
Nov 02, 2009 21:49


Last one there's a rotten Stinger egg.

[Erol, of course, is already there, as the rev of a zoomer engine in the background proves.

He's probably not going to sleep for a few days. Racing is far too important to interrupt with petty things like sleep, which is for the weak anyway.

Yes it's an open commentlog.]

fastest in haven, high-strung, !razer, adrenaline plz, fun and games, get the thorazine, hardly know where to start, speeeed

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Comments 66

ttlynotawizard November 3 2009, 06:07:26 UTC
Someone sounds happy.


psychoticracer November 3 2009, 06:14:15 UTC
For the first time in over a bloody year, Whitecastle, I am.

[He's too stoked to even be snarky about it. Vroom vroom.]


ttlynotawizard November 3 2009, 06:18:56 UTC
I'll have to come watch sometime.


psychoticracer November 3 2009, 06:35:41 UTC
Just stay out of my way.


like you didn't see this coming :| farfairersoul November 3 2009, 06:19:19 UTC
[This is one case where, honestly, he knows he doesn't have to play at much of anything--so Razer shows up in a matter of minutes, looking far less level than normal, not to mention far more excited. He shoots Erol a grin.]

A zoomer? Really?

[He's not sure that will be quite fair. He's not sure whose favor that unfairness will be in, but it's definitely unfair somehow.]


Natch. psychoticracer November 3 2009, 06:33:36 UTC
[Erol grins back, shameless. He's practically giddy; after all, he's been without ANY form of vehicle racing for over a year. The zoomer tilts slightly on the A-Grav air cushion as he shifts his weight, practically an extension of his own body.]

Oh yes, really. Come on, Razer - I'm a little rusty, but I wager that evens the odds a little.

[He's... playfully teasing. Yeah, Erol's definitely high - or something.]


farfairersoul November 3 2009, 06:41:19 UTC
Ha. You forget, Commander, that you lost to Jak whenever you raced him; I beat him more than once.

[He fiddles with the control panel until he finds--oh dear mar that's a Havoc V-12. That's--with a little adjusting that's HIS Havoc V-12. Oh dear MAR. Razer smiles--SMILES--and laughs a little as he lets this bizarre place do its work and pull up his choice of racing machine.]

Speaking of whom...

[He runs a hand over the beauty of a machine as he steps around it to climb in. A little more adjustment there, he's tall and he knows it, but not too much.]

...do you think he'll show up? The three of us all on the track at once could be fantastic.

[He laughs again, an honest-to-goodness laugh. Erol isn't the only one with a high from this, although his is significantly more obvious given that Razer's demeanor is usually fairly amused in some way or another.]

Makers, Blitz would have an aneurysm.


psychoticracer November 3 2009, 07:03:14 UTC
[Erol curls his lip at that, and there's a bit more steel to his tone. He does NOT like being reminded of a loss.]

Oh yes, let's rely on his version of events, shall we? The one that omits the fact he used short-cuts off the main and still barely came through ahead on the First Class.

Insisting on duking it out with the pack will be the death of me, I swear to Mar.

[He rakes a hand through his hair, as if settling ruffled plumage. When he's a bit more settled, he takes the time to eye up Razer's vehicle. Low to the ground, vicious curves. Nice.]

I'm certain he will. Between the two of us -

[Wait. Razer is ostensibly supposed to be on Jak's side. While he undoubtedly wouldn't do him any favors on the track, that meant teaming up to cream him into the pavement wasn't an option.


- well, I'm certain Blitz would enjoy the show, at least.


blitzmeister November 3 2009, 06:51:28 UTC
[Blitz was there the second he heard about it. This is good. This is so very, very good.]

This is always what it comes down to! There is no place better than the track.


psychoticracer November 4 2009, 02:36:14 UTC
No, there isn't, is there?

[The change in Erol's demeanor from usual is marked. He's somewhere between as excited as a crocapup with a new bone and almost relaxed - if that word could ever apply to him, which it likely can't. One way or the other he's practically amicable and chatty - though even when taking a break, his eyes rove to the track layout, looking for new curves and jumps.]


blitzmeister November 4 2009, 03:06:09 UTC
[Blitz follows Erol's gaze and drinks in the sight of the track hungrily. Even though his relationship with racing was very much a love-hate scenario, it was in his blood, thanks to his old man. One doesn't spend decades covering a sport without growing to love it, after all.

He eyes the commander, taking in Erol's physicality and body language. It is, after all, their first real meeting.]

Which tracks have you tried out yet? I'm sure going one in a real vehicle would make a substantial difference to the outcome.


psychoticracer November 4 2009, 05:35:36 UTC
[Erol's body language rings loud and clear. He's always telegraphed loudly, and he's a naturally dramatic person to boot.]

Mountain and city, so far. I want to get back into practice before I touch the volcano track... Desert might foul the intakes, can't be sure yet.

[He glances askance at GT's comment about "real" vehicles.]

I can only presume you've never seen a real zoomer race in action. I can take these tracks faster than any gravity-bound vehicle.


praxipads November 3 2009, 07:00:45 UTC

. . .


You know who loves racing? That's right.

That's right.

He exits the stairwell, fully intending to sit and creep watch the turn-out.

There's a reason racing continued after he took over Haven.



psychoticracer November 4 2009, 02:37:02 UTC
[O hi. Your second-in-command looks much more... balanced than usual. If you can call that eager, lunatic glint to his eye balanced. Well Erol looks happier anyway, from what you can see of him - he's kind of a red-and-yellow blur.

He does catch sight of you over there, however, and on the next pass he pulls over, waiting until the last second to slam on the air brakes and dig his heel into the floor - a move that stops the zoomer in less space than it technically should be capable of.]

Baron. Shame there's no Eco here to offer as a prize to entice the rank-and-file into breaking their necks, hm?


chopshopgoddess November 3 2009, 13:12:23 UTC
[Mikaela also isn't going to be doing much sleeping. She's going to come up there and pester you now, Erol. She has literally run up to the deck, pushing people out of her way and ignoring any warnings. She skids to a halt nearby, an expression of GLEE on her face. IT gives her something to do, and maybe work on also! She's in heaven.]


psychoticracer November 4 2009, 05:42:08 UTC
[Erol barely flicks an ear at the newcomer. He's got his hand inside one of the zoomer panels; something shifts, and the ambient height of the A-grav air cushion lowers noticeably.

The elf smirks. He's not certain the mods will hold, but it's worth a try.]



chopshopgoddess November 6 2009, 23:15:21 UTC
[A lot of this is stuff she's unfamiliar with.]

What'd you do? [She folds her arms and comes up closer, peering down.]


psychoticracer November 7 2009, 07:36:54 UTC
Tightened the supply valve to the A-Grav converters.

[The reply is absent, somewhat automatic, but after a second he straightens up and glances at her.]

They wouldn't have had zoomers where you come from, I suppose. They run on eco.


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