PSOH, D is for Desire, 3 shorts (counting as one whole)

Apr 20, 2008 11:18

Pairing: D X Leon
Rating: various G & R
Titles: Shopping, Bathtime & Continuing Education
Various themes, not connected, except by the lovely men I don't own. Let me know if you like them or just drop me a line to say 'hi.' I miss you guys when I'm too busy to even breathe... XD


The client was a young American woman - curvaceous, naturally blonde and fluent in Japanese. The Count had welcomed her in his usual way, offering tea and crumpets and a look around the Shop. He appreciated her beauty, as he did with all lovely things. She was like a summer rose, all golden and dew-kissed, and seemed just as sweet.

Hannah - the woman’s name was Hannah DeVere and she was an ‘Popular Events’ reporter, something D had never heard of - seemed very interested in one of the Alsatians, a handsome fellow of about three years. She had knelt down by the couch and was petting and stroking him, when Leon walked into the Parlor without noticing the Count had a guest.

The woman’s tawny brown eyes turned almost incandescent when his detective sauntered in, sweaty from the beach and wearing one of those tight T-shirts he seemed to favor, his ancient raggedy blue jean cutoffs clinging to his butt. The Count’s eyebrows rose so high as to be almost invisible, but neither Hannah nor Leon seemed to notice his reaction, nor catch the tiny telltale clenching of long-nailed fingers on his Meissen teacup.

“Hannah! It’s Hannah, isn’t it? Long time, no see!”

Leon went forward, grinning with surprised pleasure, perspiration-burnished, muscled arms out in greeting, and Hannah rose abruptly, abandoning the dog, and flung her skimpily clad body right into those same arms. Her summer sundress was a cheery yellow, which brought out the gilt highlights in her flowing hair as she moved.

D abruptly decided that buttercup yellow was an awful color and strapless sundresses were totally passé.

“Oh, Leon, it’s so good to see you! I’ve missed you so much!”

She smiled happily up at him, eyes misty, moist red lips curved seductively, pressing her bountiful chest right up against Leon’s sweat-stained T-shirt.

“Good to see you, too, babe! It’s been a long time. But, what the hell are you doing here in Tokyo, Hannah? Don’t tell me you got a better beat?”

“You know this woman, Leon?”

A razor-edged question recalled the smiling detective to reality with a jerk. He stepped back immediately, easing out of the blonde’s clinging arms.

“Yeah, D, Hannah and I are old friends. She used to cover the Police Blotter for the L.A. Times, back when we were both new on the job.”

He was careful to emphasize the friendship aspect but he didn’t think the Count actually heard. D had risen now from his seat, somehow seeming to be several inches taller, and his hair was alive with static electricity, a sure sign that he was pissed.

“I didn’t realize you knew my detective so very well, Miss DeVere. Pardon me. How kind of you to stop by and see him. But don’t let us keep you - I’m sure you have much more important things to do.”

D’s voice had taken on a hypnotic quality, deepening and becoming slightly husky, the way it did sometimes when he and Leon made love. The effect of that voice on Hannah was visible: she swayed where she stood, blinking sleepily, all of the sudden unaware of the detective before her and the angry Pet Shop owner to one side.

“Stop that! She’s only a friend!” Leon hissed at D, glaring.

Jeez, every single time! D even got jealous of Sohki, sometimes, complaining the kirin was taking up far too much of Leon’s time.

“Only a friend, Leon? I really don’t think so, given just how friendly she’s trying to be!”

D turned to him, frowning fiercely, his hands clenched and white-knuckled. His eyes were sparkling with something akin to fury, but his red lips turned down in a sulky pout, as though Leon had deliberately hurt his feelings.

Leon went instantly on the defensive, wheeling his whole body around to face his angry lover, hands out, empty palms up.

“I swear I never touched her, damn it! She’s got a boyfriend or something - she was never after me!”

“I bet you wanted it, though, Detective! I know just how your simple little mind works when it comes to beautiful women! You are no more than an animal!”  D spat out the words, little spurts of acid, narrowing his odd eyes and looking at Leon with suspicion written all over his pale, perfect face.

