Марш за правду

Jun 04, 2017 09:06

Фотографии со вчерашнего Марша за правду. Вашингтон и Нью-Йорк.

Выступление в Нью-Йорке историка Тимоти Снайдера:

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Выступление в Сент-Луисе другого специалиста по тирании и авторитаризму, журналистки Сары Кендзиор:

I could talk about how Trump himself: how has been obsessed with working with Russia for over thirty years, how he has never deviated from his praise of Putin, how he has numerous ties with Russian oligarchs and mobsters, how his businesses have been propped up with Russian money for decades.
Trump and Russian officials collude brazenly, and then they lie brazenly, and that audacity, paradoxically, is why I think a lot of Americans had trouble accepting that this is really happening.
But I have studied authoritarian regimes my whole life, and this is how they operate. Lies are a signal of power, and they want that lie big, because the purpose of a brazen lie is to say “We know that you know what we did, and we do not care, because there is nothing you can do about it.”

Кендзиор была одной из первых, кто писал о российских связях Трампа. Она, в частности, обратила внимание на увлечение ядерным оружием, которое у Трампа тянется в 1980ые - время его первой поездки в Москву.

Trump may have found the nuclear partner in Putin he has been seeking for decades. In Trump, Putin may have found a willing accomplice who will back Russian imperialistic ambitions and drop sanctions, among other benefits. This is the new mutually assured destruction: the two states with the most nuclear weapons in the world, both backed by authoritarian leaders, may be partnering against as-yet unknown shared enemies. Their rhetoric alone is dangerous, and an actual increase in nuclear arsenals more so. In a worst case scenario, the end target of Trump and Putin’s destructive ambitions could ultimately be the entire world.

война, протест, история

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