31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January: Day 7

Jan 07, 2012 11:44

Welcome to Day 7 of the 31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January! Please post all of today's drabbles here!

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31 days of puckurt drabbles

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akigarin January 7 2012, 17:41:00 UTC

Puck's neighbor across the hall came home at the same time every day, five o'clock sharp. An hour later, food arrived in the form of takeout containers from the local restaurants. On Mondays, it was Chinese. On Tuesdays, it was Pizza. Wednesdays was Italian night and Thursdays, Thai. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays were a mystery because Kurt kept himself locked in his apartment like a hermit and no delivery men came on those days.

Puck didn't notice this because he was some kind of stalker. Kurt Hummel was just a man of unvarying routine. The first time the two of them passed in the halls, he'd been so intent on getting to his apartment, small grocery bag clutched in his arms, that he barely even acknowledged the nod Puck threw him.


pterawaters January 7 2012, 17:57:39 UTC
:D Of course Puck's not a stalker. He's just observant. Really. Great drabble!


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