Служба племянницей

Nov 11, 2017 08:29

Во Вьетнаме Трампу снова предоставилась возможность посмотреть в честные глаза.

Reporter: Did Russia's attempts to meddle in US elections come up in the conversations?
Trump: "He said he didn't meddle, he said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times."
Reporter: Today?
Trump: "I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election, he did not do what they are saying he did."
Reporter: On election meddling, did you ask him the question?
Trump: "Every time he sees me he says I didn't do that and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says I didn't do that. I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country. Because again, if we had a relationship with Russia, North Korea which is our single biggest problem right now, it would help a lot. <...>
But this is really an artificial barrier that's put in front of us for solving problems with Russia. He says that very strongly, he really seems to be insulted by it and he says he didn't do it. He is very, very strong in the fact that he didn't do it. You have President Putin very strongly, vehemently says he has nothing to do with that. Now, you are not going to get into an argument, you are going to start talking about Syria and the Ukraine."

Обладатель честных глаз заодно высказался по поводу обвинений Манафорту.

"Что касается господина Манафорта, его тоже связывают с Россией, но единственное, что его связывает, то, что он, будучи руководителем или владельцем пиар-агентства американского, заключал контракты и как бизнесмен тоже работал в этой сфере, в том числе с президентом Януковичем. Но какое это имеет отношение к России? Никакого. Ровным счетом ничего здесь нет. Просто пустая болтовня и желание использовать любую зацепку для борьбы с действующим президентом. Но это не наше дело, пускай они сами разбираются.”

Между тем найдено имя «племянницы Путина», с которой Джордж Пападопулос встречался в Лондоне: Ольга Полонская, в девичестве Виноградова. Расследование New York Times прояснило не только это имя, но несколько дополнительных деталей про похождения Пападопулоса и про связи «профессора» Джозефа Милсуда с Россией. Без «шерше ля фам» тут тоже не обошлось.

He did not exhibit any special interest or expertise in Russia until 2014, when his academy was beginning to stumble financially. It was at that time a 24-year-old Russian intern, Natalia Kutepova-Jamrom, turned up in his office with an improbably impressive résumé.
Fluent in Russian, English, German and Chinese, Ms. Kutepova-Jamrom had worked in the Russian government as a legislative aide and would move on to a Russian state newspaper.

Важная деталь - Пападопулос находился на связи со Стивеном Миллером, который ныне продолжает работать старшим советником Трампа в Белом доме. В обвинительном заключении Миллер фигурирует как “senior policy advisor”.

The day before he learned about the hacked emails, Mr. Papadopoulos emailed Mr. Miller, then a senior policy adviser to the campaign, saying Mr. Trump had an “open invitation” from Mr. Putin to visit Russia. The day after, he wrote Mr. Miller that he had “some interesting messages coming in from Moscow about a trip when the time is right.”

На этой неделе Миллер давал показания Мюллеру.

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has been interviewed as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
The interview brings the special counsel investigation into President Donald Trump's inner circle in the White House. Miller is the highest-level aide still working at the White House known to have talked to investigators.

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