31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January: Day 4

Jan 04, 2012 11:30

Welcome to Day 4 of the 31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January! Please post all of today's drabbles here!

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31 days of puckurt drabbles

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31 Accidents - The Button - PG-13ish pterawaters January 4 2012, 16:42:11 UTC

I just posted my third drabble, "The Canoe", over on yesterday's post. Also, this one totally goes with a Drabble I did in June, but you won't have to read that one to understand this one.

"Babe," Noah muttered as he was freaking manhandled into a broom closet, when his lips weren't otherwise occupied, "we're gonna wrinkle the duds. I'm on in, like, twenty."

Whoever might think Puck was the more practical of the two of them obviously didn't know Kurt Hummel very well. "Then take them off. C'mon. We're working with a time crunch here."

Puck shrugged. With various shows taking one or the other of them to the wrong cities for the last six weeks, he was just as desperate for a little contact before they flew in opposite directions again as his boyfriend was. So, he set to work on the buttons of his shirt, hissing, "Why don't you ever design anything with zippers? Or, I don't know, snaps?"

Kurt paused in his task of unbuttoning Noah's pants and even though it was pitch black in the closet, Puck could almost see the way he raised one eyebrow ( ... )


Re: 31 Accidents - The Button - PG-13ish penthea January 4 2012, 16:57:10 UTC
Yes, that's exactly how it would go, isn't it.

I love Puck protecting his face from faily!Kurt.


Re: 31 Accidents - The Button - PG-13ish backbitethnot January 5 2012, 01:11:53 UTC
Hahahahaha, oh those two. I like this model/designer thing. Awesome.


Re: 31 Accidents - The Button - PG-13ish test_kard_girl January 5 2012, 22:46:53 UTC
Freakin' hilarious dude :D. Fashion!designer Kurt will always be my favourite. Thankyou!


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