Minterne Gardens

May 30, 2024 10:18

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dorset gardens

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Comments 8

callmemadam May 30 2024, 09:40:49 UTC
I'm not that keen on rhodos but they can be a splendid sight at tis time of year. In my garden, an astonishingly orange azalea is just going over. I would never have planted it but it does dazzle through the gloom.


puddleshark May 31 2024, 15:21:06 UTC
No, I'm not a big fan of rhododendrons either - with them, it's an amazing display for a few weeks, followed by a year of gloom...

But I do have a soft spot for orange azaleas.


thoughtsbykat May 30 2024, 11:49:28 UTC
A beautiful walk through the gardens!
Rhodos and azaleas are always stunning.


puddleshark May 31 2024, 15:22:12 UTC
I should visit these gardens more often in May. The rhododendrons and azaleas are stunning.


sartorias May 30 2024, 17:05:04 UTC
Those are so, so lovely. Wow, it's difficult to believe that such places exist. Oh, to have such walks available--I'd never be indoors.


puddleshark May 31 2024, 15:23:50 UTC
Heh! Yes, it always feels like a sin to be indoors in May...


changeling72 June 3 2024, 15:10:55 UTC
It looks beautiful. I will have to go.


puddleshark June 3 2024, 15:35:47 UTC
Minterne Gardens are amazing. It's well worth a bit of trek across Dorset to visit, especially at this time of year when the azaleas are in flower, or at the end of October, when the Japanese Maples are always stunning.

And there are some fabulous walks in that area, along the Cerne Valley. A few years ago, a friend and I walked to Minterne Gardens from Cerne Abbas, and it was such a beautiful walk.


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