First Post.... here we go

Oct 20, 2006 08:39

Hmmm a livejournal... For me, I must have broken 10 different rules I've set for myself just contemplating setting up a blog, not to mention actually carrying through and starting up one!

Well I've set this up as a retrospective diary of sorts about the planning of the massive proposal from start to finish. It was a phase that will never be repeated, and one definitely not to be forgotten.

Its just too much a mammoth task to put it all into one post as originally planned, so with each passing day when I have a moment I will just keep adding drips and drabs until its eventual completion. Also when I get a chance I plan to add in things like scans of the preliminary drafts and final sketches of the ring design which I drew up eventuating in the final result. Which was a surprise success!

With time stopping for no one, and senility being even more impatient (touch wood), I decided to best document this entire experience not just for myself to remember forever, but to share them with my new darling Fiancee so that she can experience or understand just how much planning and effort went into this. Also for her to recognise certain lies, fibs, stories, and well all sorts of distortions of the truth that was part and parcel of keeping this whole process under a veil of the utmost secrecy.

To Erica out there in cyberspace reading this, I love you, and hope that you enjoy sharing this retrospective journey with me. And that I have no good reason for fibbing to you from now on and into the future, and if I do its probably because I'm planning a surprise. So perhaps its just best off if you believe that all my words are now gospel :)

To be continued... *MUACKS*


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