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Comments 10

andreybar June 17 2018, 13:51:43 UTC
трамп просто магнит для уголовников и предателей


tijd June 17 2018, 14:21:28 UTC
Ник Коэн, колумнист Observer, обвиняет BBC в замалчивании вопроса о российском вмешательстве в Брекзит и объясняет, почему ни левые, ни правые британские политики не хотят такого расследования.

The Tories are committed to Brexit. They will not push for investigations into a Brexit campaign whose wishes they are now meeting. Psychologically, Tories and the Tory press cannot separate the Russia allegations from Brexit. They fear that, if they look too hard, the legitimacy of the referendum will dissolve before their eyes.
In the US, opposition Democrats want Trump’s every dealing with Russia exposed. But in Britain the leaders of the opposition Labour party are as anxious as Farage and May to change the subject. Never forget the far left’s soft spot for thieving autocrats. Jeremy Corbyn’s spokesman, Seumas Milne, flew to Sochi to bend his knee to Putin.https://amp.theguardian.com/


livejournal June 17 2018, 14:32:13 UTC
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tijd June 17 2018, 21:05:21 UTC
Деталь, на которую я раньше не обращал внимания: жена Аарона Бэнкса - Екатерина Падерина из Екатеринбурга, раннее замешанная в «шпионском скандале» с членом парламента Хэнкоком.

... )


tijd June 17 2018, 23:01:10 UTC
Дополнительные смачные детали от Sunday Times:

Ekaterina Paderina, to use her maiden name, arrived in Britain in the 1990s to study marketing at Portsmouth University. The daughter of a senior Russian state official, she was swept up in a whirlwind romance with Eric Butler, a retired merchant seaman. The couple tied the knot in November 1998. Butler was 54, Paderina was 25 ( ... )


3eta June 18 2018, 18:37:49 UTC
Не знаешь смеяться или плакать))


suhama22 June 17 2018, 23:20:29 UTC


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