.

“Mmm, yes... You should have.” Miranda responded, also sipping her beer. “But you learned from your mistake, and you also came into your own person and I am so very proud of the stunning woman you've become... Cassidy Priestly... Highly sought after CDC doctor.”

Cassidy beamed at those words. She knew her mother was proud and happy for her for everything she had been able to achieve, but it was always nice hearing it.

Andy was also smiling. “I'm very happy for you also, kid, you've come a long way to the person you want to be, and I love being able to continue watching you grow and strive in your career.”

“Oh shush!” Cassidy said, covering her face.

“Seriously, it's extremely impressive!” Andy continued.

“Andrea’s correct, sweetheart.” Miranda chimed in, her lover smiling at her, her eyes twinkling.

“Another favourite memory of mine is when we get the excellent idea of recreating our birthday party food fight at yearly celebration of Runway once it all died down and not many people were there.“

Andy began laughing.. “Yes! That was bloody brilliant. Wasn't it Emily of all people who started it?!”

“Yeah because Serena mentioned something about our food fight at our party and then this gleam in Emily's eyes overcame her and she advanced on Nigel and whack bam got him in the face with cream pie.”

“Revenge for covering her in cake and cream at your party.” Andy commented.

“She totally owned it though!” Cassidy said laughingly. “Her head held high, that stiff upper lip not once failing her.”

“Yes, oh man, got to love Em.” Andy said, wishing her best friend were here tonight. “She's really enjoying Brazil. I was telling your mom earlier that we should take a trip and surprise them, isn't that right?” She asked, turning to her lover who was staring out at the darkened paddock.

It then dawned on Andy and Cassidy where Miranda had gone.

“Oh mom, I'm so sorry.” Cassidy said, staring at her mom.

“The only thing I remember about that night is that I nearly lost my wife.” Miranda softly said, her voice cracking, as she turned to Andrea. “One minute you're laughing like a crazy person next to me covered in cake and cream and then you leave to use the bathroom, but you never returned... I didn't know where you were... Until I heard that god awful screaming coming from the stairwell.”

“Jocelyn found me.” Andy whispered.

Miranda slowly nodded. “Yes. Your life was touch and go for days... I thought I had lost you for good.” She said, tears welling in her eyes like they always did when thinking of this time in their life together and she thought back to that horrifying night like she always did when this night was brought up.


Notes: Okay, so I know that there is one glaringly obvious and that is that Lady Gaga didn't do her Monster Ball Tour until like 2011, but well this is fanfic... it's all made up and so I'm sure this little fact you guys can let slide.
Also, I'm not sure if Madison Square Garden has private booths.
I also hope that Lady Gaga doesn't mind me borrowing her song... I mean no disrespect! :p

user: pure_ecstasy6

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