Запасаемся попкорном

Jun 01, 2017 16:40

Глобальное потепление будет иметь разный эффект на разные страны, с победителями и проигравшими. Цветами на карте из статьи в МIT Technology Review показано ожидаемое изменение в национальном ВВП, вызванное изменениями климата. Нефтедобывающая Россия - в числе немногих победителей. В большой плюс пойдет ей сегодняшнее решение Трампа выйти из Парижского соглашения, таким образом присоединившись к прежним друзьям России Сирии и Никарагуа.

Также в новостях:

1. Коми даст показания на слушаниях в Сенате через неделю, 8 июня.

Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate intelligence committee June 8 about the investigation into possible coordination between the campaign of President Donald Trump and Russian officials. A source told CNN Wednesday that Comey is also expected to address his private conversations with Trump, where Trump reportedly asked him to kill his investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

2. В сети расследования ФБР предсказуемо попал Найджел Фараж.

Nigel Farage is a “person of interest” in the US counter-intelligence investigation that is looking into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the Guardian has been told. Sources with knowledge of the investigation said the former Ukip leader had raised the interest of FBI investigators because of his relationships with individuals connected to both the Trump campaign and Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder whom Farage visited in March.

3. ФБР также расследует встречу Кисляка с Трампом и его приспешниками, которая состоялась 27 aпреля 2016.

The FBI and Congress are examining a campaign event last spring during which Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions and Jared Kushner were in a small gathering with Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak and other diplomats at Washington's Mayflower Hotel, multiple U.S. officials told NBC News. Five current and former U.S. officials said they are aware of classified intelligence suggesting there was some sort of private encounter between Trump and his aides and the Russian envoy, despite a heated denial from Sessions, who has already come under fire for failing to disclose two separate contacts with Kislyak. Kushner also denied through a spokesman that he met privately with Kislyak that day.http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/did-trump-kushner-sessions-have-undisclosed-meeting-russian-n767096

В этот день Кисляк оказался в числе почетных гостей на частном приеме, где Трамп толкнул речь про свои планы во внешней политике. Oн в частности сказал:

I believe an easing of tensions, and improved relations with Russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible. Common sense says this cycle, this horrible cycle of hostility must end and ideally will end soon. Good for both countries. Some say the Russians won’t be reasonable. I intend to find out. If we can’t make a deal under my administration, a deal that’s great - not good, great - for America, but also good for Russia, then we will quickly walk from the table. It’s as simple as that. We’re going to find out.

Final thought on Trump's foreign policy speech -- Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
- Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) April 27, 2016

ФБР, Кисляк, Викиликс

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