32 textures and non-textured icons!

Feb 11, 2012 23:43

Hi puka_pudgers! I'm here to bring you a batch of non-textured and textured icons. Half textured, half not. Wonder if you can figure out which ones are and which ones aren't. :P
Anyways, I know some of you think that bellajunior and I don't know how to use textures, and that's why we don't use them. Or our icons would look better if we would just put texture ( Read more... )

flowers, adorable, fashion, jump, icons, romance, clouds, feather, textured icons, clothes, sparkles, dessert, forest, glass, stock, roses, texture, shoes, female, sparkle, spring, bed, nature, sky, food, text, light, hands, leaves, hand, sexy, summer, winter, stars, icon maker: phchiu, girl, balloons, water, heels, cute, trees, berries, legs, couple, lights, sweets, dress

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Comments 34

wildmopdogs February 12 2012, 04:58:13 UTC
o.O I hope no one has really criticized you guys for lack of textures, because regardless of usage or omission, our icons are beautiful; that's why we keep coming back here for more! ♥

I think #15 is the ones I like best from this batch :)


phchiu February 12 2012, 05:09:26 UTC
Believe it or not, but I actually have been before. Not by many, but there have been a few. It's okay though. Pushes me to play with textures occasionally :)
And I love nothern lights icons too. Enjoy :)


wildmopdogs February 12 2012, 05:58:03 UTC
(and, of course, I meant "Your icons" up there, but, as usual, I ended up making a typo that's actually a word so I didn't get the little underlining to warn me x.x)

Anyway, I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure I can't be alone in thinking that the type of icons you guys have been putting out in the last ... how long has it been now? ... are absolutely fabulous and I wouldn't change anything about them. ♥ On the other hand, the important thing is that you and Rachel have fun making them, any way you please, because if you start catering to what everyone wants and it gets to the point where it's no longer fun, and more like a chore, what's the point in a hobby?


phchiu February 12 2012, 06:50:41 UTC
No worries about the typos! I totally got you, besides sometimes typos make for good giggle. Like autocorrect on the iPhones. So annoying, but can be funny and embarrassing all wrapped in one :P
It's been a year and a half now I think probably, but it feels like we've been doing this forever! Haha! At one point this did feel like a chore. So I stopped and my icons got a little ugly lol but I love it again. So I'm back, and requests and suggestions I definitely enjoy. It pushes me to do things I wouldn't normally, but never let it become a chore. Thanks for the pep talk/encouragement. You're awesome :)


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phchiu February 12 2012, 05:32:49 UTC
Thank you Sarah! I actually noticed that saving my icons as png files preserves the quality and color of the icons. I had this frustrations with icon quality changing between editing and uploading to photobucket. So I'm happy this batch turned out the way it did color wise, cause I pumped up the color even more. Tried something new :)
And pushing myself to use a little texture is always fun. :)
Also, when I was making #28 I thought of you. So I'm glad you snagged it! :P Enjoy!


rizbef February 12 2012, 06:36:05 UTC
Beautiful! And the lack of textures doesn't bother me at all; I've never even noticed really :) My favorites this time are 11, 17, and 24 <3


phchiu February 12 2012, 06:55:47 UTC
Thank you! I don't use textures for a lot of reasons, lack of time, lack of photoshop, dislike of gimp, but simply because I like the details and being able to see images the way they'd be captured in life. Not with all this stuff on it. Sometimes I wish I could scrap textures off some icons and see the raw beauty underneath, you know?
Always have to be care how to use textures and when to use them. Maybe I'm just lazy, that's definitely part of it, but not the whole part lol
Anyways, I'll stop rambling. lol enjoy the icons! :)


rizbef February 12 2012, 07:07:21 UTC
Really? I recently started using GIMP and it's not bad. Then again, I've never used Photoshop, so I can't compare ^^;;

I like icons both ways - with and without textures. But I will definitely agree it's so much less time-consuming without!


phchiu February 12 2012, 19:50:30 UTC
I started off with the 30 day trial of photoshop, when it expired I couldn't get over my loss. I tried gimp, but it just wasn't the same. lol
Since I had to wipe my hard drive, I downloaded the free trial again. So playing with textures as much as I can the next 30 days, and trying not to fail my exams. lol

You should download the free 30 trial photoshop and play around. I'm sure you'd love it. :D


kittylefish February 12 2012, 07:27:36 UTC
pretty! and i can't believe somebody criticized you guys for not using textures. different strokes for different folks and all that. i never looked at your icons and thought, 'omg! she didn't use any textures!'

the two that jump out at me the most from this batch are 20 and 28.


phchiu February 12 2012, 19:25:38 UTC
It has been quite awhile since anyone has said anything, but it's something that sticks with me you know. Anything you guys say or suggest I keep in the back of my mind for inspiration and such.
But thank you! :) Those were two I really liked too! I want to eat the ice cream so bad lol


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phchiu February 12 2012, 19:45:54 UTC
Aww thank you! I feel like textures should enhance the original image, not cover it. So I generally only use soft color "textures" to enhance color.
Trying to avoid those moments where you spot a rocking icon, and all this texture is covering up what would be incredible underneath, you know? Everything pink just makes me sad. lol Partially cause I'm not a huge fan of pink and alot of textures/icons lately seem to hold that pink tint. :P


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