parte the firste. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
parte the seconde. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
parte the thirde. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
parte the fourthe. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
parte the fifthe. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Interviewed by
Ava_Q_Adore :
1. This is probably a common question, but have you really experienced some serious discrimination because of your sexual preference?
See my first response to SeanShannon's first question :D.
Really, I feel that I am incredibly lucky in that I haven't been discriminated against. I feel this is mainly because I don't make being gay an obvious part of my life to people who would try and use it against me. I'll share my homosexuality with my friends because, well, they deserve to know that the love of my life is a man, and I'll let it slip eventually to coworkers when they ask what I am doing over the weekend, but it's not like I saddle up to a job interview going "what're ya'lls partner benefits, cause you're all horrible homophobes if you don't have 'em".
Much the same way, I just didn't date in high school or really research my sexuality because I didn't need to give dickheads leverage during what I felt was a cranky angsty time for everyone. That way most of the memories I retained from High School were of me and my good friends doing cool stuff.
As you will see from my reply to sean, I think the biggest problem I have is with what I deem "mega militant super homos" or people who argue that they do this because they are gay and that because they are gay and somehow it rubs off on their acquaintances that they get to assume I would do it too (because I am gay). I hate reverse homophobia. "I love gay people, I have a gay mom, this means I can tell you that you are being a bad gay man"... shit like that.
2. What is your favoritest movie of all time? Do you even have it memorized?
Groundhog day. This is tied by every single movie about women ever (I am especially fond of Ya Ya sisterhood, Big Fat Greek Wedding, and Elizabeth. I also had a long affair with Frida).
3. How did you first meet Eric? :)
First saw him online. He is the BIGGEST Gay Dot Com troll. I privated him and he suddenly became all sweet. Then I was horrendously rude to a friend and invited myself over when I knew he was coming. We ended up making out on the couch in front of said friend and his roomate... then we went back to my place and made out some more but didn't sex because I really liked him and didn't want to flip my "one night stand" bit. So we waited 8 hours and then humped like gibbons.
Then he told me he loved me (couple of weeks later), came out to his family (couple of months later), and I hope to have him gradually move in over the next couple of months after he graduates.
4. What was your first impression of me when you first saw me at the Columbia tournament years ago?
"What an awesome lady!" I remember that you were very tall, very very smart, had pale blue eyes that danced with a barely contained enthusiasm.... and long, blond, perfect hair that seemed to radiate that enthusiasm into the air around you. You have never done anything to change that initial impression, just a few things to add to your long list of glowing qualities.
5. How much weight are you wanting to lose, and how are you doing it? :)
I just want to shed 20 lbs, or turn the 190 I have into muscle. I keep telling myself that I am gonna wake up at 5:00 and go to the gym, but it only seems to happen 2 days-a-week. I am trying to be good about not eating too much... but I always seem to get taken out to lunch by coworkers so I break even.
I think eventually I'll get better about working out and do it more days, and I'll get better about not cheating. I figure now I haven't broken 200 at which point I will really marshall myself, but for now I don't wanna stress since I am still a "normal" BMI and the last time I lost tons of weight it was the result of being so bored I did nothing but play DDR for two months at the Duke Marine Lab.
Interviewed by
SeanShannon :
1. How much flak have you taken for being the most visible openly gay poster on DDR Freak?
I'm the most visibly open gay poster on DDR Freak?
Well, I guess I can't say I've taken too much... No-one has actually tried to use any sort of direct gay bash and most of the time I just get people to try and explain why something is bad related to gayness and they can't. Usually they relent or back down. I'd have to say the most insulting thing that has ever happened to me on DDRFreak is when ShyGuy/Shy used a
reverse-homophobia argument to try and browbeat me. Granted, my initial "Fuck you and your mom" response was not in accordance with my usual level of tact... but it seemed much better than "Next time someone tries to rob your quickstop, just tell them you won't give them the money and refuse to give in to their demands. It's been shown effective to stop most robberies."
I still haven't gotten a reply to the drawn-out response. I figure he had already "said his peace" or some equally juvenile foot-stomp and I guess I am sort of grateful for it. I will admit I am occasionally tempted to send a PM to the effect of "So where's your smarmy saccharine-coated reply this time? Don't you see I left you a long response?"
Needless to say, I DESPISE "you should _______ because you're gay" arguments. I'd like to ask what your take on that whole bit of drama was.... now would be a good time to weigh in with "nah, Peter, you really were just being an asshole".
