Сайт был запущен 21 сентября 2016 на специальной церемонии в Нью-Йорке. Сайт был доступен накануне, но только по паролю, которым поделились с журналистами. Пароль был не слишком сложным - "putintrump". Его удалось раздобыть нацистскому троллю
Чаку Джонсону, а потом и Джулиану Ассанжу.
Charles Johnson, who calls himself an independent journalist and runs a site called GotNews, published an article around 9:30 p.m. ET on September 20, 2016, claiming he had "obtained a memo from a George Soros-tied PR firm that is launching a website to spread conspiracy theories about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia." Soros is the investor and business magnate who has become a favorite bogeyman of the far right.
"The site,, is set to be launched tomorrow morning on Wednesday, September 21, by public relations firm Ripple Strategies," Johnson wrote.
Johnson updated his article again to include the password for, which was still locked at that point. He said he had obtained it from a "GotNews researcher." Ассанж решает послать пароль Дональду Трампу-младшему, чтобы тот пригляделся к создателям сайта.
“A PAC run anti-Trump site is about to launch,” WikiLeaks wrote. “The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?” The next morning, about 12 hours later, Trump Jr. responded to WikiLeaks. “Off the record I don’t know who that is, but I’ll ask around,” he wrote on September 21, 2016. “Thanks.” Не дожидаясь ответа, он публикует пароль в твите.
"Let's bomb Iraq" Progress For America PAC to launch '' at 9.30am. Oops pw is 'putintrump' WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
September 21, 2016 С именем PAC вышла промашка. Он назывался "Progress for USA" и не имел никакого отношения к стаому "Progress for America". Спонсором сайта был миллардер прогрессивных взглядов Роб Глейсер, а главным редактором - Билл Буценберг.
1/ Excited to be unveiling today. Go check it out and tell all your friends about it!
#noputintrump- (((Rob Glaser))) (@RobGlaser)
September 21, 2016 О целях сайта Глейсер рассказал в интервью Дэвиду Фруму.
Glaser: We have three big goals for
The first is to be the world’s definitive place to find rigorous reporting, lucid analysis, and thoughtful opinions on the dangerous and unprecedented connections between the head of Russia and a major-party presidential nominee.
The second is to raise the awareness of this massive problem to make it one of the defining issues of the 2016 presidential campaign.
The third is that by raising the issue in a thoughtful and rigorous way, and by raising the profile of the issues surrounding the Trump-Putin nexus, we want to persuade as many people as possible-including many who might otherwise seriously consider voting for him-that Donald Trump’s deep ties with and affinity for Vladimir Putin disqualify Trump from being President of the United States. Билл Буценберг в 2007-2015 работал директором Center for Public Integrity - организации, которая в этом году получила Пулитцеровскую премию за расследование
Панамских бумаг.Ныне он продолжает работать над российским расследованием в совместном проекте с Mother Jones.
Вскоре после того, как на сайт обратили внимание Ассанж и Трамп-младший, его сотрудники подверглись массированной атаке.
Our site was soon hit with a surge of traffic and spam while it was still password-protected and meant to be out of public view-and that was just the beginning. Within hours, people involved with launching the site were doxxed and personally targeted on Twitter, an attack that quickly spread to Reddit and to alt-right and pro-Trump news sites. Mother Jones is withholding some details about the attack at the request of the people who were targeted due to their concerns about further harassment: Their cell phone numbers, home addresses, and other information about them and their family members were publicized, alongside calls to go after them. Their email accounts were hit with a spambot attack, signing them up for thousands of unwanted subscriptions-many in a foreign language-which rendered the accounts unusable. In a panic, one of them sent me a message: “We are getting 100,000 spam messages to our inbox and all of our personal info is on twitter.” They also received menacing emails and crank phone calls.
“It was the scariest times in our lives,” recalls one of the people targeted. “There were messages threatening our families.” Useful website & Twitter account on the danger Trump presents, especially combined with Putin: @NoPutinTrump and
- Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63)
October 17, 2016 Одним из тех, кто поддержал сайт был Гарри Каспаров. 25 октября 2016 Буценберг и Каспаров опубликовали совместную статью. Многие выводы из нее остаются актуальными.
Trump has had every opportunity to criticize Russia’s unprecedented cyber interference undermining the integrity of the American election. He has never done so.
Trump has had every opportunity to walk back his warm words and rhetorical embrace of Russia’s strongman leader, Vladimir Putin. He has never done so.
Trump has had every opportunity to release his taxes and show that he is not financially in hoc to Russian oligarchs who are believed to have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in his developments. He has never done so.
Trump has had every opportunity to support Western sanctions against Russia for its blatant military takeover and annexation of Crimea, and then for its continued incitement of war in eastern Ukraine. He has never done so.
Trump has had every opportunity to say he believes wholeheartedly in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and its charter that commits each signatory to come to the aid of any NATO member when attacked, such as the vulnerable Baltic states experiencing renewed Russian saber rattling. He has never done so.
And Trump has had every opportunity to denounce Russia’s ceasefire violations in Syria and possible war crimes from its bombing of civilians in Aleppo on behalf of the Assad regime. He has never done so.
In fact, in each of these instances, Trump has specifically avoided taking positions in line with long-standing American foreign policies, even repudiating traditional GOP stances, including those articulated forcefully against Russia by his running mate, Mike Pence. “He and I haven’t spoken, and I disagree. I disagree,” Trump said in the second debate, referring to the stand Pence had taken.
Instead, in every case, Trump has aligned himself with a hostile foreign power and indeed espoused policies that further Putin’s clandestine geopolitical agenda. It is the only consistent element in his rhetoric, which is otherwise filled with contradictions and flip-flops.