Цукерберг на сковородке

May 03, 2018 15:40

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В своей речи на конференции Facebook F8 Марк Цукерберг еще раз извинился за промашку с Cambridge Analytica и российскими троллями.

Mark Zuckerberg opened by painting Facebook as a force for good in the world.
"We need to take a broader view of our responsibility," he said.
"It's not enough to build powerful tools. We need to make sure they are used for good."
"We've seen people come together in the wake of Hurricane Harvey," he continued. "We've also seen people use those tools for harm. That goes for Russia interfering in our elections... and for data privacy issues."

"In 2016, we were slow to identify Russian interference. We expected more traditional cyber-attacks like phishing, and malware, and hacking. We identified those and notify the right people. But we didn't expect this coordinated information operations, and large networks and fake accounts that we're now aware of. So, I sat there on their teams after this and we said, we will never be unprepared for this again."

I have today written to @facebook requesting that Mark Zuckerberg appears in front of @CommonsCMS as part of our inquiry into fake news and disinformation. Read it here: https://t.co/jXZ5TjiZld pic.twitter.com/m0NU5Uyf2L
- Damian Collins (@DamianCollins) May 1, 2018

Между тем Цукерберга ждут для показаний в британском Парламенте и угрожают призвать его по повестке, если его нога ступит на территорию Великобритании.

Свое расследование на тему "Breach of personal information involving Cambridge Analytica and Facebook" проводит и Палата общин парламента Канады.

Christopher Wylie между тем дал показания в Конгрессе (только для демократов, потому что республиканцы бойкотировали заседание).

Интересные моменты из показаний:

1. Стив Бэннон инструктировал Cambridge Analytica работать на подавление явки демократов.

“Q: Did Steve Bannon ever specifically direct the research of, or say that he wanted to do research that would help with, voter disenfranchisement or depressing Democratic turnout?
A: There is one document which I have that specifically says-in bold terms-voter disengagement as an objective in the United States.
Q: Did you ever hear Steve Bannon specifically talk about voter disenfranchisement or voter disengagement?
A: Yes. If by that term you mean discouraging particular types of voters who are more prone to voting for Democratic or liberal candidates, if that’s what you mean by that term, then yes.”

2. В 2014 Cambridge Analytica также проводила (непонятно для чегго) опросы американцев на предмет их отношения к Путину.

“I’m not sure who authorized this, because this wasn’t part of the direct group I was managing-but one of the things I had access to is testing that the company was doing specifically on Vladimir Putin and Russia and Russian expansion in Eastern Europe. It was the only foreign issue, or foreign leader, I should say, being tested at the time I was there. I can’t explain why it was that they picked Vladimir Putin to talk about in focus groups or to do message testing or to do models on, and why that would be useful to Steve Bannon. But what I can say is that they were also testing images of Vladimir Putin and asking questions about Russian expansion in Eastern Europe."

Вскоре Cambridge Analytica внезапно закрылась и вышла из бизнеса вместе со своей британской крышей SCL.

Cambridge Analytica and SCL Elections issued a joint statement on Wednesday confirming the companies’ closures. “Over the past several months, Cambridge Analytica has been the subject of numerous unfounded accusations,” the statement said. “The siege of media coverage has driven away virtually all of the company’s customers and suppliers. As a result, it has been determined that it is no longer viable to continue operating the business.”
The company also said that “parallel bankruptcy proceedings” would commence for Cambridge Analytica and “certain of the company’s U.S. affiliates.”

Но на этом история не заканчивается, потому что те же люди в прозрачной попытке ребрендинга задействованы в компании под названием Emerdata.

In recent months, executives at Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group, along with the Mercer family, have moved to created a new firm, Emerdata, based in Britain, according to British records. The new company’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince. Mr. Prince founded the private security firm Blackwater, which was renamed Xe Services after Blackwater contractors were convicted of killing Iraqi civilians.
Cambridge and SCL officials privately raised the possibility that Emerdata could be used for a Blackwater-style rebranding of Cambridge Analytica and the SCL Group, according two people with knowledge of the companies, who asked for anonymity to describe confidential conversations. One plan under consideration was to sell off the combined company’s data and intellectual property.

Похоже, мы про них еще услышим.

микротаргетинг, пропаганда, Конгресс

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