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May 04, 2017 07:21

Вчерашние показания директора ФБР Коми на слушаниях в Сенате не принесли принципиально новой информации, но содержат интересные детали. Главный вопрос - что будет с расследованием российских связей Трампа дальше? По идее следующий ход должен сделать заместитель генпрокурора Rod Rosenstein, назначив независимого специального прокурора.

Как напомнили на слушаниях, Коми был в похожей ситуации ранее. В конце 2003 года, в роли заместителя генпрокурора, он назначил независимого прокурора (им стал личный друг Коми Patrick Fitzgerald) для расследования роли администрации Буша в скандале Плеймгейт. Независимость, которую Коми проявил в этом деле, впоследствие способствовала его назначению директором ФБР.

LEAHY: Now many members of this committee have urged the deputy attorney general -- and he has that authority -- to appoint a special counsel to protect the independence of the investigation. I recall I was here in December 2003, shortly after you were confirmed as deputy attorney general, then-Attorney General Ashcroft recused himself from the investigation into the Valerie Plame leak. You immediately appointed special counsel. I believe you appointed Patrick Fitzgerald. What led you to that decision?
COMEY: In that particular investigation, my judgment was that it - that the appearance of fairness and independence required that it be removed from the political chain of command within the Department of Justice, because as you recall, it seems like a lifetime ago. But that also involved the conduct of people who were senior-level people in the White House, and my judgment was that even I, as an independent-minded person, was a political appointee and so I ought to give it to a career person like Pat Fitzgerald.
LEAHY: What about the situation now? We have a deputy attorney general, and I voted for his confirmation, but should he be not the one to be investigating campaign contacts, when his boss the attorney general was a central figure in that campaign?
COMEY: That's a judgment he'll have to make. He is - as I hoped I was as deputy attorney general, a very independent-minded, career-oriented person, but it'd be premature for me to comment on that.

Про историю Плеймгейт художественно рассказывается в голливудском фильме Fair game (2010).

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ФБР, прокурор, Конгресс

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