5th moon (action)

Sep 27, 2010 21:19

[Are you currently travelling on route 30? If you are, maybe you have seen a white-haired man in his thirties following the road, accompanied by a Cleffa and a Shuppet. Or perhaps you've seen the three of them searching for something through a patch of grass. Looking behind every single tree the route contains. Staring at the pond with unconcealed ( Read more... )

panicking deep inside, dammit squall where are you, probably looking stupid, parental instincts=still there

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[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 01:30:01 UTC
[Aerith will be heading down the route, too. Her Chansey will be following behind while her own Shuppet will be floating around trying to figure out a way to pull her top off. Luckily the noise of ruffling grass will catch it's attention. Heartless, the Shuppet, will fly towards the noise until it bumps into one of it's own kind.]


[Watch the ghost pokemon grin evily and float around the other Shuppet while ignoring the other pokemon and trainer. Especially when the trainer wasn't a lady like his own trainer is.]

Shu shuppet shu?

[What are you two doing?]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 16:39:24 UTC
True. I was surprised to meet one, too. Especially when they look so much like the creatures we've been fighting against for years back home. Luckily pokemon aren't the types to steal other people's hearts.

[She is very relieved about it.]

Hopefully your Shuppet won't cause you too much trouble. Was he the only pokemon who was attacking you during the event?

Chansey chan sey chanchan sey chansey seysey. Sey chan chansey chan, sey chan chansey. Chansey chansey chan sey chan Chansey chansey, chan sey chansey seychan chansey.

[My trainer felt guilty about changing my name when we first met. She didn't want to treat me as a pet, so she decided against it. I was her only pokemon until Heartless came to the picture, but I think she might offer him as a trade in the future.]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 16:50:33 UTC
A kind of monster that steals hearts? Funny, in my experience monsters are not so picky as to decide to only eat one of your organs.

He was, but by doing so he somewhat helped me, so I suppose I have not been as strict with him as I should be. He keeps cackling and playing pranks now.

Cleffafa clef fafafa, cleffa clefclef cleffa? Fafafa cleffcleffa fafa...

["But if she refused to name you, why did she name the other one? Though trading it away is a very good idea..."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 17:12:43 UTC
The Heartless don't eat the hearts captured. They take it because of their nature to destroy anything that has light. Where I come from, hearts are very important and if a Heartless takes it, then you will die while your body turns to another being of darkness.

Hm? [She looks surprised by his words.] Well, I'm glad he didn't hurt you too much because I know someone who was really affected by their ilusions. [She looks upset at the thought.] I won't be able to forgive Heartless if anything else happens to him. Both he and his pokemon do not deserve to suffer.

Sey chansey chan sey chansey. Sey chan seychan chansey chan sey chans. *nods* Chansey. Chansey seychan chan.

[The other one hurt her friends. She named him because of how upset she was when he was caught. *nods* I agree. I can't wait to get rid of him.]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 17:23:57 UTC
A monster that creates more monsters out of you... Such a beast must truly be terrifying.

Oh, he certainly hurt me a lot. He made me say terrifying things, to people who did not deserve it. But in doing so, he forced to face myself and to fight back, instead of running away. I'd been... running away too much, these last few weeks.

Some people were terribly affected. One of my friends was caught so deeply in these illusions that he took us for enemies and attacked. It took a lot of work to bring him back to the light. I can only hope your friend feels better now.

Fafa fafa cleffa fa fa. Cleffafa clef cleffa fa clef. Clef cleffa cleffafa clef, cleffafafa clefclef fafafa cleffa.

["Heartless isn't a very nice name anyway. I wouldn't want to not have a heart. I'd convince my trainer to get rid of Avenger, but then I wouldn't get to yell at him when he's being mean."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 17:34:25 UTC
[She nods her head.] A very dangerous monster to fight especially if you don't know how to destroy it quickly before it multiplies.

[This conversation is starting to sound familiar.]

Do you have problems controlling your darkness?

That's terrible! [She'll cover her lips shocked.] It's a good thing he had a friend like you to help him! [She smiles and nods her head.] Thank you. I hope he's okay, too. He's kinda missing now...

