
Jan 06, 2010 12:51

Author: emocezi
Title: Bitten
Wordcount: 2290
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, nor do I make profit from this fiction.
Rating: I guess R just to be safe cause there's a bit of swearing in this.
A/N: Based on a prompt from the Glee Kink Meme, where Puck get's bitten by a werewolf and suddenly can't resist the smell of Kurt.

Hope you have fun reading, I had fun writing. :D

This was why he never went jogging after dark. Shit jumped out of the bushes and fucking bit you when you were two minutes from home. Puck clamped his hand over his forearm tighter, wondering if he should tell his mother and risk the cliched Jewish Mother Freakout.

In the end he just snuck up to his room and ran the bite under some cold water, slapped some neosporin on it and dug under the sink for a couple of large band-aids. It was just some weird ass looking dog. Not like it had given him rabies or anything.


Puck awoke with a splitting headache, the dim morning light far to bright on his sensitive eyes, teeth aching, muscles cramping. He swore softly, pulling the blankets over his head and refusing to get out of bed. That stupid dog had given him something, he was sure of it.

The jock poked at his arm, frowning when he felt no pain. He sat up, then flopped back down when the sudden movement made his head pound and his teeth feel like they had the day after he'd gotten braces when he was ten. He tentatively sat up again, peeling back the band-aids and gaping at the lack of a bite mark anywhere on his forearm. There wasn't even a hint of a scar, okay that was weird.

“Noah get up, you're going to be late for school.” His mothers normally shrill voice cut through the top of his skull like a buzz saw and Puck groaned again, sinking back down into his bed and hoping he looked as ill as he felt so he could stay home from school today.


In the end his mother hadn't believed his story about feeling like death with a side of stroke, and so Puck was forced to go to school. Everything was too loud, the chattering of the student body making his ears ring as if he'd recently heard a large amount of feedback from a mic. The sun was too bright, and when he got inside the fluorescent lights hurt his eyes.

And don't get him started on the smells. His fellow jocks smelled too sweaty, the cheerios too perfume-y, and the rest of the kids just plain stunk. But as he moved carefully down the hall to his locker, he became aware of a sweeter scent. Like the almond brittle his mother liked to make every now and again. Thick and cloying and resting on the back of his tongue until he could nearly taste it.

His brain had taken a detour, and rather then try and think about where this smell was coming from, he simply followed it. His headache was fading, the lights didn't seem so bright, and the chattering noise of a hundred people talking faded into the background. Puck didn't even notice who he was closing in on until he'd manhandled Kurt against the lockers and shoved his nose in the crook of the gleeks neck, just breathing in his scent.

Kurt froze, hands held away from his body in a gesture of 'don't hurt me' and 'what the hell are you doing' that made it easier for Puck to get in close. He took a deep breath in, shuddered a little and took another breath. Mouth open and panting wetly against Kurt's neck, practically tasting his scent. That wasn't a bad idea, and the soft squeak that the gleek made when Puck ran his tongue up that pale neck made the jock growl softly and do it again.

And as soon as it had hit him, it was gone. The chattering of too many people, the slight burn of fluorescent lights, and the smell, though still there wasn't as strong and cloying as it had been. But his headache was also gone, and that was a bit of a bonus. Of course, Puck also noticed what he was doing, and who he was doing it too.

He pushed back, taking in Kurt's huge eyes and whiter-then-normal face. Terror radiating from every pore and making his scent that much stronger.



It wasn't like he meant to grab Kurt when the gleek was passing his desk, his hands just acted of their own accord. Which lead to Kurt flailing and nearly smacking Puck across the face when the jock pulled him out of the aisle. The entire class laughed, some whistling and cat calling, and more then a few jocks making lewd gestures or remarks. Kurt's face burned a deep burgundy, and Puck could tell he was angry and embarrassed, but not from his expression, but from his scent. And that was just weird.

He loosened his grip on the gleek who took off to his customary seat near Mercedes like a flash. And though they were whispering, Puck could hear every word like they were speaking right next to him.

What the hell was that?

How should I know, he's been acting weird all day.

Something is seriously wrong with that boy.

I'm aware of that Mercedes. He licked me this morning. I had to go decontaminate myself.

Ew. What the hell.

Puck wasn't even aware he was softly growling at the thought of Kurt washing off his neck until Finn poked him with a pencil and asked him why he kept purring. Puck stopped and stared at the black board in horror. What the hell was wrong with him, what the hell was so special about Hummel that he had to smell him and lick him and hold his stupid skinny hand?


“What's up Hummel? Enjoying yourself?” Karofsky crooned, a number of jocks cornering the gleek near his locker. Puck had heard about seeing red, and yeah he'd been pretty pissed before. but this was the first time he'd ever experienced a red haze clouding his vision as he started to stalk forward. Jaw and fingers aching in a way that felt oddly good.

When his vision cleared he had Kurt pressed up against the lockers again, thigh in between Kurt's skinny dancers legs, mouth on Kurt's neck, sucking a hickey of epic proportions on the gleeks neck. The jocks were gone, the hallway was empty and Puck could smell blood on the air. It made him rumble appreciatively, knowing that they wouldn't be bothering his Kurt again....wait, what?

