30 Days of Puckurt Drabble: Day 7

Jun 07, 2011 10:18

It's day seven of our June 30 Days of Puckurt drabble fest.

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG ( Read more... )

drabble, 30 days of puckurt drabble

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30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 7 2011, 14:33:46 UTC
SleepPuck bunches his fingers into a fist and drives it into the mattress, frustration and annoyance flitting over him like a thousand crawling ants. He can’t sleep. He’s tired, has had a bad day, and he can’t sleep. All because his bed-partner is attempting to train for gold in the fidgeting Olympics ( ... )


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep patchfire June 7 2011, 14:50:31 UTC
wrapped around a twitchy man who has the ability to annoy him and bring him happiness.

I love this line!!


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:33:30 UTC
Thanks <3


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep eyesarmslove June 7 2011, 15:28:09 UTC
But he has. And as his eyes travel from perfectly-shaped eyebrows to the strong cut of a collarbone bared by the drooping of an overly-large shirt - his shirt - something warm lights in his chest. He’s been feeling this, this odd sensation of being content, for a while now, but it is building to be something he can’t ignore.

Puck always thought he’d fall in love during the day. Instead he has fallen in love during the night, wrapped around a twitchy man who has the ability to annoy him and bring him happiness. Who he can’t imagine leaving, horrible sleep-habits and all.

... )


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:39:44 UTC
Awe what a wonderful response! Lea's expression is perfect! Thank you~


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep bloodstrom June 7 2011, 16:06:30 UTC
Puck always thought he’d fall in love during the day. Instead he has fallen in love during the night



Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:40:37 UTC
Thanks :) (Hehe a lot of it was inspired by the original prompt - I've been so lucky in that way).


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 7 2011, 18:09:32 UTC
Awwww!!! :D
Gah I love this. And I LOVE that Puck decides to solve his problem with cuddling. So many problems can be solved with cuddling!


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:41:13 UTC
IKR?! Cuddling is the best!

Thanks, hon! <3


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep tyn June 8 2011, 00:43:09 UTC
*____* so wonderful! ♥


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:41:34 UTC
Awe thank you <3


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep lezi June 8 2011, 01:38:57 UTC
THIS! All Kurt the flaily boy wonder needed was someone to cuddle him. :B So cute. Beautifully written; I laughed at closing his eyes and counting to twenty. Ten’s never enough and smiled at He’s been feeling this, this odd sensation of being content, for a while now, but it is building to be something he can’t ignore.

This makes me want to go to sleep (again). Today's the first day in a loooong time that I've took a nap! xD Maybe today's Sleepy Day?


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:43:28 UTC
Haha maybe! I'm pretty sick, so I've been falling asleep everywhere.

Thank you ♥


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep ithicajackal June 8 2011, 04:40:20 UTC
The last lines!! They are ♥
Oh hell, the whole thing is :) I love Puck's slow realization what he's feeling, and the descriptions of Kurt are wonderful. I'm an incredibly fidgety sleeper and might've used that as inspiration. I know it can be frustrating..
I'm so enjoying these drabbles, and I'm not much of a drabble person usually ;)


Re: 30 Firsts -- Sleep emoryems June 8 2011, 05:46:50 UTC
I'm a fidgety sleeper, too (I always lose my pillows and blankets. And sometimes sheets lol), so this was really a perfect prompt ;)

Neither am I *shifty eyes* I've barely ever read one in the last (holy crap) elevenish years in fandom. This is quite the awesome experience here :)

Thank you ♥


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