Back to devastating realities | Phone call RP with drcampbell

Jul 19, 2008 20:40

Riley and Tab were making their way slowly out of Disneyland to head back to the hotel. They had another full day planned at the theme park the next day but they'd had enough for the moment and Riley was proud to say he'd only puked once and that was Space Mountain, so it didn't count ( Read more... )

[rp] drcampbell, [with] drcampbell, [plot] road trip, [plot] needlestick

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Comments 10

drcampbell July 19 2008, 10:52:58 UTC
Lachlan had the pay phone pressed to his ear as he leaned heavily against the wall of the small phone cubicle. He could see Tara's hospital room from where he was standing and knew just beyond the glass wall, his wife was sleeping, albeit restlessly. His face was wet from a stream of silent tears and he made no move to brush them away. His back was to the passing crowd, so no one could see him. Tara couldn't see him either, so he wouldn't upset her.

"It's me, Ri. Listen, I..." He cleared his throat, trying to rid some of the choked, thick sound of his voice. He sounded like he had a flu. If only. "Do you have a minute to talk?"


pullmysteth July 19 2008, 10:55:56 UTC
Riley frowned and caught Tab's arm to stop her walking. He gestured over to a nearby bench, indicating he needed to stop and take the call. "Of course. Are you okay, man? You sound rough." He suddenly had a fearful thought that maybe Tara and Lachlan had broken up. Surely not? Lachlan had definitely been odd on the phone the other night and now, if Riley wasn't mistaken, sounded like he'd been crying. A lot.


drcampbell July 19 2008, 11:02:10 UTC
Lachlan licked his lips and wiped his nose with a drenched and torn tissue Beth had given him when he left Tara's bedside. He had an unbelievable ache in his chest and gut that just wouldn't ease. The worry and fear only served to fuel the fire already burning in him. Was he ever going to be happy again?

"No. I'm nay okay, Ri. Something's... happened. I didnae want to tell you the other day because I didnae want to ruin your trip but... but... I-I wouldnae be calling now if it wasnae important-" A sob cut off his words and he put his hand over his eyes as he lost his composure.


pullmysteth July 19 2008, 11:05:48 UTC
Riley sat forward, panic already setting in. "Lachlan? What's happened, mate? Hey, come on..." he tried to soothe. "Just give me a ball park? I'll try and fill in the gaps? Are you sick? Is Tara?"


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