Sign-ups are open

Oct 01, 2015 21:00

Sign-ups for Public Call 2015 are now open!

Sign-up form on AO3

(If you need an AO3 account, you can request one here.)

Sign-ups will remain open until 7pm GMT on Thursday, 15th October (When is that in my time zone?)

To sign up, you must specify which combinations of characters ("relationships") you are willing to receive or write fic for. Here is the list of available relationships. (Writers are free to write these as any kind of relationship - pairing/friendship/... You can give a preference in your sign-up, but any details other than dislikes are optional for writers.)

(You can also see an easier-to-read full list of relationships - sorted into New Who, Torchwood, Classic Who, and Mixed/Big Finish/others - in this LJ post.)

For reference, here are the full Rules & FAQ for this year.

  • Relationships:

    Minimum: 3, maximum: 15

    At least one relationship must be New Who and/or Torchwood only.

    The sign-up form will autocomplete when you start typing a relationship.

    (There is an AO3 bug where sometimes a relationship won't come up in autocomplete. If that happens, please copy and paste it from the tagset.)
  • Details:

    Please include some information for your assigned writer in the following format:

    Likes: (general preferences, prompts, suggested scenarios ...)

    Dislikes: (in particular, please include any squicks or triggers you may have - in other words, what is it you absolutely don't want to receive?)

    You can include any other additional details you like, but please don't imply rank for relationships or otherwise specify a favourite. You are only guaranteed to match on one relationship, so make sure everything you request is something you'd be happy to receive.

    Your writer will not be allowed to include your dislikes, but any other details are purely optional and there to help your assigned writer come up with ideas for your gift.
  • URL:

    You can add a link to a "Dear Writer" letter if there's more you'd like to tell your assigned writer.
  • Minimum: 3 relationships, maximum: 20

    At least one relationship must be New Who and/or Torchwood only.

    The sign-up form will autocomplete when you start typing a relationship.

    (There is an AO3 bug where sometimes a relationship won't come up in autocomplete. If that happens, please copy and paste it from the tagset.)
  • You're only guaranteed to match on one relationship, so make sure everything you offer is something you'd be happy to write.
You can edit/delete your sign-up until sign-ups close on the 15th.
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