Without further Ado....

Jun 16, 2006 01:33

My chart for The Lips:

This is the one everyone was asking for...if anyone wants the Frank, comment here and I'll do it too.
Sorry for the smallness...I'm not sure how to resize it from here. If you can't read the writing, it's /=red, o=white, and filled o=black; and it's 18 rows, 31 stitches for a 20x22 gauge; red lines=centers.
BTW, the live-in that destroyed the others...helped me immmensely in redoing it. Yay. He said that we should ask for $1 donations to any charity of your choice(he was kidding, but it's not a bad idea for anything on here that is shared freely). It doesn't matter if you do or not, but hey, if you're in the charitable mood and can afford it, it might be a nice idea, for a sort of thank you to whatever diety you worship (or Karma, or whatever) for the help you get. Sometimes he comes up with good ideas for stuff...anyway, enjoy!
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