[The Chansey will laugh softly.]

Chansey seychan chan sey chan chansey~

[Sounds to me like you're treating Avenger like a sibling~]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 17:58:33 UTC
Is it possible to destroy them completely, or can you merely keep them at bay as long as you can?

I didn't, before. I even once knew how to use both my light and my darkness in harmony. But before I came here, I was... I guess I was ripped apart. My mind was taken over, and a part of me was removed, leaving me a shell of myself. That could be why it managed to take over this time.

Missing? [Oh dear. That sounds very familiar.] My friend is also missing. Did yours also leave his Pokégear and his Pokémon behind, to make sure we couldn't find him?

Clef. Fafafa cleffa fa clef, cleffafa cleffa fa. Clefcleffa. Cleffafafa, fafa.

["Humph. I'm not his older sister, I'm his babysitter. His parole officer. His keeper, really."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 18:18:19 UTC
[She nods her head.] That's right. Only one weapon is capable of destroying the Heartless for good -- the Keyblade.

[She listens to his words closely.] I see. It sounds like it was tought battle. Someone who is able to keep their light and darkness balanced is a very strong-willed person. Not many people are able to do that. [She smiles.] Thankfully you're doing better, right?

[Okay! You got her attention.] Y-Yeah. That's right! He left a Cyndaquil and Gyradoes at his inn room. I was heading to Cherrygrove City to get them. [But wait...] Wait! Are you searching for him too?

Chansey chan sey chan chansey sey. Chansey chansey chan sey chan chansey chan chansey chan.

[At least you can have that type of relationship with Avenger. I can't be anything to that pokemon because he keeps attacking me whenever I get close. He is really strange.]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 18:37:54 UTC
The Keyblade? A blade shaped like a key? Or a key with a blade at the end?

I have many friends. It took some efforts, but they managed to free me. [He smiles.] I found that trying to reject one or the other isn't always the best idea. So I decided to use both.

[...Goddammit Squall.] ....My, Squall certainly makes a lot of people worry about him, doesn't he? Firion fed Cyndaquil and Gyarados, so at least we won't find them starving in his room. And he didn't see Drifloon and Duskull, so we know Squall isn't completely alone. But I've been looking all over the road, and I've seen no trace of him.

Cleffafa? Clefclef fafafa clef cleffa cleffafafa clef fafa cleffa...

["He attacks you? I'm not sure your trainer will manage to trade him if he's got that kind of personality..."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 18:53:09 UTC
A blade shaped like a key.

[She returns the smile.] Sounds like a good plan especially when you can't escape one from the other. Being able to use both abilities is incredible.

Apparently so! I can't wait to finally see him because he deserves to be lectured for this! [There might be some slapping from her side during the lecture for being an idiot.] Good. I'll have to thank him for feeding Cyndaquil and Gyradoes. Oh and you too! For being a good friend and taking the time to search for him. I was...really worried he might be alone in Johto. [She giggles a bit.] Maybe I shouldn't have jump into conclusions~

[Now about the search...] Where have you looked so far? Also, did you happen to read the note he left behind?

Chansey chan sey chansey chan. Sey chansey chan chansey seychan chan sey chan.

[My trainer is going to train him into shape before sending him off. But she hasn't been able to do much because she's extremely worried over a friend of hers that went missing.]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 19:09:31 UTC
Sounds like an interesting weapon. Can you wield it?

Once you're done lecturing him, do send him over. Young people who acts foolishly should be grounded. [Cecil approves of the possible slapping.] The two of us met during an important conflict, along with three others in Johto. After the conflict ended, the four of them arrived here, while I was sent back to my world for seventeen years. So I suppose I feel responsible for him, now that I'm the oldest in the group.

I went a bit further than the fork in the road, but I wasn't sure where the pathways led, so I decided to look around more carefully. And I haven't seen it directly, But Firion said that it didn't mention a destination or a lenght of absence. It's a bit worrying, to be honest.

Cleffafa. Fa clef? Fafafa cleffa clef clef fafa?

