muses_w_remotes | 4.5. House, M.D. quote

Aug 29, 2008 19:24

5. "Sex COULD kill you. Do you know what the human body goes through when you have sex? Pupils dilate, arteries constrict, core temperature rises, heart races, blood pressure skyrockets, respiration becomes rapid and shallow, the brain fires bursts of electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere, and secretions spit out of every gland, and the muscles tense and spasm like you're lifting three times your body weight. It's violent. It's ugly. And it's messy. And if God hadn't made it UNBELIEVABLY fun, the human race would have died out eons ago."
| House, M.D.

[Directly follows THIS]


Riley stumbled out of the cab at the front of Tab’s apartment building and kept stumbling until he ended up falling into a trash can that tipped over with a loud crash. “Shit,” he slurred. That wasn’t good for… well, he knew it was at least two am, anyway. It took all his effort to get to his feet and resemble standing so the bin would have to remain a casualty. He didn’t think you could get arrested for knocking over a bin. If he was going to get arrested, it would have to have been for at least one of the things he did earlier in the night, right?

Earlier in the night. It hadn’t taken just sitting at the bar listening to music to get him this drunk. The booze had been the fuel for what helped him let that mask of inhibitions slip a little. He had to have something to nudge him over the edge into what he hoped wouldn’t end up insanity. He remembered everything at that moment but come morning, it would likely be scratchy. To start, he couldn’t really remember everything he had to drink; he just knew a lot of them were weird and wonderful colours with extensions like umbrellas and penis stirring sticks.

In a surprising turn of events, he’d enjoyed the first dance with Max. The energetic, lithe man hadn’t been lying when he said he lived for dancing and he hadn’t been lying about the grinding. With Riley already as horny as he was from the near-drought he’d had in the sex department lately, Max in very tight leather pants writhing against him with moves Riley had never even seen had created such a delicious friction against Riley’s groin causing the denim of his jeans to rub in all the right places basically had him hooked from the start. And Riley wasn’t as bad a dancer as he thought; he never had been. He just used it as an excuse to not dance, but this time it didn’t work, so he may as well get into the groove, so to speak.

He guessed the progression of the evening was inevitable. He was hot from all the dirty dancing, loose from all the booze they kept sharing between dances, and horny from all the grinding. They got to the point they were they had their hands down each others pants on the dance floor, only mere steps from completion of a hand job, and lips locked in a heated snog to complete the scenario. Max suggested they go some place a little bit more private, clearly meaning the club’s men’s room, which Riley suspected was a common ‘private’ place for club patrons looking to merely ‘pick up’ on a night out.

There had only been the merest of hesitation on Riley’s part. He was too drunk and horny by this point to really let any of his hang ups push through. Plus, gay sex had its benefits in a situation like his. Riley didn’t particularly need to penetrate anyone, and that was enough for him. He liked Max and had discovered during conversation that surprisingly did take place between the pair that Max was an actor only here for a short time from LA to visit his sister who was pregnant while the soap opera he was working in was on hiatus. To Riley, that meant this really was going to just be casual sex. He’d balked at that… for all of thirty seconds before they did indeed take the encounter back to the men’s room.

A little bit of a shock to the system came when Riley realised he and Max weren’t the only ones with the notion of seeking some privacy. Other loud trysts were going on in the adjoining stalls and one couple was even indulging in a blow job next to the sinks. He didn’t have the chance to stare before Max tugged him into a free stall and flicked the lock. Again, Riley had a small sense of cold feet that he was about to have sex with a stranger in a public restroom, but he pushed it away and was in a clinch with Max against the wall of the stall in the blink of an eye.

It was just sheer sex, Riley pressed against the stall wall while Max topped him, for obvious reasons. It felt fucking fantastic. He’d dropped any worries at the door of the bathrooms and just let it be. It had even been a relief when Max proffered a condom, so it was all above board. Riley suspected the other man was old hat at encounters like this and didn’t really bother him at all. He wanted to get off and this was just mind-blowing sex with someone he didn’t know, so there was no history or concern over hurting him. It was hot, sweaty, loud and Riley knew he was going to come away with hickies all over his back. Max had a very talented tongue and lips and Riley had no issue with him using them.

The night ended with sharing a couple more double tequila shots and a cigarette out the front of the club while they waited for their cabs to arrive. They’d kissed again and swapped phone numbers, with Max making Riley promise to get in touch if he was ever in LA before they got into separate cabs and drove away from their night together. No strings, no stress, just one damn fucking fine shag and as equally as satisfying orgasm.

Riley now had just enough coordination to get up the stairs of Tab’s apartment, get the key in the lock and close the door behind him. It was more of a slam, though he didn’t realise this. He just kicked his shoes off and again went toppling over, but this time into Tab’s coffee table and then fell onto the sofa. He peeled off his shirt and only managed to kick off one shoe before he passed out face-down on the sofa, which was really an inevitable end to the whole night… the sober light of the morning could well be another story.

- asinthecity referenced with permission

Words | 1,031

[comm] muses_w_remotes, [plot] needlestick

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