Обстоятельства жизни и смерти
Джефри Эпштейна продолжают обрастать удивительными подробностями.
Найденный у него в сейф австрийский паспорт на чужое имя подпитал слухи про шпионские связи Эпштейна.
Jeffrey Epstein used a foreign passport with a fake name to enter several countries in the 1980s including the United Kingdom, Spain and Saudi Arabia, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
The questionable travel document was found inside a safe - along with $70,000 in cash and 48 loose diamonds - in the New York City home of the wealthy financier and accused sex trafficker. It contained a photo of Epstein with a different name and listed his place of residence as Saudi Arabia, according to prosecutors.
Epstein's lawyers filed court papers Tuesday claiming he obtained the Austrian passport in 1982 for "personal protection" to be presented to "potential kidnappers, hijackers, or terrorists." The lawyers said Epstein's Jewish faith and substantial wealth made him a target while traveling in the Middle East.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/jeffrey-epstein-used-foreign-passport-fake-name-enter-saudi-arabia-n1031046 Who uses alias passports from mystery countries?
Oh right -- SPIES!
https://t.co/VW7pfpvOQV- John Schindler (@20committee)
July 15, 2019 Выясняется, что телохранителем и шофером Эпштейна работал Игорь Зиновьев, мастер смешанных единоборств и чемпион MMA в среднем весе по прозвищу Гудини. Пока Эпштейн занимался сбором сексуального компромата на влиятельных людей, его круглосуточным телохранителем работал человек, который два раза в год ездил в Петербург навестить родителей.
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Прожив почти 30 лет в США, Зиновьев с трудом изъясняется по-английски. Его интервью New York Magazine выглядит феерично:
I totally understand that you think he could have had help committing suicide.
First of all, I have to go right now. I have another client.
Still training people?
Yes. But just be careful. I’m not kidding.
What’s your email so I can send you -
Don’t do any kind of that stuff. Just don’t play it. Seriously.
Can you tell me why?
I can’t. I can’t.
May I ask you one more question?
Go ahead.
Have you been talking to anyone in the government, the FBI? Have they come to you?
[Long pause] Um. Great talking to you. Seriously. We talk later.
До отъезда в США в 1992, Зиновьев занимался единоборствами в бандитском Петербурге.
"В армии когда служил, тоже занимался единоборствами. Вернулся на гражданку - стал работать в МВД СССР. В транспортной милиции. Боролся, по рукопашке выступал, инструктором был. <...> Я числился сотрудником милиции по аэропорту Пулково. Мне дали такие льготы, что я выступал за них, тренировал группу сотрудников, - это и было моей работой."
В кругах питерских любителей единоборств вращались тогда и люди постарше
https://putinism.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/soratniki/ Рахлин был первым детским тренером Путина, а Усвяцов работал с ним примерно с 16 лет. По совместительству Леонид Ионович Усвяцов был каскадером, а также уголовным авторитетом по кличке Лёня-Спортсмен с общим тюремным стажем 20 лет. Путина и Ротенберга он тренировал в промежутке между двумя отсидками.
По воспоминаниям тех, кто Лёню знал лично (Николай Ващилин, Петр Тарханов, Александр Хочинский ) тренер Путина был лихой бандит, любитель уркоганских понтов, грабил ленинградских евреев, уезжавших в Израиль (хотя и сам был евреем). Лёня устроил Путина в ЛГУ через свои связи на спорткафедре и оказал на него огромное влияние.
Хотя сам Трамп из спорта занимается только гольфом, с российскими мастерами единоборств у него своя история. В июне 2008 Джефри Эпштейн предстал перед судом во Флориде. В том же месяце Трамп объявил о своем вложении в MMA в партнерстве с Федором Емельяненко.
His name was Fedor and other men feared him. He had a shaved head, deadpan eyes and construction-worker muscles. He was a Russian army veteran who called Vladimir Putin a friend.
“His thing,” Donald Trump said, “is inflicting death on people.”
And he was Trump’s newest business partner.
It was June 5, 2008 and Trump had called a news conference at Trump Tower to announce a new venture into the business of mixed martial arts-a blood-spattering blend of boxing, wrestling and karate often fought in a caged octagon.
https://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/donald-trump-mixed-martial-arts-227461 Партнерство (которое организовали Майкл Коэн и менеджер Емельяненко Вадим Финкельштейн) закончилось неудачно, как и многие другие коммерческие предприятия Трампа.
