Oct 18, 2008 16:24

Vidder: Thandie
Title: None of my Fears are as Dear to Me
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Character Study, Recap, Drama
Warnings: Spoilers for season 4 - up to episode 4x04
Song/Artist: "The Wild Son" by The Veils
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Ruby, Mary, Azaziel
Summary: When hystory repeats. Details in the Notes, as usual
Download & Streaming: AVI, 17MB
Streaming: Imeem


Ok, honestly: is it just me or this is the best song ever for a Supernatural season 4 video? I listened to this song casually when this new season started, and it just grew on me...the lyrics can be interpreted in more ways I guess, but to me they just speak Sam and Dean, and John and Mary. This means I had the chance to use a lot of phootage from the fantastic episode 'In the beginning', to explore the similarities.
While making the vid I had some new thoughts coming out, like usual: I think I appreciate Sam every day more, because of how unlucky and doomed he is...I couldn't not compare the brothers' situations here. Dean has got the good stern guy steering him through the right road that he wants it or not (or so it seems), while Sam has got the usual shady seductive Ruby that apparently managed to convince him that what he does is for the good. We still don't know if they are lying, and if they are good guys as they claim to be or not, but I found interesting the dynamics of the two different pairs.
I also decided to extend this study to Mary, the first deal of the family, that was then followed by John and Dean. It seems almost inevitable that Sam should follow the same path...I think it is terribly sad that what he is now was pratically shaped by what his family made because of love...that he is a casualty.
And Mary...I adore her. I like that after Dean disappears she just looks in that direction for a while, maybe wondering about her future. And that's why she's the one that ends my video, being the one that started this all.
Anyway, very briefly, to me this video is meant to show how far Dean, Sam and their parents have been willing to go to save their loved ones. How they had to put behind their fears, because what they are fighting for is more important than what they want for themselves, and how the choices they make always end up being selfish and unconsiderate and wrong, but still make you want to weep because of how much love was involved in those.
God, how I love this show...

About the editing: I think I've finally managed to surpass my one favourite video (Kamikaze)...I'm happy 'cause I was sure that day would never happen.
I kept my editing very simple and played with the speed of all the clips I use, there are a few effects here and there to go with the music and I played with filters because of the bad quality of the source video (I obviously couldn't use DVDs ^^'). I ended up trying to copy 'Planet Terror' and obtain that dreamy old effect that I love about that movie...I never came close to it, but I like the final color.


Your knives are sharp
When you put them in my heart
Though the truth, you'd say,
Is I like them there that way

From this hoodlum skin
I can always run to him
Undeserved, capsized
In the gutters of his eyes

Darling I need you far more than I say
None of my fears are as dear to me

And a great light dims
Every day I'm torn from him
And our stars align
In Elysian Fields at night
And the wheels, they turn
And the fallen heather burns
At a loss and scared
In exile and unprepared

Darling I need you far more than I say
None of my fears are as dear to me

Darling I need you far more than I say
None of my fears are as dear to me

Blessed's the night
Blessed's the night
Blesses's the night
When none of my fears are as dear to me

Blessed's the night
Blessed's the night
Blesses's the night
When none of my fears are as dear to me

None of my fears are as dear to me
None of my fears are as dear to me

vid: thandie, thandie, fandom: supernatural

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