2. Why are your cookies so darn good?
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees, grease two cookie sheets or get parchment paper ready on them (I much prefer parchment paper. I have never burned cookies on parchment paper and it's incredibly easy to move cookies with it.
in one small bowl, combine:
18 Tablespoons (1 cup and two tablespoons) flour
1/2 Teaspoon baking soda
In another medium bowl combine and beat at medium speed until well blended:
1 stick (1/2 cup) softened unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (I usually use light, but dark works too)
Then add and beat until well combined:
1 large egg
1/4 Teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla (I usually go overboard and put in a bit shy of a tablespoon)
Stir the flour mixture into the butter mixture until well blended and smooth, then add
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips.
3/4 cups chopped walnuts or pecans (very optional, I never make nutty cookies)
Heap spoonfulls (usually smaller teaspoon from table set) onto the sheets, spacing about 2 inches apart. Bake one sheet at a time, until the cookies are slightly colored on top and rimmed with brown at the edges, 8-10 minutes; Rotate the sheet halfway through baking for even browning. Remove the sheet to a rack and let stand until cookies firm slightly (about 2 minutes).
I don't have cooling racks but I hear they are rather good... otherwise, the cookies are gooey while they are warm (they retain warmth for about 3 hours... yay butter!) but will firm up overnight.
This recipe came from the Joy of Cooking, most of my recipes do. I reccomend any aspiring cooks get a copy.
3. Having not seen the pictures myself, how big is Irish's wang? >.>
8" X 6", with a slight curve to his left. Ask him for a set of photos, he is NOT shy about sending them out. I could ask him for you and send them too...
4. What are your favourite songs in DDR? In ITG?
Door of magic, Irresisteblement, Last Message, Twin Bee, Freckles, V, A, It's rainin' men, Look at us, trance de janiero, and MY SWEET DARLING... then BumbleBee, What's that sound, Crazy (DJ DOO DANCE, DAMMIT!!), and Not a Princess. I so need to get a not a princess freestyle involving drag.
5. Since I only got to meet one of them at DIC2^2, I'll have to ask you: is Laura or Agnes the baddest motherfucker in the Carolinas?
This is a paradox question: if I picked one... the other would drive down and convince me that they were the TRUE badass through sheer exuded badassery. Thus, I am going to have to say it is a tie and it's squared when they are both in a room.
Interviewed by
DJButtaflye :
1. Since you replied to 2 different entries, did you expect two different sets of questions? Were you upset that you didn't get that?
I'm not disappointed nor was I expecting it... I brain farted and forgot you actually broke up your LJ replies and thought "didn't I already ask DJ B.?... Whoops..." right after I hit post the second time.
2. What was your opinion on Rent? For clarity's sake, the movie version that just came out.
I actually haven't seen the movie yet... Nor have I seen BrokeBack Mountain. I did enjoy listening to the soundtrack that Matt (/dev/null) let me borrow when I had to drive down to Atlanta in a day to retrieve my spare VW key.
I for some reason have just not felt compelled to go see either movie.... maybe it was because so many gay people were telling me I had to see the movie because I was gay, and I figure I'll just catch either on HBO when it replays 70,000 times... speaking of which where in the hell is Chicago!?
3. Who would be the stars of your ideal dirty, sleazy m/m SE DDR player slashfic? What sort of horrible things would they do with/to one another?
Irish and Gordo. It would be a film called "twinkie cream" and would include lines like "yours tastes like Baileys".
4. Where's the strangest place you've ever made whoopie? (And your answer CANNOT be "that would be in the butt", that's cheating and you know it. :P)
Probably the bathroom of my parents house.
5. Would it creep you out if I told you I kinda borrowed a page from your sex handbook of sorts? Ask Jamie if you really want to know. >_>;
uhhhh, kay o.O .
Interviewed by
Irish_Prime :
1. Have you ever dated a girl?
I went to prom with a girl, and I talked a lot with a sweet girl in college who I tried "taking out" a few times... but the fact that there was this wonderful person who seemed to like me I felt no sexual attraction for... or that I felt no sexual attraction for anybody of the opposite sex... sort of confirmed my thoughts that I wasn't even Bi.... but really, really, really gay. I was also such a nincompoop about dating and had such low self esteem, I wasn't making passes at men either. The few times I thought of dating women it was a completely heuristic excercise in what I felt I should be doing and not any real desire to increase intimacy or start some sort of relationship beyond "best of friends". I suppose there are a few women I "love", but it's the same way you "love" your really, really good male friends.
