Free at last?avoidingfightsDecember 19 2009, 04:46:28 UTC
[Running. Sideways had stumbled the first few tries but soon found his footing again - he wasn't going to forget his trade so quickly, after all. He's dashing circles around the warehouse and sprinting back and forth down a wide street for now, testing his legs. The courier's gate is an unusual lope he'd perfected before the war, the reason he can claim that no one outruns him.
Probably an even better sign, he's actually laughing again. Primus but he'd missed this.]
[ Drift is just leaning on the side of the building, watching the other with a faint smile on his face. Tensions had been so high in the Autobot base, he almost wondered if the carefree Sideways he'd first met in Infinity would ever make an appearance again. ]
[It had been hard on him, no doubt about that - those were probably the longest months of his life. But even the war and all its infinite horrors hadn't been able to drag him completely into a hole. Just the act of moving was enough to pull him out and push away everything else. As long as he had his speed, he knew everything would work out right in the end.
He does eventually come to a stop in front of Drift, intakes cycling and a huge grin plastered across his facial plates. His wings twitch happily.]
Comments 41
Probably an even better sign, he's actually laughing again. Primus but he'd missed this.]
He does eventually come to a stop in front of Drift, intakes cycling and a huge grin plastered across his facial plates. His wings twitch happily.]
That. Was. Fantastic.
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