Не удалось, в том числе, запустить телепередачу "Fighting Fedor", которую предполагалось снимать в Петербурге с участием Трампа.
Donald Trump, Affliction Entertainment and M-1 Global on Thursday announced plans to begin filming a new MMA reality series called “Fighting Fedor.” The shows theme is to find the next Fedor Emelianenko, by creating an elimination tournament between undiscovered MMA talent, with the winner fighting Fedor himself. Fedor is the star of Affliction Entertainment’s new Mixed Martial Arts league and the number one fighter in the world.
“We are excited about the new show and feel it will be a channel to discover more talent for our MMA product,” said Tom Atencio, Vice President of Affliction Entertainment Group. “Our feeling is that the key to success is to surround ourselves with good partners, and with our new partnership it will allow us to reach an even greater fan base.”
“I don’t know who is going to make it through, but whoever it is will be incredible,” said Donald Trump, Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization. “The show will be spectacular, unique, and is going to be a special event. It will be taped in St. Petersburg, Russia. I’m going to be there, but I don’t want to compete on the show.”
https://www.mmaweekly.com/trump-affliction-m-1-announce-fighting-fedor-2 В прошлом году к Емельяненко приходили с вопросами из ФБР, но неизвестно, по какому поводу.
Fedor Emelianenko was questioned by agents who met him in his hotel room on Tuesday, manager Jerry Millen said before Emelianenko’s Bellator MMA heavyweight fight against Frank Mir. Millen declined to detail his client’s conversations with the agents.
“The FBI came to the hotel looking to talk to Fedor and they were very nice, came in to speak with Fedor for a few minutes, spoke to me, very cool guys, and that’s all I can really say about it. Again, the FBI did come to the hotel, they found us, knocked on the door,” Millen said.
“Hundred percent, kind of surprised,” Millen added. “They were very nice, very professional.”
https://www.apnews.com/82f1df7873ec4b7c91050e707c61a749 #FBI began racking up unprecedented successes against organized crime. In 1975 a case code-named “UNIRAC” broke the mob’s broad hold on shipping industry, leading to more than 100 convictions. Former Dir. Freeh played a role in the investigation.
#FBI110 https://t.co/c9p5Aoj76e pic.twitter.com/w3PlHVLtq5- FBI (@FBI)
July 22, 2018 Если в питерских спортивных качалках времен распада СССР бандиты корешились с представителями органов правопорядка, то у ФБР с качалками своя история.
В середине 1970ых 25-летний паренек Луи Фри зачастил в качалку в Бруклине, которую любили посещать бандиты из мафиозного семейства Гамбино. Он им приглянулся, вскоре бандиты вошли с ним в приятельские отношения и не стеснялись обделывать свои дела в его присутствии. Они не знали, что Фри был сотрудником ФБР под прикрытием, работающим над операцией UNIRAC (Union Racketeering), которая привела к массовым арестам и позволила разорвать контроль мафии над профсоюзом портовых работников (ILA), а через него - всеми портами на восточном побережьи США.
Freeh was assigned to a squad supervised by Jim Kallstrom, an ex-Marine who liked to launch ambitious investigations and make creative use of electronic surveillance tools -- not only telephone taps, but room bugs, car bugs, even bugs hidden behind pictures in mob-run bars. Freeh worked undercover on a case code-named UNIRAC, for "union racketeering." It led eventually to the arrest of more than 100 corrupt union bosses, leg-breaking Mafiosi and bribe-paying shipping executives. Freeh's job was to pose as a crooked lawyer at the Shelton Health Club in Brooklyn, where he watched cash payoffs being exchanged amid the clanking of weight machines and the hiss of the steam room. The lessons of UNIRAC would define the next decade of FBI investigations: extensive intelligence-gathering, aggressive use of electronic surveillance, creative undercover ploys and the deployment of massive resources.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/magazine/1997/07/20/the-rise-of-the-fbi/07c009a3-ddb0-4e6a-81bd-91bc0aa3c996/ Операция UNIRAC стала одним из первых успешных использований закона RICO (Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act), который позволил ФБР вплотную заняться организованной преступностью.
Прославившись на этой операции, Луи Фри пошел вверх по карьерной лестнице и стал директором ФБР в администрации Клинтона до того, как передать эту должность Роберту Мюллеру.
После отставки он занимался консультированием, в том числе был использован для лоббирования российских интересов.
