Positivity Post!

Oct 17, 2010 20:00

There seems to be an attack of the blues going around my friends list at the moment. I think it's the time of year. The darker evenings, cold temperatures and gloomy weather always make me feel a bit low. So this post is a:

Positivity Post!!Leave me a comment with something positive in it, something that makes you happy, something you think might ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

missmovies October 17 2010, 19:07:47 UTC
One of the kids I was teaching the other day said I looked really pretty that day. No matter how crap the day is, one of them always makes me smile at some point.


punkfunkdisco October 17 2010, 19:25:09 UTC
Oh that's adorable! And kids don't say those kinds of things just to cheer you up do they, they say it because they think it, which is nice :)


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punkfunkdisco October 17 2010, 21:16:44 UTC
I think just the fact that you get together for dinner is LOVELY XD And everyone should have a niece like Bella!! That's so adorable ♥♥

Awww! Which shop is this? And yes, doing stuff with mums is great. I'm always watching quiz shows with mine *grins*

*hugs tight* That's lovely of you to say. And I love you very much too. You're always so supportive of me and whatever I'm doing. You're like a cheerleader and I'm so glad you're on my side :D Bella's right, everyone should have an auntie/friend like you *grins* ♥♥


missmovies October 17 2010, 20:48:49 UTC
I'm also adding this because it's beyond awesome.



punkfunkdisco October 17 2010, 21:19:50 UTC
Ahhhhhhh!! That is so cool! I love the girl behind them that's so into it (and probably a friend of theirs) and the old man sat next to her peering over, and all the other passengers looking on with wonder. And the band are very talented :D


punkfunkdisco October 17 2010, 21:22:48 UTC
I would like to add the Oh God Yes, Joshua Jackson tumblr. Because it is full of... Josh looking hot basically. (Way too much Peter/Olivia stuff and I'm wary of Fringe spoilers, but I CANNOT KEEP AWAY.)


punkfunkdisco October 17 2010, 22:07:24 UTC
Oh, and if you think you have problems? Be thankful you're not Dawson or Andie:


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