En't nothin' gonna drag my ass t'Celo anytime soon in this fuckin' decade.
Tha' old bitch next door finally decided t'have th' guts an' call in th' clowns, trashin' th' entire place an' makin' it unaccesible until five days after they discovered it, leavin' it alone fer awhile.
Hack With Care. )
...I'm gonna kill the bitch. Did they trash everything? Hell, are you ok?
Glad you're back though...missed you. Sucks to be sleepin' alone.
[OOC: We're going to assume Anko's going to be nice and not hack lol]
I know you will and I appreciate it more then you'll know. I'm just sorry that I'm putting you in the position to deal with 'kurou if it goes down like I have a feeling it will. I may need to borrow your couch when I get back though...if my stuff is thrown out on the curbside I can't say that I'd be surprised. Contrary to popular belief I don't like upsetting him, or you for that matter. But I'll be damned if I sit off to the side like the good docile child pretending everythings alright when it's not.
You have my word on if I think at any time I'm in over my head or if something doesn't seem right I'm out of there. I'm taking my cell so that you can get up with me if need be and I can let you know I'm ok in return.
[ P R I V A T E ]
Look, if he kicks you out, that'll be the least of my worries. He won't, because if he so much as halfway thinks about it I'll make him wish he'd never been born. I want you to get back in one piece. Get in there, get it done, don't give me details because I don't abdicate hurting people as vengeance for them hurting people, sounds kind of double-edged if you ask me and get the hell back here. That's all I want from you. That's it. Anything happens to the contrary, I'm going to have my cellphone clutched between both my hands which probably means I'm going to need to work on growing another set of arms pretty soon here and I want you to call me. No ( ... )
That's the plan. I don't particularly like hanging out in Ceno so as soon as I get in find what I need, find who I need, I'm out and on my way home. I promise. I'll spend more time traveling then I will anything else.
Provided he doesn't try storming the castle you guys shouldn't have any issues Arma-wise here. It's my place, there've been no public ties between him and I so unless he does something stupid you two should be ok. I'm supposed to be here after all, so theres no reason for them to come looking for me. I make damned sure that I'm the model citizen so I don't have to worry and that'll make it easy for you guys to hang tight ( ... )
I don't know how many languages in which I can tell you to be careful. Probably not too many. Just know that if I could, I would. Because I'm worried. Really worried. And I'm serious, I have no idea what I'll do if you get hurt. Just, please. Please. For me, do anything you can to ward off whatever sort of injury you could possibly get, and don't take chances, and don't do anything stupid.
...and, uh, I know Rin would say this if she were here: that includes a face mask for...whatever's going around. It's really nasty stuff. Be really careful you don't get it on top of everything else. I don't want you in that damn clinic for any reason, do you understand ( ... )
You're going to give yourself an ulcer Naruto. Stop it, please. I can't make you stop worrying because no matter what I say you're not going to believe me until I get back anyway, but just calm down a little, please? I'm not going to say I may not come back with a few bruises here or there but I doubt anything more than that. I do think before I act, much as most people seem to think I don't, and I'll come back same as I left. Promise.
Rin would actually be easier to deal with at the moment I'm thinkin'. There's just some things you guys can't understand that she would. My gear has a micro-bacterial filter built in but I've got a regular one just in case. No worries sweetie.
[Private]I... ( ... )
Migh' not like th' brat as much as you do, but he's makin' sense. More like puttin' in words wha' I wanna tell you, 'cept I'd rather say it face t'face.
I don't wanna figh' with you on this either. Trus' me. Spendin' a good amoun' of my time away in a life-death situation en't pretty an' you think th' firs' thing I'd do when I actually get some contact wit' you is t'fuck it up?
Fuckin' hell, Anko. You 'ave no idea how good it is t'actually know tha' I'm actually talkin' t'you. Tha' you're actually replyin' t'me an' not jus' me hallucinatin' in tha' godforsaken cell. Don't do somethin' stupid tha' would make me regret actually livin' an' comin' back t'you.
If you won't listen t'me, at least listen t'Blondie.
They hurt you dammit!
While that was happening I was sitting here cheerily waiting for you to come home. I didn't have a fuckin' clue!
I couldn't do anything at the time but dammit I can make sure that the ones who laid a hand on you won't have the chance to do it to anyone again.
Yeah so you kill these bastards. There's still gonna be more of 'em, it en't gonna stop. I'm not underestimatin' you, but you can't take out th' entire government yourself, Anko.
Don't fuckin' do it.
Finding out those specific few will not be nearly as difficult as you seem to think it is. Get in, get out with them none the wiser and be home with you for you to bitch at me properly until your heart is content. Hell, if you weren't sick I'd bring you along so you could get your hits in, but you are so I'm handling this.
Fuck. I should have just gone on ahead and not even opened my fuckin' mouth.
I don't wan' any fuckin' hits, I jus' wan' you stayin' 'ere, with me. Is tha' so fuckin' 'ard t'understand?
[ooc; Kank's being a really tight/stubborn ass over this so there'll be no stopping anytime soon, just a fair warning XD; But you have my permission to allow Anko to knock him out stone-cold if need be to do her thing.]
It's not because dammit I want the same fuckin' thing but I'm not letting them fuckers get away with what they've done!
[OOC: XD S'all good lol She's being just as stubborn so no worries! Haven't quite decided which way she's going to end up because she wants to stop arguing and just let it go since Kank's right about if she had asked he wouldn't go and she doesn't like not like doing the same but now it's turned into an issue of pride on top of making them pay. And likewise~ I think it'll just come down to the matter of who would do it first, Kank's got the bonus of his potions and whatnot, Anko's just got brute strength and at this point I think Naruto'll just end up siding with whoever's still standing at the end of it XD]
Listen, 'bout this revenge bit, I'm flattered, I really am. But you gotta choose, baby. Y'can't 'ave those asses dead an' then come home unscathed without any worries an' expect me t'be a happy camper 'bout tha'.
Things don't work tha' way, so you better choose an' think this through.
If I wanted to flatter you dammit I'd buy you flowers.
Well someone sure as hell is going to have to choose something. Because with you digging your heels in about this, I'm only seeing two viable resolutions here. I'm either telling you straight out that I'm going or I'm coming home to pretend that everything is fine and fuckin' dandy and the moment you're least expecting it I'll be off anyway and just not say anything. Granted there is the third unviable option of me sitting home and pretending that nothing happened.
Either way someone ends up pissed off and miserable.
I am already pissed-off, miserable, fuckin' exhaust'd an' feelin' fucked up everyday. Sometimes I'm hallucinatin' I'm back in Armaland again wit' my friendly cellmates.
If you're doin' this for me, I don't need it. Never was one for revenge. But then if you're doin' it for your own piece of min', then tha's a different story.
Which one is it, Anko.
Normally I'd be glad that I'm spreading my misery then but dammit Kankurou. Rather then continuing to snipe at me would you please go lay down for a few minutes? I'm on my way home, I shouldn't be too much longer. You keep talking about hallucinating that's not normal dammit! and you're worrying the hell out of me. The rest of it can all wait until after I've had time to check you over and everything. I swear to God if you think you're going to stop me from doing that much I'll break your fuckin' nose.
As for my reasonings...what the hell does it matter? Whether for you or me it's all one and the same in my mind.
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