Funniest Thing EVER!!!

Apr 17, 2012 17:39

Interesting pictures that came from the set that made me LOL!

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Comments 33

pterawaters April 17 2012, 21:48:46 UTC
Lol. I just saw this, like two minutes ago. It's messing with my brain, because I'm playing both Puck and Blaine in an rp right now...

This is the source, I believe.


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 21:50:18 UTC
Yes, it was from Wet Paint. I just kept on thinking Puck wants Kurt some badly he will pretend to be Blaine.

Also Finn as Kurt + Puck as Blaine = hot Finn/Puck making out...possibly!


pterawaters April 17 2012, 21:54:18 UTC
That would be acceptable!

(Or maybe it could be a dream Kurt has, where he realizes he's in love with Puck, not Blaine...)


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 21:56:51 UTC
Yes, it would!!!

I have no idea why they are doing it but Mark looks good with hair just not the outfit!!!

I would love RIB if that state was true!


chyldofeternity April 17 2012, 21:58:25 UTC
Damn that boy is hot in ANYTHING. And hotter in nothing I bet! Lol!


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 21:59:28 UTC
I love him with the hair. He looks so debonaire!

If only they would show that on an episode, I would die of happiness!


chyldofeternity April 17 2012, 22:02:43 UTC
He really does! Much better than the hawk! Although I do love the old style know...season 1 hawk. ^_^ That was hawt.

So is this from an episode? Or was it just hijinx on the set?


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 22:08:26 UTC
I do too!!! I loved the old school hawk.

I think it's from an episode because they were at a mall. It might be a senior prank. Plus Cory and Jenna are also dressed up as someone else.


caledonius72 April 17 2012, 22:07:18 UTC
His pose is so "lookit mah pant bulge" yummy. Maybe it's for a dream sequence, like they did do the Paltrow ep. Good wig work though. You can hardly see the join.


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 22:10:05 UTC
Or it's a prank. We'll find out eventually. The thought of Blaine!Puck is so humorous cause they are so opposite in nature.

Yes, it looks real and makes me wish that Mark would grow his hair in.


caledonius72 April 17 2012, 22:22:24 UTC
I bet he does too. Three and a half years with a Mohawk, barring a couple of months with a buzz cut. I want to see him with a shaggy mane. Grrrrr.


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 22:28:22 UTC
I think his hair would be curly from what I saw from pictures when he was little :)


sara_matta April 17 2012, 22:15:44 UTC that Mark?! really?!.... omg... *ç*

i had not recognized him! :o


geeky_ramblings April 17 2012, 22:27:17 UTC
Yup. I can't wait to see this episode!


yay_for_gays April 17 2012, 23:40:56 UTC
Everytime I see this, I keep thinking "Damn Blaine, when did you Have a growth spurt?"


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