Video: The 6 Between Us (Supernatural)

Aug 06, 2007 23:41

Vidder: Kitty
Title: The 6 Between Us
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Angst, Relationship Study, Slightly AU
Song/Artist: "Living Rooms" by Revis
Characters/Pairings: Sam, The Yellow Eyed Demon
Seasons: 1 & 2
Software: Sony Vegas
Summary: The Yellow Eyed Demon's plans for Sam finally takes its toll.
Download: WMV (Windows), M4V (MAC)
Streaming: Vimeo (password: kittyvids)
NOTES: Basically about Sam going to the dark side and his connection with the Yellow Eyed Demon. I decided to use a different title and went with "The 6 Between Us", 6 being a symbol of "The Darkness". I really enjoyed making this video and it's been a favorite of mine for years now. This was one of the first videos that I really played around with overlays and chroma keying.

vid: kitty, kitty, fandom: supernatural

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