Here my palms are open windows, my lifelines cracked glass from the high note my spirit keeps trying

Dec 15, 2012 11:03

Hi all! How have you been?? No seriously, how have you been? I've missed you. I haven't made icons since August! Isn't that crazy? I guess I was just in some sort of funk. Sorry! But I'm back, now, and I'm really excited to be making pretties for you again :) Here is a batch of black-and-white(-ish) icons for you, and I hope you enjoy it. I am ( Read more... )

birds, girls, wolves, beach, wind, books, water, fire, icon maker: 989240, white, clouds, black, castle

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Comments 10

dakestangel December 15 2012, 16:22:29 UTC
OMg snagging a ton. love these!


989240 December 15 2012, 16:58:55 UTC
Oh my, thank you :3


nwdance1125 December 15 2012, 19:03:46 UTC
I love the contrast one gets when using black and white


museofmyself December 15 2012, 20:04:24 UTC
Took #2 - so cool! Will credit when used. Thank you very much! :D


marazion December 15 2012, 21:33:20 UTC
These are so beautiful!


kriegsengel December 15 2012, 21:45:17 UTC
Saved # 7, thank you.)


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