The next generation is lame. You were raised on garbage. People are egotistical (read:insecure), when deep down they know they are not that good. Trite subject matter, no singing ability, all flash-no panache, not particurly innovative samples (please, Tricky (probably don't know him, huh?)has more genius packed in one song then Kanye's entire
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Comments 3
Oddly enough, I think EVERY previous generation (or half-generation, depending on the age difference) says that about the next generation. Go ask your parents or your grand-parents if you don't believe me!
I guess it's just another indication of "the more things change, the more things stay the same."
And perhaps "same shit, different stink"!
In the 90's I could say we had Metal, Grunge, Alternative, Goth and Rave music all sharing their time in the limelight.
This generation has had pop, pop and more fucking manufactured pop music.
Whereas before music labels would give their artists more artistic freedom and time to develope most of todays modern musicians are manufactured. They even have psychologists help them write music.
There is no comparing this generation to any other I'm afraid. Before you might call your dad's generation lame and he says your music sounds like crap, never have words like 'sheep' and 'cattle' been so commonly used to describe a generation. There is no doubt that this is a shallow, superficial and brainwashed generation that's had free-thought completely stripped from them.
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