Nov 08, 2005 05:42
Jarhead is one of the best movies ever. I absolutely LOVED it...go see it, immediately.
Nov 08, 2005 02:56
Van Halen's "Jump" made me punch a kid in the face. True story.
Nov 04, 2005 15:58
Rahhh...don't wanna go to work. Just wanna go back to sleeeeeep.
Oct 22, 2005 16:11
Okay, seriously. I work too much. Someone come visit me, please. I work in Babbage's in the Ocean County Mall...someone, anyone, come visit me...Fred, John, Michelle, Erin...anyone? (I don't think anyone else even reads this, if I forgot you, sorry.)
Oct 13, 2005 13:38
Sooooo sick...102 fever, aches, hot/cold flashes, headaches, tired all the time, nauseous...going to class in 50 degree weather and teeming rain doesn't help much either...ugh, someone give me the courage to ask Holly out on a date, please...just email it to me or something, lol.
Oct 05, 2005 22:23
FUCK NOT HAVING A CAR. FUCK IT. So angry, I absolutely HATE having to bum rides to work and school. Dammit, man...FUCK CARS. The repair went from 275 to 750 after the mechanic suddenly found I need some special fucking part that I can only get from Toyota...what the shit, man. Just let me get one break every now and then...
Sep 20, 2005 14:12
The girl I'm sitting next to in class is soooooo hot...AND she initiated a conversation. This will be an interesting semester... >:)
Sep 18, 2005 00:53
I think it's funny how you start out being good friends with someone of the opposite sex, and totally don't even think about them in any way other than as a friend...and then things just evolve into "God damn, I didn't realize it until now but I want this girl so bad..." I have a new friiiiiiiiiiiiiend. :)