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Feb 16, 2018 08:26

Расследование Мюллера набирает обороты. CNN сообщает, что в предверии новых обвинений Рик Гейтс, как и ожидалось, пошёл на сделку со следствием.

Former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates is finalizing a plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller's office, indicating he's poised to cooperate in the investigation, according to sources familiar with the case.
Gates has already spoken to Mueller's team about his case and has been in plea negotiations for about a month. He's had what criminal lawyers call a "Queen for a Day" interview, in which a defendant answers any questions from the prosecutors' team, including about his own case and other potential criminal activity he witnessed.
Gates' cooperation could be another building block for Mueller in a possible case against President Donald Trump or key members of his team.

“Queen for a Day” означает сделку, при которой свидетель соглашается правдиво ответить на все вопросы при условии, что его показания не будут использованы для предъявления ему обвинений. Следующий на очереди - Манафорт, более крепкий орешек.

Интересным образом ведёт себя Стив Бэннон. Он охотно даёт показания Мюллеру, отвечая на все вопросы.

Steve Bannon, who served as President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller over multiple days this week, NBC News has learned from two sources familiar with the proceedings.
Bannon spent a total of some 20 hours in conversations with the team led by Mueller, who is investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia as well as other issues that have arisen around the probe.

С другой стороны, Бэннон отказывается давать показания в Конгрессе, а когда его вызвали наконец по повестке, принёс с собой список вопросов, утверждённых в Белом доме, с однозначными ответами и отказался давать пояснения. По правилом такое поведение должно повлечь за собой уголовное наказание за неуважение к Конгрессу.

Bannon has put no preconditions on his interviews with Mueller. But he presented intelligence panel members with a list of only 25 questions that he would be willing to answer related to anything that took place after Donald Trump won the 2016 election. According to the panel’s top Democrat, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), those questions had been “literally scripted” by the White House, and Bannon’s answer to all of them was “no.”
When the committee tried to push Bannon to answer questions that were not on his list, he repeatedly told members that the White House had not authorized him to engage on those queries. At no point, people familiar with the interview said, did Bannon voluntarily elaborate on his answers.

антураж, Мюллер, Конгресс

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