Puck jerked away, taking in the sight of the gleek, slightly mussed, pupils dilated in either pleasure or fear, or a healthy mix of both. The jock licked his lips and took a step forward, cocking his head to the side when Kurt put both hands on the jocks chest, pushed him back a full step and took off like a shot. Not bothering to look behind him, not bothering to stop by his locker, just flying out of the school like the hounds of hell were on him.

Puck rumbled again, though this time, it sounded more like a warning.


“I don't know what to do. I don't know what's going on.” Kurt's voice held a note of panic when Mercedes finally picked up the phone.

“Boy, what happened. Tina told me Puck flipped out on his footballers and almost killed Karofsky. She said he looked like he was about to rip the boys throat out with his teeth.”

“I DON'T KNOW!!! All I know is that the morons were probably about to toss me into the dumpster again and then he comes raging out of nowhere and broke Karofsky's arm cause he was touching me.”

“How do you know that?”


“Kurt...Kurt, calm down.”


“I'm coming over.”

“Oh God, please hurry.”


Kurt was avoiding him. He knew this because every time he got a whiff of the gleeks scent, the pale boy was no where to be found. And that meant he had look outs. Every fiber of Puck's being told him to go find Kurt, to keep him close, to protect him. But to do that, he had to locate the gleek.

“Where is he?”

“I ain't telling you. Back off Puckerman.”


“There is nothing you can do to make me tell you where my boy is hiding.” Puck grinned suddenly, and Mercedes blanched. Because that sort of grin, didn't belong on a human being. It belonged on a very large predator that had no qualms on taking you down if you were in it's way. “Science room.” She blurted out, slapping her hands over her mouth. Puck was already moving, slinking through the crowd like a large cat. Mercedes whipped out her phone frantically texting.

Get out of there ASAP!!


The science room was empty when Puck got there. Though the room was swimming in that sweet almond scent, so Puck knew the gleek hadn't been gone long. He rumbled, the noise making more then one person look over at him oddly, more then a few people taking a step away from the jock. If he was growling it was never a good sign.

Puck sniffed, catching hold of the still warm scent trail and following it, people scrambling to get out of his way.


Kurt was pacing on the second floor bathrooms, nearly hyperventilating. He'd been getting a flow of text messages from his fellow gleeks.

run forest run
move your skinny white butt
target on the move, abandon rabbit hole

He was close to having a panic attack as Puck wasn't acting very much like Puck, and more like some sort of animal. He'd gladly go back to being thrown in the dumpsters if it meant the jock would stop following him around and smelling him in public. Because trying to explain that to everyone you knew was just awkward.

The bathroom door slammed open and Kurt let out a high pitched squeal at the sight of the boy he'd been fleeing from all morning. He pushed himself into the back corner of the bathroom, probably not the best place to avoid someone, but he felt safer with a wall at his back.

“Why are you running from me?”

“Why do you keep sniffing me?” Kurt retaliated, his voice higher then normal.

“Because you smell like mine.” Puck growled out the last word and Kurt may have whimpered in absolute terror.

“What does that even mean?”

“It means stop running. Because if I have to chase you again...” Puck stopped, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. “What the fuck. Hummel, you did something, didn't you?”


“Why am I following you around? You're not even hot.”

“...” Kurt was speechless. First Puck was hot for him, stalking him for the entire day, and now this?

“I mean, if I was following Tina around, or even your faghag, but you?”

“WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?!?!?!” Kurt slid down the wall to press his face against his knees, trying his hardest not to pass out from having a panic attack. Puck growled out a curse and stormed out of the bathroom, fighting the urge to rush back inside and haul Kurt against him. Something was seriously messed up.


“IDIOT!!” Puck looked over to see a tall thin man striking a smaller rather scruffy boy with a cane. “How many times have we told you to stay inside when you change?”

“I'M SORRY” The boy wailed and cringed when the man raised his cane again. “I just wanted to be outside.”

“You bit a human. A HUMAN...THAT HUMAN!!” The man roared, pointing his cane at Puck who was watching the scene with huge eyes. “And now we have to explain it all to him.”

“Explain what to me?”

“The reason you have a headache, can hear people talking at the far end of the parking lot, have a sudden craving for very rare steaks, and can smell who's bathed and who hasn't.”

“ did you know all that?” Puck took a step backwards, completely weirded out by the dead on symptoms he'd been having for the past few days.

“This should be fun.” The man mumbled and grabbed Puck's arm.


“So....I'm a werewolf?”

“No, you're a Lycan. We don't know what form you'll take when you change.”

“So...I could be like...a rat or something?”

“I highly doubt that. You've got the air of something rather large and predatory.” The man, Sylvester, spoke, waving a hand in the air for emphasis. “Now, have you found your mate yet?”

“My what?!?”

“You're mate. Surely there's someone that's caught your fancy. Their smell captivates you, you can't stop thinking about them, want them next to you at all times, feel rather overprotective in any situation.”

“Oh.My.God.” Puck had gone an interesting shade of pale, which made him look yellowish grey, not a good color.

“Oh, best friends girlfriend?” Sylvester asked with a smirk.

“I wish.” Puck mumbled, rubbing his hands over his face. “Queen of the school, wears more makeup then some of the girls.”

“That's not so bad.” The scruffy kid spoke up. “I haven't found mine yet.” The door to the school opened and Rachel Berry walked out, looking full of herself as usual. The scruffy boy perked up and sniffed the air. “Never mind.”


Part Two

oneshot, r, author: emocezi

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