Leon swallowed hard, shoving his own anger right back down his throat. He knew what this was all about and it was better to clear it up quickly, soothe D’s ruffled feathers, and send poor Hannah on her way.

“Look, D, let her go. She hasn’t done anything you need to be angry about, ok? All we did was say ‘hello.’”

“An interesting greeting, Detective! She is fluent in body language as well as Japanese?”

D was still huffy, but he was retreating from his stance of all-out warfare and restricting himself to nasty comments at Hannah’s expense. His blue-black hair had settled down again, and he wasn’t quite as menacing as he had been just a moment ago.

Jeez, if he didn’t love this asshole so much, he’d slap him silly for acting like a three-year old! Jealous over fucking nothing, like a little kid! As if Leon would ever look away from D’s fascinating, alluring, sinfully sexy body just to flirt with an old friend.

“She’s just lonely, probably, since she’s in a foreign country - plus, she was always like that. She’s pretty and she knows it - doesn’t make her a bad person, does it, D?”

“Lonely? Hah! That wasn’t lonely, Leon - that was hungry!”

“Whatever. Just let her go, ok? She didn’t mean any harm.” He watched D carefully, seeing the Count’s irritation subside in response to his own calm words, the reasonable request that made it clear that poor Hannah here was exactly what Leon said she was - an old friend.

“Very well. After you leave, Detective.”

D turned sharply away, exhaling as if a great burden had been placed on his thin shoulders. He spent the time putting his expression back in order, donning his usual calm, smiling mask.

“Yeah, ok. Just play nice.”

Leon retreated from the Parlor, careful to keep his footsteps quiet, and then pulled the door almost all the way closed. He stood in the hallway, waiting, not sure exactly how D would play it, but ready to step in just in case.

There was a pause and then the Count cleared his throat.

“Ah, Miss DeVere. I see that you are fond of Matteus here. Would you like to take him home?”

D’s tone was once again at his normal pitch. Hannah started, shaking her head slightly, as though she had a sudden headache.

“Oh, Oh, no! I don’t think I can. My landlord doesn’t allow pets and I couldn’t bear to put him quarantine when I go back to the States. I’m so sorry, Count D. I didn’t mean to mislead you - I really was just looking for a fish or something small, not a dog.”

The pretty blonde looked suitably shame-faced, and D realized that she had fully forgotten her brief interaction with his detective - more than that, she was being truthful about her regret. He smiled at her, sweetly but with a touch of ruefulness at his own reaction to such a beautiful woman.  Perhaps Leon was correct and this Hannah was no threat.

Still, he was glad. He didn’t want to sell her a Pet, after all. She was Leon’s friend and she was leaving, soon to depart Tokyo and go thousands of miles away. No need to make her life difficult if that was, in fact, the case.

And Leon would be angry if he let himself be petty. In fact, he would almost certainly hear about this later from his angry detective and be chided for not believing in him.

But it wasn’t that he didn’t believe. He knew Leon loved him, would not leave him. He just…didn’t want it tested…not just yet. Not by a beautiful woman, a gorgeous yellow rose from a human garden. Not by someone who could claim friendship, someone who shared a past with his detective that he knew nothing about. Not anyone who could put that look in Leon’s eyes, make him smile and laugh with delight and …forget, perhaps, that it was D who held him here.

In the hallway, Leon sighed with relief. He vowed to himself to be extra-special careful with D for the next few days, make sure D remembered that he was Leon’s entire universe, his light, his love. It was only that D had been scared just now, poor guy. And truth be told, Leon was scared too. He wasn’t happy when the Prime Minister dropped by and slobbered all over his D; he couldn’t always ignore Tetsu’s vaguely proprietary air.  He didn’t like it when other guys looked too hard or for too long at the Count when they were out together, checking D out and whistling like the wolves they were.

And being a little jealous was okay sometimes, too. D was always delighted when Leon was jealous, though he would never say so. Leon guessed he was kinda pleased as well. Nice to know D didn’t take him for granted. Nice to know he was someone D was careful of.

Poor Hannah. She’d have to try some other Shop if she was shopping for a pet. Leon was already taken, collared and leashed by a sultry, sexy spitfire, an alluring immortal, jealous as hell.


