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Comments 23

tijd September 11 2020, 12:44:32 UTC
Превращение “critical race theory” в страшилку произошло с раскола на съезде SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) вокруг принятия соответствующей резолюции в июне 2019.

В изначальном проекте резолюции: “WHEREAS, critical race theory and intersectionality are founded upon unbiblical presuppositions descended from Marxist theories and categories, and therefore are inherently opposed to the Scriptures as the true center of Christian union” http://sovereignway.blogspot.com/2019/06/sbc19-resolution-9-on-critical-race.html

В принятой резолюции: “WHEREAS, Critical race theory is a set of analytical tools that explain how race has and continues to function in society, and intersectionality is the study of how different personal characteristics overlap and inform one’s experience” https://pulpitandpen.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/res9.pdf

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tijd September 12 2020, 13:50:52 UTC
В августе 2019 О’Фаллон вышел на своих атеистических партнеров.

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tijd September 12 2020, 15:19:21 UTC
Заявление руководителей юридических школ в калифорнийских университетах:

On September 4th, the Director of the Office Management and Budget, at the direction of the President, banned any training within the federal government related to Critical Race Theory, calling it “anti-American propaganda.” The OMB memorandum equates Critical Race Theory to two inaccurate and wildly oversimplified tenets: (1) that the United States is “an inherently racist or evil country” and (2) that white people are “inherently racist or evil.” This characterization reduces a sophisticated, dynamic field, interdisciplinary and global in scope, to two simplistic absurdities. In fact, a central principle of Critical Race Theory is that there is nothing “inherent” about race. Rather, CRT invites us to confront with unflinching honesty how race has operated in our history and our present, and to recognize the deep and ongoing operation of “structural racism,” through which racial inequality is reproduced within our economic, political, and educational systems ( ... )


tijd September 21 2020, 00:28:16 UTC
Заявление президента AAUP (American Association of University Professors):

Amid a global pandemic and a heightening climate crisis, the administration has denied and dismissed the efforts of scientists to address these challenges. Now, in ordering federal agencies to end trainings that address topics like white privilege and critical race theory, the administration denies and dismisses the efforts of experts across a wide variety of disciplines-such as law, history, social sciences, and humanities-to help us better understand and reckon with our legacy of slavery and persistent institutional racism ( ... )


tijd September 13 2020, 13:37:56 UTC

Trump claims that Democrats want to "indoctrinate your children with poisonous anti-American lies in school." If there's a meaningful distinction between this sort of stuff and fascist rhetoric, I'm not sure what it is. pic.twitter.com/SPPuAGPZvm
- Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 13, 2020

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dziga123 September 17 2020, 21:04:44 UTC
А тут ещё история с Jerry Falwell Jr. подкатилась.


tijd September 17 2020, 22:39:14 UTC
Да уж. Я цитировал по этому поводу Ларри Флинта:

"If there were ever to be a Second Coming of Jesus Christ, I have no doubt that his first order of business would be picking up a whip and banishing forever all the hucksters and false prophets who have perverted his message."


dziga123 September 18 2020, 01:57:47 UTC
Я не вижу Вас в последнее время у Якова. Вы комментируете в других журналах?


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