Space Invaders Scarf Pattern

Oct 08, 2004 17:56

Ok, this is my first knitting pattern, so if I left something out, or didn't explain something right, please ask about it! I'm not exactly sure if it's as clear as it should be.

About 65" by 4.25"

-US Size 6 needles
-MC: Generic worsted weight acrylic "Blue"
-CC: Generic worsted weight acrylic "Light Blue"

I bought a pair of 8 oz. skeins, but I ended up with a lot left over.

Guage: About 19 sts and 22 rows make 4 inches.. but it's a scarf, so whatever. :-)

With MC, CO 26 sts. Work 2 rows, then work the explosion chart. Work 4 more rows with MC, then follow the main chart for 3 repititions, with 4 rows of MC between each cycle (you can carry up the yarn from invader to invader, no need to have all those ends). Turn the chart upside down, and work it for 3 more repititions. I excluded the final invader the last repitition, ending with who I call, "antenna guy," just to make it a little more asymmetrical. After finishing the chart, work 2 rows in MC, and bind off. Repeat this entire paragraph, substituting CC for MC, and MC for the chart detail.

Put the two panels WS together, so that the pictures match up. Use fake-grafting on the ends, and mattress stitch the sides (you can go all the way around the edge sewing with one big piece of yarn, to save on end-weaving). Fasten 11 pieces of fringe (I used 6 MC and 5 CC, alternating), each consisting of 5 strands each, to each end of the scarf. To make the light fringe more prominant on the dark side, and vice versa, like I was saying before, I just attached each piece of fringe to the opposite color face along the bottom. It's subtle, but I think it makes a difference rather than attaching them all to the border between. Trim them all to 1.5 inches long.


This isn't knitting paper, but you've seen it in action, so you know it's all good. :-)

Explosion Chart

Main Chart:

If you end up making one, keep me posted! I want to see yours. :-) I bet you could have fun with colors and everything, too. It's so cool to have people wanting to make my stuff.
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