Вселяющий страх террор против диссидентов - лишь одна из скреп "общества страха". Другой важной скрепой служит вранье государственной пропаганды.
Механизм действия подобного вранья описывается в социальной психологии концепцией "need for cognitive closure" - когда напускается туман и невозможно понять, где правда, а где ложь, это порождает страх и готовность цепляться за первое примитивные объяснение и за "своих" в дихотомии свои-чужие.
According to Kruglanski et al., need for closure exerts its effects via two general tendencies: the urgency tendency (the inclination to attain closure as quickly as possible) and the permanence tendency (the tendency to maintain it for as long as possible). Together, these tendencies may produce the inclinations to seize and then freeze on early judgmental cues, reducing the extent of information processing and hypothesis generation and introducing biases in thinking.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(psychology... )
Ещё один способ переключить мозг в состояние страха - нехватка ресурсов.
Прослеживается у родственных приматов:
Scarcity has its usual malign effects. Why is the bonobos’ environment more benign than that of the chimps? Bonobos, chimps, and gorillas eat much the same foods: fruit, herbs, buds, leaves. But gorillas are more sensitive to dry spells, during which they move into the mountains, where there is greenery. In normal periods, they compete for food with chimps. There are no mountains south of the Congo River, so no gorillas live there, and bonobos have the food supply all to themselves. “Bonobos have evolved in a forest that is kindlier in its food supply, and that allows them to be kindly, too,” Wrangham and Peterson write. https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/did-capital-punishment-create-morality
Поэтому извечный советский дефицит также играл роль скрепы.
"Из более недавней истории можно вспомнить, как стыд Афганской войны преломился на Первом съезде народных депутатов СССР в травлю Андрея Сахарова." Ну, Сахарова коммунистическому большинству было очень много за что травить, не только за критику Афганистана.
Сахаров подвергся репрессиям (лишениям всех правительственных наград и ссылке в Горький) за критику Афганской войны. Поводом для коллективной травли на съезде тоже был Афганистан.
На девятый день работы съезда в зале появились листовки, в них сообщалось, что Сахаров в интервью канадской газете заявил: "Во время афганской войны с советских вертолетов расстреливали попавших в окружение своих же солдат, чтобы те не могли сдаться в плен
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В 2020 Трамп выиграл Северную Каролину с перевесом в 1%. Старожилам он напоминал Джессе Хелмса, лидера “New Right”:
There are differences between Helms and Trump. Still, there are enough similarities in style and message for conservative North Carolinians to view Trump as the flag-waving heir to Helms. “I told a lot of people early on how much Trump reminds me of Helms,” Republican U.S. Rep. David Rouzer of Wilmington, who worked for Helms, told me. “Helms was a conservative populist and that’s basically what Trump is.” Rouzer said Helms and Trump had “a killer instinct” and were “very, very similar in their capacity” to stir their supporters. “Helms would have appreciated Trump fighting day in and day out for the principles that make this country great
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According to the historian David S. Cecelski, presenting Waddell as a righteous campaigner for “sobriety and peace” was standard in Wilmington until the 1990s. “I grew up in a small town in eastern North Carolina 90 miles from Wilmington,” Cecelski says. “I had a book in my middle-school classroom that listed the 12 greatest North Carolinians ever. It included the Wright brothers, Virginia Dare, and then it included three of the people who were the leaders of the white supremacy campaign
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Comments 18
Механизм действия подобного вранья описывается в социальной психологии концепцией "need for cognitive closure" - когда напускается туман и невозможно понять, где правда, а где ложь, это порождает страх и готовность цепляться за первое примитивные объяснение и за "своих" в дихотомии свои-чужие.
According to Kruglanski et al., need for closure exerts its effects via two general tendencies: the urgency tendency (the inclination to attain closure as quickly as possible) and the permanence tendency (the tendency to maintain it for as long as possible). Together, these tendencies may produce the inclinations to seize and then freeze on early judgmental cues, reducing the extent of information processing and hypothesis generation and introducing biases in thinking.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(psychology... )
Прослеживается у родственных приматов:
Scarcity has its usual malign effects. Why is the bonobos’ environment more benign than that of the chimps? Bonobos, chimps, and gorillas eat much the same foods: fruit, herbs, buds, leaves. But gorillas are more sensitive to dry spells, during which they move into the mountains, where there is greenery. In normal periods, they compete for food with chimps. There are no mountains south of the Congo River, so no gorillas live there, and bonobos have the food supply all to themselves. “Bonobos have evolved in a forest that is kindlier in its food supply, and that allows them to be kindly, too,” Wrangham and Peterson write.
Поэтому извечный советский дефицит также играл роль скрепы.
Америка 1970ых была шокирована нефтяным ( ... )
Ну, Сахарова коммунистическому большинству было очень много за что травить, не только за критику Афганистана.
На девятый день работы съезда в зале появились листовки, в них сообщалось, что Сахаров в интервью канадской газете заявил: "Во время афганской войны с советских вертолетов расстреливали попавших в окружение своих же солдат, чтобы те не могли сдаться в плен ( ... )
There are differences between Helms and Trump. Still, there are enough similarities in style and message for conservative North Carolinians to view Trump as the flag-waving heir to Helms. “I told a lot of people early on how much Trump reminds me of Helms,” Republican U.S. Rep. David Rouzer of Wilmington, who worked for Helms, told me. “Helms was a conservative populist and that’s basically what Trump is.” Rouzer said Helms and Trump had “a killer instinct” and were “very, very similar in their capacity” to stir their supporters. “Helms would have appreciated Trump fighting day in and day out for the principles that make this country great ( ... )
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