2. Ever had a near death experience/accident?
Yes. My first summer break from college (about 2000) I was racing my friend Richard back to his house on a twisty back-road at night. He was in his 1993 Aerostar with a 3.0L V6 and I was chasing in my 1988 camry complete with a 110HP 2.0L I4. On a stretch going between cow pastures... I went to pass him, and he sped up, but he knew there was a turn coming up without a guardrail and slowed down a lot to let me over. I didn't notice, saw the turn too late (I knew it was there too, but it sneaks up fast at night when you are going 80 in a 35/45) and started trying to make the left turn. I felt the front of the car going "oh hells no! all my weight is up here" and knew I would slide off the road into one of the really thick (like, 1.5-2" thick former tree trunk) fenceposts of the cow pasture. Instead... I saw an opening in the fenceposts (probably where some prior jackass had left the road) jerked the wheel to the right, hard.
I missed the fencepost on my driver side by about a half-foot. I was going so fast I locked the wheels twice slowing down in the field and almost hit the fence at the other end (about 80 feet away) I turned off my lights, spun around, and drove back to the opening in time to tell Richard to get back into his van and hurry home (he had gotten out thinking I crashed and might need to have help not dying)... I didn't want to meet the nice people who hadn't replaced the fence-slats. I remember the rest of the drive being rather adrenaliney... and a couple of months later I confessed to my parents that I _had_ done a stupid teenage thing and felt the need to apologize. They were like "Wow! We love you and are glad you didn't die. Don't do that no more"
3. What's your favorite hobby?
Mansex! Well, I teeter between computers and cars... and usually it's using the computer to learn more about cars.
But mansex is up high on the list.
4. Do you really like Java more than C?
Most definitely yes.
1. I can take any suite of Java class files and have it run on anything from a supermainframe to a cellphone without recompiling... making "necessary libraries" a download (as opposed to a download and recompile) away.
2. The "everything is a pointer" greatly simplifies code and reduces a fuckton of "you didn't dereference this properly!" type errors I hated with C and C++...
3. Java is, I feel, the vehicle that facilitates having a webserver do a bunch of complex operations with a simple line of code... wheras C is the vehicle to use 13 extra lines of code to make one small algorythm perform slightly faster. Now, granted, the cost savings of that algorythm usually compound to something great... but it was never my expertise.
4. Java is what I think of when I need to make an N-tier, platform independant web-based application. C is what I think of when I need to make a script or OS hack... and I find myself needing to do a lot more of the former in my line of work and projects.
5. The Libraries and JavaDoc are BEAUTIFUL.
Really, I love Java because it is very well suited to what I do. I can totally understand why other people would love C, Perl, and lisp for what they usually do. In the meantime, I need to learn C# and Ruby... because it may very well be BETTER at what I like to do.
5. What's your editor of choice?
A properly tuned Eclipse. I love SAP Netweaver Developer Studio because it is, in fact, Eclipse packaged to make a suite of apps for SAP Web Application Server :D
Interviewed by
imoenleslati :
1: So do you REALLY have gaydar, or is that just a myth?
Unconfirmed. A. Every time I was looking for datin' material, I was going to gay websites and chatting with people who said they were gay... thus, I didn't have a control group. After I found Eric, I wasn't that interested in having sex with other people, so whether or not anyone was gay wasn't of much interest to me... So I only figured out the sexuality of people who cared to tell me. So I guess I never really "turned it on". It doesn't help that I am a massive introvert and wouldn't act on what my gay-dar was telling me in real-life anyways.
Otherwise, my experiences with
Irish_Prime have shown me that I have other-dar and can initiate a Halberd-effect through the internet.
2: Does Jboy really look gay, or do people just say that because of what he wears?
Honestly, most gay men wouldn't be caught dead in what he wears... I think people just say that because:
A. He is probably better than them at DDR and yet is not an asshole about it.
B. He is very smart and slightly eccentric.
C. He actually doesn't give much of a shit about what anyone says about him until it get to the point of flat-out libel.... and doesn't really feel a need to posture about his not-giving-a-shit regardless...
C. "_____ is so gay" is the insult that happens to be 'the worst' in their high-school-clique regressive state of mind.
3: How did you get started playing DDR?
Saw my brother playing Pump in 2001, got the DDR game and pads in 2002 thinking it was "like" pump, started playing at Eastland Mall, then met tons of cool people at that very first (awful!) Adventure Landing tournament in 2003. Since then, I've formed so many good bonds with the NC DDR players that I tend to keep going back to Raleigh.
4: Would you do Fabio?
No. I don't like long-maned-yet-smooth-chested-sex-gods. I'm much more attracted to
elder everyman types...
Mediterranian Types,(dark-n-fuzzy) and a
wide array of
bald men.
5: What's your favorite scary movie?
Scary movie.