Puck Doesn't Notice

May 22, 2011 22:11

Title: Puck Doesn't Notice
Author: patchfire
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt, Beth, Shelby C.
Genre: romance/family
Warning: none
Spoilers: through all aired to be safe
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I do not.
Author Notes: Kurt's POV during Commencing.
Updated May 7, 2012.
Summary: Puck doesn't notice, but Kurt does.
Word Count: 616

Puck doesn't notice.

Kurt's thankful, because today is not the day for Puck to notice. Today is a day for Puck to spend with his daughter, and for today, Kurt has just one job: to make sure Puck enjoys the day as much as possible. He's there to support Puck, and if he falls a little bit in love with his partner's daughter, well, who can blame him? He knows that, yes, Beth is Quinn's biological daughter, too, but all he can see in Beth is Puck.

Puck doesn't notice the look on the server's face when they sit down at the restaurant. They had their hands joined, and then Puck threw his arm over Kurt's shoulder, pulling him close. They, at least, are in the open at last, and that weight being lifted compared with finally seeing Beth; it’s unsurprising at the very least. Normally, Kurt knows, Puck would see it, even though they wouldn’t talk about it, but today, he doesn’t. Kurt does see the look, does notice the small argument between two servers, and does register the change in servers with resignation. It's not the first time someone's refused to serve him, though part of him would be satisfied if it were the last. At least nothing was said out loud.

Later, as they're about to leave the restaurant, waiting in the lobby for Shelby to return with Beth from the restroom, Puck doesn't notice the whispers just after he pulls Kurt close and kisses him softly. Puck doesn't notice the hateful glare from the woman who otherwise could belong to the PTA. She mutters under her breath and turns her children's heads in another direction just as Puck swoops in for another kiss. Kurt lets his eyes close, returns the kiss, and doesn't hesitate before flipping her off behind Puck's back.

While they're at the park, Shelby volunteers to walk about a quarter-mile to buy water and ice cream as a snack. The day has progressed well, and Beth's happy to stay on the equipment to play her Daddy and her "Unca Kur." They act as they would any time they aren’t in Lima; hands squeezing and a few kisses, arms around each other. Enough that they were on some idiot's radar, anyway, because then they're swinging Beth between them, walking down the sidewalk, and the slam against Kurt's shoulder is something he thought he left behind when he crossed the stage at graduation the day before. The man whispers under his breath, so Puck can't hear but loud enough that Kurt can, "Fucking queers, shouldn't be allowed around kids."

Kurt catches himself in a way that only years of practice have given him, and he brushes off Puck's concern quickly ("Must've stepped farther to the right than I thought") and once again, Kurt's thankful, because truly Puck doesn't notice.

As they drive back to Shelby's from the park, though, Kurt looks in the rearview mirror, and watches Puck sitting beside Beth's car seat. No, Puck didn’t notice, but Kurt acknowledges that he just doesn’t care the way he once did. He smiles a little ruefully, because this is strange and weird, and some people would find the arrangement messed up. Some people would find a lot of his life messed up and even wrong, actually, but Kurt can acknowledge the rightness of it, and he can’t help but smile widely. He looks in the rearview mirror again, still smiling, and Puck catches his eye.

Puck notices.

series: story of three boys, author: patchfire, oneshot, pg

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