Oh, yes. It's time for that predictable sort of post that surfaces right about this time of year... The infodump.
The Puppy!
Introducing... Zack Fair!
Or: iBook Is Addicted to Final Fantasy VII. Yes. We know.
The Basics: Standing 6'3", with spiked black hair and a pair of eyes so blue that they border on luminescent, it is possible that Zack's most prominent feature still manages to be his grin. It's hard to find him not smiling, and it looks pretty good on him. His wardrobe consists almost exclusively of his SOLDIER fatigues- a sleeveless black wool turtleneck, matching black pants, army boots, two belts, and assorted bits of armor in true Square-Enix character design fashion. He takes great pride in his ShinRa-issue uniform, and the only time in canon that he isn't seen wearing it, he's... wearing swim trunks at the beach and using a beach umbrella in the place of a sword against a swarm of mutant sea worms. Oh, canon.
Zack loves to laugh, loves to live, loves to move, and loves to love. He tries to consider himself a ladies' man, but he ends up being giggled at and shut down far more than he ever ends up with a girl... Though it's arguable that he's sleeping with half the other characters in the game anyhow. He just likes being around people! And if the people he's hanging around are lovely ladies, then all the better. His slightly more dorky antics around them probably won't snap him up a girlfriend right away, but he's fine with that.
Zack's mentor once described Zack in a letter: "Zero concentration, restless like a little puppy." This is very much the case, and 'Zack the Puppy' is a nickname that gets poked at him a few more times through the course of the game. Zack loves adventure, action, and getting himself into trouble, and he's usually too proud to admit when he can't handle a situation... Something he usually doesn't realize until he's already neck deep in it.
If he's known someone for ten minutes, chances are he considers them a friend, and he'll do anything in his power to ensure their happiness and safety. He's fiercely loyal to those he cares for and to ShinRa, and he has faith in everyone. This means that he'll forgive anyone seeking forgiveness, and he'll be terribly let-down when someone he considered a friend or somebody he's looked up to as a hero does something very terribly wrong.
But he'll still love them. He's a woobie.
What Can He Do: First off, Zack is a member of The ShinRa Electric Power Company's SOLDIER program, which means he's had extensive training in combat skills, he's quite proficient with a sword, and he's also been genetically modified with a combination of Mako radiation and Jenova cells to become his world's equivalent of a super soldier. This treatment means that he's faster, more agile, stronger, and more resilient than any typical human could hope to become, to a somewhat extreme degree. (No, really. I will not spoil the ending of his canon just yet, but let's just say he can take one hell of a beating before he hits game over.)
Materia is an interesting item that Zack is capable of making use of- While he isn't capable of using magic without it, if he has these shiny little marbles inserted into sockets in his armor and weapons he can cast whatever spell happens to be equipped. This stuff is plentiful and easy to get on Gaia, and pretty much gets passed around like bubblegum, and serves purposes for everything from enhancing physical attacks to protection spells to healing to elemental attacks to summoning creatures to fight for him. I'll use it sparingly in Fandom, mind you, because he's already superhuman. He doesn't really need more than what he's already got in order to get him by.
More Stuff: Zack is currently sitting about halfway through Crisis Core canon. After the events in Modeoheim, and before the events at Costa del Sol. His world is not Earth, and while he's from the same planet as Reno, Elena, Rosalind, and Cloud, he's from a completely different timeline- nearly ten years before the point in canon that Reno is currently sitting at.
Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core Links:
http://www.crisiscore.com/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_Core_-Final_Fantasy_VII-http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Zack_Fair Oooooo. Aaaaaaaaaah.
The Mun!
* Probably has a type. If so, it is apparently "Male." Or, better yet, "Male and tortured and in denial about it la la la la la denial is pretty!"
* Lives on the East coast of Canada! In that magical time zone that America doesn't actually have. Which means I go to bed about an hour or so before a large chunk of the game does, and possibly before some people on the West coast even get home from work.
* And so slowplay is love, always.
* Can be reached on AIM at raspberryturk or soldierhonour, with that 'U' in there because I am Canadian, dangit. *Hugs a moose.*
* Does not say it like "Aboot" or "Aboat." Just saying.
* Does, however, say "Eh." Often.
* Loves meeting people! If you ever want to thread or plot, ping me. I don't bite. :)