Criquette's Tramway Set v2: Wires and lots of new pieces!

Jun 13, 2014 22:45

Sometime in 2012 someone made a secret wishing for a curve piece for Criquette's excellent tramway set. I took notice of that, and then I got distracted. Sorry for the wait, anon, I hope you still (or again) play Sims 2!

I added wires and then I also created several new track pieces. Your trams are not restricted to straight lines anymore! :D Here are a few pictures of what you can do with the new pieces:

With the big S your tram can change sides, or use the long straight to cross a bridge!

Similarly the small S offers a change of sides for a tram that drives partly on the road, or change from next to the road to fully on the road (maybe when it enters the cramped historic city center). On the right you see the new switch from two to four tracks, either for a tram depot or to make an even more elaborate track layout. Also seen there is the end piece with bumpers.

There are two different versions of curves: One is intended to fit around the corner of a road intersection, the other is meant to go right through it. My city's government is very concerned about tram poles in the line of traffic. ;)

Not only can your trams have curves now but they can also master slopes! :D There're two pieces for that, one regular ten tiles long and a short one for gaps or slightly different slopes like this part:

Looks a bit choppy but what can you do? (Create yet another piece for that is what I might do.)

What you probably didn't even noticed are the two short gap filler pieces, one with a pole only, the other with wires only. (All curved pieces lack poles on their ends so you'll need the former a lot.)

There're 20 pieces all together, all in the misc. category like the originals. Speaking of which, any old track you've built with Criquette's original pieces or my recolors will be updated automatically. I changed the file names a little however, so you'll have to delete the old files manually (see notes under the downloads).

There's an A set and a B set. A gives you Criquette's original light concrete with green poles, B is my darker recolor. You can have both at the same time! Not only that, but I also made one piece the master for each set (thanks to CuriousB for figuring that out). Want the poles to be another colour? You have to change one file only! :)

    22 = gap filler wires/uphill short
  181 = gap filler pole
  193 = straight 10/uphill
  213 = end-bumper
  510= small S
  516 = curve A
  579 = straight 30
  699 = curve B
  924 = big S
  965 = straight 50
1,349 = switch 2-to-4
3,004 = loop

DOWNLOAD SET A (Criquette's colours)
(please delete: crqtt_tramway_001.package + crqtt_tramway_loop_001.package)

DOWNLOAD SET B (my colours)
(please delete: crqtt_tramway_001_darker.package + crqtt_tramway_loop_001_darker.package)

railway, new/altered meshes, neighbourhood stuff

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