The Russian-owned real-estate firm Prevezon earlier this year hired former FBI Director Louis Freeh to help the company negotiate a settlement agreement with the US government over an alleged money-laundering operation that involved an elaborate Russian tax-fraud scheme that implicated high-level Kremlin officials.<...>
Prevezon is also represented by Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with top Trump campaign officials in June 2016 at Trump Tower to lobby for repealing the 2012 Magnitsky Act.
Фри поставил своего бывшего начальника Джима Каллстрома, сторонника агрессивной слежки и прослушки, руководить нью-йоркским отделом ФБР. После выхода в отставку в 1997 Каллстром возглавил благотворительную организацию MC-LEF (Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation). Организация оплачивает обучение в университете детям ветеранов морской пехоты, которые работали в органах правопорядка и погибли на посту.
Can you believe we still have not gotten our Marine out of Mexico. He sits in prison while our PRESIDENT plays golf and makes bad decisions!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
September 26, 2014 В 2014 Трамп раздул истеричную кампанию по поводу ветерана морской пехоты, который переехал границу в Мексику и был арестован мексиканскими властями за то, что вез запрещенное в Мексике оружие. Истерика мало помогла его освобождению, но ее нагнетали прицельно накануне выборов в Конгресс.
It was one of the Republican nominee’s biggest causes back in 2014, and one that seems all-too-familiar now: a populist, off-the-hip messaging campaign, using forceful rhetoric to pressure Mexico. Trump hammered the point home on social media, and further capitalized on goodwill when Tahmooressi was freed by cutting a $25,000 check to his family.
But Trump’s bombastic efforts actually made it harder to free the jailed Marine, say two individuals who worked closely on the effort to free Tahmooreesi.
“The wave of anti-Mexico populism that sprung up on the U.S. side of the border over this case was very much not helpful. Whether it actually prolonged his confinement is unknowable,” said Jonathan Franks, who worked as the Tahmooressi family spokesman during the ordeal. “Getting people fired up for the sake of it isn’t strategically effective-one needs to get people fired up around a message that furthers the goal-those finer points of strategic communications seem utterly lost on Trump.”
https://www.thedailybeast.com/did-donald-trumps-tweets-imperil-a-marine-jailed-in-mexico They finally let our Marine out of a Mexican prison, no thanks to Obama. Way too long. Such an event should never be allowed to happen again
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
November 1, 2014 Заметив эту активность, благотворительная организация Каллстрома раскачала Трампа на пожертвования. В благодарность в 2015 ему вручили награду, которой он не замедлил начать хвастаться, как наградой от морских пехотинцев.
In an answer trying to bolster his military credibility, Trump referenced receiving the award in April.
"I was given the biggest award by the Marines the other day, one of the biggest civilian awards by the Marines the other day," Trump said. "I was with all of the Marines, I was with the new head of the joint chiefs of staff, he's a very impressive guy, at the Waldorf Astoria the other night. I was given one of the most distinguished awards, which was a great honor for me."
Cuomo interjected: "So you're saying they respect you."
"I think they do," the Republican said ."Well, I got the award from them. And they presented it to me, so I think they do."
But the award came at a charity gala, where Trump pledged to donate $100,000 to the organization in his speech, the New York Post's Page Six reported at the time.
https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/19/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-chris-cuomo-cnn-interview/index.html Во время избирательной кампании 2016 Трамп подкинул той же организации еще миллион - после того, как репортеры стали спрашивать его про судьбу торжественного обещания пожертвовать миллион на нужды ветеранов.
At the January rally, Trump pledged to give $1 million of his own. Last week, Trump's campaign said he had already given that money away. In fact, he had not.
It was only late Monday -- after The Washington Post had made a public search for recipients of Trump's money on Twitter -- that the mogul actually moved to donate his money.
"He told me he’s going to give us a million dollars from the money that was pledged," said Kallstrom, a retired FBI official. He said Trump made a point of saying that the money came from his own accounts, not his Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has been largely funded by other people. The check reflected that, Kallstrom said: "It’s not his foundation. It’s just his personal account."
Kallstrom said he had no inkling that Trump was going to give this gift before he got that call.
Did he ask Trump why it had taken so long?
"I’m not going to ask that," Kallstrom said. "He’s a busy guy." Kallstrom said he "thanked [Trump] immensely."
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/05/25/recipient-of-trumps-1-million-donation-its-arrived-and-its-in-the-bank/ Вложение окупилось - Каллстром превратился в "
Donald Trump’s top FBI fanboy" и способствовал утечкам, которые привели к письму Коми и избранию Трампа.