Vidder: Kitty
Title: Jekyll and Hyde
Fandom: Heroes
Genre: Angst, Action, Character Study
Song/Artist: "Comforting Lie" by No Doubt
Characters/Pairings: Nikki/Jessica
Seasons: 1
Software: Sony Vegas
Summary: Nikki struggles to live a normal life, but Jessica wants to live life the dangerous way.
WMV (Windows),
Vimeo (password: kittyvids)
Once I found a song for Nikki/Jessica, I just had to vid to it. I'm still very happy with the way this turned out. This was my very first try at split screens. I chose to use split screens to show both personalities are active at the same time. Nikki / Jessica are a lot like Jekyll and Hyde, with the split personality and how one is good, but the other isn't. It was an interesting vid to make.