Some Important Font-related INFO

Aug 12, 2003 08:52

Some IMPORTANT Font-related INFO:

You know, I just happened upon this information quite recently.

Have any of the rest of you ever thought 'bout 'cleaning up' your Windows font folder? Well, it seems that things can get a tad messed up if you delete certain default fonts (the ones that come with Windows, pre-installed)...

So take note, friends. The following fonts absolutely MUST stay in the Windows font folder:

[List edited on April 27, 2004]

Windows 3.0
currently unknown--sorry!

Windows 95
currently unknown--sorry!

Windows 95 Version Upgrade
currently unknown--sorry!

Windows 98

Windows 98 Second Edition-ME

Windows 2000

Windows XP

I'm going to share a link here that will take you to a LIST of the fonts that are needed and should NEVER be deleted from your Windows/Fonts folder.

[Unfortunately, as of April 27, this link appears to be dead. I'm following up on it.]

[You could try going to the following link and asking a question, however. They provide their services free of charge.]

Personally, I printed that little 'chart' out and am keeping it for future reference! You might want to do the same...

Well, so here's a clever little trick I learned, and want to share with all of you...

You don't want to be installing too many fonts in your default fonts folder, as it will cause your computer to not function as well as it should.

There's an easy way 'round this, though!

To organize your fonts, just make a NEW on your desktop where you'll keep your new, downloaded fonts.

You can easily add subfolders to this main folder you've just created--which will help you better organize all of your fonts.

You could do this alphabetically, by font family, or type of
font--whatever works best for you.

Then to USE use a given font, just find the one you want to use and open it--then minimize it to your at the bottom of your taskbar (the bottom of your screen). It's now available to use and
will show up in the fonts file of PSP7 (or whatever program you happen to be using).

Neat trick, isn't it?

~~KevinR, moderator
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