["Good luck to her. Missing? Is there an epidemic of missing or something?"]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 21:36:24 UTC
No, I can't weild one. Only a chosen person is able to use the Keyblade. You see, the keyblade chooses it's master instead of you choosing the weapon.

[She starts to laugh softly.] Will do! I'll be sure to send him over, dad~

Oh! It sounds like a really complicated story. This world...really is odd. [She'll tilt her head curiously.] What kind of conlict were you all stuck in? If you don't me asking.

Hmmmm, I see. [She crosses her arms and starts to think.] Where could Squall be hiding? It's been a few days since he ran off...I hope he's on this route. [She looks at Cecil with determination.] I want to help you search for him! He made me a promise. I'm going to make sure he keeps it!


[Thank you!]

[Have a very surprised and confused Chansey.]

Sey? Chan sey chansey?

[Huh? What do you mean?]


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 22:23:40 UTC
So they posses some form of awareness?

[He laughs back.] Had my son decided to commit such an act, he would have had to clean the castle's barracks for a month. Squall is getting off easy, really.

It was a fight between Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, and Chaos, the god of discord. They were fighting over remnants of different worlds, to either rebuild or destroy them. The five of us were on Cosmos' side.

I appreciate the help. [He nods.] He has the advantage of a few days, but I doubt he managed to reach Violet. I also do not believe he returned to New Bark Town. So we should be able to find him, unless he hides himself in a cave for weeks.

Cleffafa cleffa clef clef.

["My partner's friend went missing too."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 28 2010, 22:38:24 UTC
I believe so. There is very little information about the Keyblade, so we don't know much about it except the basics. Where it came from? Or even how? It's not known.

Oh! I hope you don't tell your son about Squall then. Last thing we need is your son getting jealous of him. [She smiles happily.] Not sure what Squall will say if he only knew.

Cosmos? Goddess of...oh! Is Warrior of Light one of the people who fought alongside you and Squall? I remember he told me something about that... [She's trying to remember.] He was mostly talking about Cosmos. [She continues to look at him curiously.] I bet you guys won the fight against Chaos. Right?

Yeah. It would be weird of Squall going backwards. He was surprised when I told him I was heading to Cherrgrove City from Violet. [And when Cecil mentioned a cave, that will ping her the most.] Actually...Cecil, you might be right! I told Squall a few days ago about the Dark Cave on Route 31. I wanted to explore the cave and invited him to come with me! He promised he would. [She turns towards the ( ... )


[Action] puppet_paladin September 28 2010, 23:34:59 UTC
Such a lack of information is strange. Was it perhaps erased from records?

He'll probably complain against old comrades sticking their noses where they shouldn't. He doesn't seem the type to accept a grounding easily.

He is indeed. He was somewhat our leader back then, and he was the most devoted to Cosmos. I'm not surprised he mentioned her. [He takes on a faraway look.] We did, and yet somtimes, I think I remember... [He doesn't finish his sentence because Duodecim isn't out yet.]

The Dark Cave? Such a friendly name. They must get a lot of tourists. [Says the guy who lives near a place called the Devil's Road.] But Squall keeps his promises. If he decided to go there, why didn't he ask you to meet him?

["I don't know. But his Cyndaquil was in tears! I felt so bad for him."]


[Action] radiantxsmile September 29 2010, 14:44:38 UTC
I can't really say. The only reports that talk about the Heartless, Heart, Keyblades, and Princess of Hearts are the Ansem's Reports. And even that has very little information to go by. We only what we know from the reports and Sora.

Hmm. [She'll think about his words and somehow shake her head.] I've only met Squall recently, but...something tells me he won't really get mad. Squall doesn't seem like the type to express himself freely. It's almost like...he keeps his feelings to himself. It's true he's blunt, but...he usually keeps his real thoughts to himself. He reminds me of a friend back home who's like that.

[She'll stay quiet and listen to him talk about the conflict a bit.] But you still won. That is what really matters, isn't it?

[She'll be giving him a nervous smile.] Maybe, but I hear the tourists get lost rather easily in there. [At the question, somehow it kinda hurt her a bit which was kinda odd to feel. She looked down sadly trying to find a reason too.] I don't know. Maybe...that promise didn't count for him... [Or ( ... )


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