Title: A Ring Around 3/?
puckkit Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character: Mohinder/Sylar
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or the show Heroes, therefore all of this is false and made up from my charmingly eccentric imagination.
Author's Notes: Usual warnings- spoilers for first season, AU. Much thanks, as always, to
mneiai because she's been
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Comments 11
LOVED this.
Ooooh, Sylar struck a NERVE. Ouch ...
Oh great, now SYLAR'S back in control (sort of) dear god ... *runs in fear for Mohinder, then realizes that Mohinder was creeping me out a while ago and resues a normal pace*
Sylar's like that. He's vicious in mental activities.
I feel that they could be so well-matched, creepiness-wise. A back and forth of creepy, if you will.
Thank you!
Hee!!! I really can't wait to see what Sylar's going to do...And Mohinder's still creepy (though he seems to have more of a human side now).
Sylar is a right creeper, and Mohinder... well, he's getting there. It's hard to compete with Sylar ^^
Thanks for reading!
Hee. True enough. Sylar has so much more experience being evil.
Me too! I want to have some real back and forth now. I'm stoked.
I agree completely. But... well, you'll see Mohinder a little different coming up. It's... I won't spoil it. But the playing field levels itself a little, let's just say ^^
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