stock20in20 round #29 -(water theme)

Jul 17, 2012 15:20

I didn't think I would finish this, but I had a little down time today. So I cranked these out. I hate the idea of not finishing something I started. So here they are! I'm not that satisfied with all of them, but at least they're done. For most part I'm pretty happy. I hope you all like them ( Read more... )

bubbles, jar, jellyfish, flowers, food, icons, 20in20, light, textured icons, rainbow, icon maker: phchiu, beach, girl, balloons, dresses, water, animal, stock, pretty, lights, dress, female, sea, ocean

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Comments 34

wildmopdogs July 17 2012, 19:31:25 UTC
I love Light/Dark, Rainbow, and Vibrant :D
Then Magnifying #5
and AC 2 and 3 :D

I hope you're having a good time :D


phchiu July 24 2012, 18:15:37 UTC
I am!! Thank you very much! ♥


lydzi July 17 2012, 22:06:37 UTC
I stopped breathing for two seconds!! I adore the colors and the cropping so so much <33


phchiu July 24 2012, 18:16:17 UTC
Oh my goodness! Thank you so very much! ♥ I'm so happy you like them and glad you didn't stop breathing for even longer! :P


tinpra July 18 2012, 01:08:38 UTC
They are lovely. I'm glad you got them done. I'm not sure what I'm going to pick up just yet (maybe the whole lot!) but I didn't want to leave w/o telling you how nifty they are. :)


phchiu July 24 2012, 18:17:37 UTC
I was on a race against time! I actually asked to be taken off the sign up list, but the mod wouldn't really let me do that. lol So I gave it all I got and finished. Thank goodness!
Thank you for letting me know! ♥


tinpra July 26 2012, 01:23:53 UTC
Okey dokey, so I picked up Light/Dark, Water, #1 from Magnifying Glass, and 2 & 5 from Artist Choice. Except for the swimming ladies, I chose the others because the light. I love the way you use light. The ladies were just fun :)


phchiu August 4 2012, 20:59:55 UTC
Thank you for letting me know, and for your comment! I really appreciate you taking the time to right which ones and why! Enjoy! :)


serendipity1991 July 18 2012, 06:00:03 UTC
Lovely set! Your acs are just wonderful!
Other favs are B&W, pale and rainbow :D


phchiu July 24 2012, 18:19:16 UTC
Awww, thank you very much! I actually made the AC set before I found out the rest of the themes. haha! Once I signed up for "water" I went on a hunt for images, and these were too perfect. I knew I wanted them as my AC set. :)


serendipity1991 July 28 2012, 08:30:04 UTC
Oh, I totally know what you mean! I always do that. I always get really excited to work on a claim on any 20in20 contest, that I look for really beautiful and cool photos before the themes are even set yet! :)
And I indeed enjoyed :)


wandering_foxy July 18 2012, 06:31:29 UTC
Amazing icons! I love cool/warm, light/dark and the AC. Great job! :)


phchiu July 24 2012, 18:20:01 UTC
I wasn't feeling too sure about my cool/warm, so I'm happy to hear you like it!
Thank you very much for the comment! ♥ Enjoy!


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