Николь Уоллес, потомственная республиканка из Калифорнии, работала директором пресс-службы Белого Дома (White House Communications Director) у Джорджа Буша в 2005-2006. В 2008 она работала советником предвыборной компании Джона Маккейна, но сломалась на Саре Пэйлин и, по ее признанию, не смогла даже найти в себе силы проголосовать. История драматически изображена в телефильме
Game Change.
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В 2016 Уоллес примкнула к невертрамперам (по ее выражению "непрактикующим республиканцам") и ныне ведет передачу Deadline: White House на MSNBC, где позволяет себе нелицеприятную критику бывших товарищей по партии.
“I cannot articulate how bizarre it is to watch Republicans stand silent as Mueller’s character is assassinated. He was George W. Bush‘s hand picked director of the FBI. He started days before 9/11…He’s one of the architects of the counterterrorism policies that kept this country safe after 9/11 from another attack on the homeland. The idea that his job is in danger from a bunch of Republican lemmings marching along to the beat of Donald Trump’s lunacy is the biggest disgrace of his presidency.”
https://www.mediaite.com/tv/nicolle-wallace-goes-after-gop-lemmings-who-remain-silent-while-muellers-character-is-assassinated/ Не отстает и другой персонаж фильма "Game Change", бывший руководитель избирательной кампании Маккейна Стив Шмидт.
The Republican Congress is ground zero in this country for an epidemic of public cowardice. Ryan and the rest surrendered to Trumpism without a fight. They watch in complicit silence as Trump sunders the nation. They are faithless to their oaths of office and the American people
- Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES)
May 5, 2018 Не так давно два старых соратника встречались на передаче Уоллес, чтобы поговорить про эпидемию насилия с огнестрельным оружием и позорное пресмыкание республиканцев перед NRA.
"This kid's not scared. He's not scared of the NRA. He's not intimidated and scared by Laura Ingraham ... Half the Republican party is hiding under the table, under their bed. They're so scared ... Not these kids, though" -
@SteveSchmidtSES w/
@NicolleDWallace pic.twitter.com/QZE5I6zmv3- Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH)
March 29, 2018 Как бы для того, чтобы потроллить врагов, NRA выбрала своим новым президентом 74-летнего подполковника Оливера Норта, печально известного продажей оружия Ирану, раскрытому в скандале
Пока на съезде NRA выступали президент и вице-президент США, на проходяющей рядом выставке NRA продавали оружие тульских оружейников и находящегося под санкциями путинского приятеля Ротенберга.
TulAmmo USA is a private company headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, but sells small-arms ammunition manufactured by the Tula Cartridge Works in Tula, Russia, about 120 miles outside of Moscow. The factory, one of Russia’s oldest and largest arms plants, is tied to a number of entities and individuals who have been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department, including Rostec, Russia’s state-owned defense conglomerate, and Igor Rotenberg, an oligarch who was recently targeted alongside several other allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nra-host-company-ties-sanctioned-russians-annual-convention/story?id=54932526 Visited a Russian gun manufacturer today and test fired weapons including an Orsis T5000M sniper rifle. 338 cal.
pic.twitter.com/DwAagzT6qI- David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke)
December 11, 2015 Расследование Mother Jones рассказывает, как NRA способствовала рекламе российских снайперских винтовок ОРСИС Т-5000, из которой в числе прочего расстреливали протестующих на Майдане и которая имеет способность пробивать с расстояния защитные средства американских солдат.
This Russian rifle could be dangerous for American soldiers-and Russia has been arming its own military and security services with the weapon and distributing it around the world. In a recent article in Popular Mechanics, David Hambling, a military technology expert, notes that the T-5000 is changing “the shape of future battlefields” to the disadvantage of the United States. (“For now,” he notes, “the solution [for US forces] is simple-run.”) Still, the NRA-whom Trump has called “great American patriots” and whose convention he addressed on Friday-allowed itself to be used by ORSIS to promote the weapon. For the group, guns do seem to transcend all, including national security.
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/05/the-pentagon-considers-this-russian-sniper-rifle-a-big-threat-to-us-soldiers-the-nra-helped-promote-it/ Тем временем российские друзья NRA
поставляют оружие Талибану в Афганистане для войны с США, а также терроризируют семьи американских военных, представляясь КиберХалифатом из ИГИЛ.
Proof that the military wives were targeted by Russian hackers is laid out in a digital hit list provided to the AP by the cybersecurity company Secureworks last year. The AP has previously used the list of 4,700 Gmail addresses to outline the group's espionage campaign against journalists , defense contractors and U.S. officials . More recent AP research has found that Fancy Bear, which Secureworks dubs "Iron Twilight," was actively trying to break into the military wives' mailboxes around the time that CyberCaliphate struck. Lee Foster, a manager with cybersecurity company FireEye, said the repeated overlap between Russian hackers and CyberCaliphate made it all but certain that the groups were linked.