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Новая общественная организация, Commitee to Investigate Russia, собирается освещать расследование Рашагейта. Комиссия внепартийная, но определённо анти-трамповская. Может получиться полезный ресурс.
The Committee to Investigate Russia is a nonprofit, non-partisan resource provided to help Americans recognize and understand the gravity of Russia’s continuing attacks on our democracy. All relevant information is aggregated in one place to provide context and allow users to see the full picture of what Russia has done and will continue to do unless we start paying closer attention.
For generations, people have fought to protect democracy. Now it is our turn. Морган Фриман, который записал для них рекламный ролик, в 2016 озвучивал видео про Хиллари Клинтон для съезда демократической партии.
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По этому случаю - небольшой отрывок из вчерашнего интервью Клинтон легендарной Терри Гросс на NPR.
I want to talk with you about Russia.
Hmm. Please. [Laughs]
There was never an election like this one with Russian interference. And we continue to find out more, just about every day about what the Russians did. It was recently reported that in addition to the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta's email in addition to creating and pushing out fake news, Russia created fake affinity groups on Facebook, which tried to organize anti-immigration rallies, anti-Muslim rallies. What questions to do you have about what we don't know about what the Russians did?
I think you're right that we've learned a lot. We've learned a lot since I closed out my manuscript at the end of June. And in my chapter on Russia I try to explain what we knew before the election and how we tried to sound the alarm. I had the leaders of my campaign going to the press and saying, "Look, Watergate was a physical break-in. This was a cyberattack, to steal information, to weaponize it." So we knew before the election that the Russians were playing hard and we knew from what we heard -
You knew before the election?
Oh yes.
You don't mean before the campaign, just before the -
Well, I knew about it starting in late spring of 2016 going into the summer, and then we began to pick up clues. Like, for example, we later learned in September that our intelligence community, led by the director of national intelligence, Jim Clapper; the director of the CIA, John Brennan, had concluded that there was a campaign of disinformation, a cyber campaign against my campaign, against me, and it was meant to discredit me, defeat me if they could, and to help Trump.
So we were picking up clues all the time. I didn't have access to all of the secret information, but there was an interesting moment in late August, early September when Harry Reid wrote a public letter to Jim Comey at the FBI, saying, "We are hearing a lot" - and we later learned it was because Harry had been briefed and he didn't reference all of the classified material - but he said, "We're hearing a lot in the press and elsewhere that there is an investigation going on of Trump and his associates and their involvement with Russia and Russia's involvement with the campaign. Would you verify that?"
Comey never would. Then on Oct. 7, in the morning, Jeh Johnson at Homeland Security and Jim Clapper said, "There is a threat to our election." That was the same day that the Hollywood Access tape came out. Within one hour the Russians - through their cutouts at WikiLeaks - dropped the Podesta emails.