IC contact

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!ic contact

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[Voice, December 7th, around 8 PM] beenwaitinglong December 8 2011, 01:26:03 UTC
[It takes a moment for him to speak on the message, as though he is gathering a breath.]

Doctor Seward? This is Prosecutor Armando. I'm sorry to bother you at home, but I had a favor I wanted to ask you regarding one of my cases. It's not urgent, so please call me back at your leisure.



[Voice, December 8th, around 5 PM] Returning call. psyd_seward December 15 2011, 08:19:18 UTC
[Ring, ring.]


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 08:21:06 UTC
[Diego... did not expect him to call back so quickly. Perhaps he'd gambled on that. When his name flashes on the caller ID, it takes a good 30 seconds for the lawyer to muster the courage to pick up the call.]

Dr. Seward?


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 08:30:13 UTC
Prosecutor Armando.

[A short pause. He half-expected it would go to voicemail, given the other was often busy at his office he imagined.]

I apologise for not answering the other night. I'm afraid I was indisposed. You left me a message regarding a case of yours, if I'm not mistaken.


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 08:32:30 UTC
Not a problem, Doctor. One busy man can easily forgive another.

Yes, I was wondering- [And then comes a pause completely, utterly unlike Diego to make.]

- if you have any openings for a new patient.

[He adds, as an afterthought:] A client of mine.


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 08:59:29 UTC
Yes, I rather suppose one can indeed.

[Such deliberation over such a simple matter. How peculiar.]

Oh. A patient referral? Yes, I suppose that can be done. Is this for a general psychiatric evaluation?


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 09:02:20 UTC
[Diego has fortunately spun a lie on his clumsy one in the short time it took Seward to respond.]

A "client" in so much as a prosecutor has clients. He's a defendant in a case I tried who accepted a plea bargain. One of the stipulations was that he undergo psychiatric treatment. I found the goodness in my heart enough to arrange him a fellow Newcomer for a doctor.


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 09:10:02 UTC
I see. How soon might he have to undergo this treatment?

And might I ask after this client's name?


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 09:13:32 UTC
There's no rush. The steps have been made, which is enough to satisfy the court. I don't intend to horn him in on your schedule if it'll be an inconvenience.

His name is Rand Mondragon.


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 09:21:54 UTC
Oh, it's just that with the holidays coming up the schedule tends to be a bit fuller than usual. I am glad you called when you did, given I have an opening first thing next week. Would that be acceptable?

[Perhaps an AGI affiliate or thug of some kind?...But smooth, Mister Prosecutor. Real smooth.]

Rand Mondragon..And what times would this Mister Mondragon be able to come to my office, Prosecutor?


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 09:24:26 UTC
Oh, sure. It can wait until-

[... next week? Really? That soon? Diego pauses momentarily.]

Next week would be fine. It'll be at your convenience, not his.


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 09:35:57 UTC
[As a Newcomer doctor his patient scheduling was...decidedly slower than what the workload at the asylum gave him. But, he still managed to have room, regardless.]

..Wednesday or Thursday afternoon then?


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 14:37:35 UTC
W- Thursday. Just to give the probation officer a little time to inform him.

Thank you, Dr. Seward. This is a huge favor for me. I'll be sure to make it up to you.


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 19:57:03 UTC
Alright. I'll put him down on the books for Thursday afternoon, then.

Not a problem at all, Prosecutor. I'm happy to assist in what ways I can.


beenwaitinglong December 15 2011, 20:25:56 UTC
Are you a fan of coffee, Dr. Seward?


psyd_seward December 15 2011, 20:36:11 UTC
Ah, I like my fair share of it like any man I suppose, but I prefer tea, myself.


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