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Comments 12

callmemadam June 24 2024, 17:47:25 UTC
I agree about modern stained glass v. Victorian. Thank you for the lesson about glass disease, which I'd never heard of.


puddleshark June 25 2024, 16:09:09 UTC
I often come across 19th century windows in little village churches where the glass was so poorly made that the faces of the figures have turned to featureless white blobs. But this was the first time I'd heard of green glass disease!


xaider June 24 2024, 19:22:46 UTC
Always makes me think of Kodachrome transparency slide film. Back at the art school they have slides of stained glass too teachers would take pictures from art books and display them with projectors to students, There is a certain way you look at them with magnifying glass. Slide is a stained glass of photograph.


puddleshark June 25 2024, 16:11:44 UTC
I wonder what we have lost, replacing slides with computer screens...


colored_way June 24 2024, 21:34:21 UTC

I've been interested in stained glass for years. Thank you for your photos of these outstanding artifacts.


puddleshark June 25 2024, 16:15:23 UTC
You're welcome!

I love medieval and modern stained glass.

19th century stained glass, not so much - but that's probably only because 90% of the village churches in Dorset have 19th century stained glass, and it tends to be too dark and overpowering in a small ancient church. I'm a bit prejudiced against it.


adafrog June 24 2024, 22:39:53 UTC


puddleshark June 25 2024, 16:16:38 UTC
It is an amazing museum, with some absolutely stunning examples of stained glass...


55nika June 26 2024, 04:29:58 UTC

what beautiful stained glass windows of different styles!


puddleshark June 26 2024, 16:40:48 UTC
Yes, it is such a fabulous collection! And it includes many women artists whose work I had not seen before.


55nika June 27 2024, 04:09:27 UTC

my experience with painting on glass is limited to a single picture - Marge Simson

... )


puddleshark June 27 2024, 06:47:24 UTC


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