Bathing a toddler was the slipperiest, sudsiest job of all. Especially a wriggly one, who had no problem whatsoever with playfully ducking his head under the water and giving his Papa fits.

As always, D just ended up getting in with him, as there was no way he was going to stay dry.
And, as always, Leon joined them eventually, scrubbing D’s back and bouncing a giggling young Alex on his knee, which made the bath water splash all over the floor, and caused D some small anger later, though he always laughed at the time.

Bathing the alligators and the dogs, the mermaids and the other exotics was something done carefully, respectfully, and with very little splashing and jollity. It was a service and they were grateful, and made an effort to keep D dry.

Bathing Alex when he was a newborn had been nerve-wracking and he had always been glad to have Leon’s reassuring, sensible presence right at his back.

But bathing with his lover was the best of them all. Skin sliding on skin in the buoyancy of the water, the lapping warmth that surrounded them when they kissed. Quiet laughter when they teased each other with mounding bubbles in hilarious ways, a sudden hot shiver when fingers found entry in hidden places, and the laughter died away.

Bathing with Leon always made him feel very clean. Refreshed and revived, purified, all life’s petty annoyances rinsed away. And relaxed, as though he’d just had a massage, rendered by a master masseuse.

He enjoyed having another excuse to put his hands on his lover, lather the longish blonde hair and make little devil’s horns with the soapy tendrils, and then wash them away and run his fingers through the silky strands. He loved washing Leon’s back, that taut expanse of tanned skin, topped by broad shoulders that flexed under the tips of his nails. And his narrow waist, and the hard protrusions of his hip bones, that jutted under tight skin. Long legs, sporting a golden cast under the fine hairs, and slender well-made feet, the second toes longer than the first, the arches sensitive, so tender that Leon would flinch when D soaped them and then try very hard not to laugh.

Chest, nipples, thighs and genitals - all carefully, lovingly, as though D were handling an object made of the thinnest of glass. Until he got distracted and was a little rougher, and then Leon joined him in distraction and the bathwater was always nearly cold by the time they were done.

And he loved it, too, when Leon returned the favor, slathering suds down his spine. Or when Leon rubbed him down with a soapy washcloth, the drag of the slick cotton fibers across his smooth skin both enervating and exhilarating at the same time. Then he’d moan and climb across Leon’s wet thighs and take him in, back arching in the heat of pleasure, Leon’s hands gripping the soft swells of his soap-dampened ass.

D liked having his hair washed, too. Leon had sure and gentle fingers, never tugging or tangling the blue-black silk. He always carefully covered D’s eyes, protecting them from the sting of the shampoo, and then rubbed his head with a soft cotton towel and combed the thick silky mass back into some sort of order, so that it would dry smooth. He was just as careful with the rest of that pale, perfect body, only tickling him a little near the end, counting his ribs and making out that D was missing one, or sweeping the delicate edge of D’s ear with his tongue, to make sure it was clean…or so he said.

They both enjoyed it, looked forward to it, that half-hour or so of ‘just them’. It had become a necessary ritual, a healing, gentle (though sometimes hot and passionate) period of time where they only saw each other and all other concerns faded back into unimportance. It was their time.

Continuing Education

“Well, Count, I’ll see you around,” Leon stood and drained his teacup, then set it down with an air of finality.

“Oh…yes, Detective.”

“Remember - next Wednesday. Tell Chris I’ll call from work,” the detective frowned at the Count’s air of distraction, shaking his head.

“Yes. I’ll be sure to do so. Are you sure you can’t stay and tell him yourself?” The Count looked up, purple-and-gold eyes wide with what could be a pleading expression. The detective shook his head in response.

“Nah. I gotta go buy my textbooks and stuff and then have an early night. The 16 hour days are going to kill me, you know that.”

He moved away from the sofa, circling the huge potted palm on his way to the door. The Count set down his own cup hastily and followed Leon, one slender white hand out in silent supplication, a frown creasing his forehead.

“Surely it won’t be quite that bad, Detective. At least you could come by for lunch.”

He stopped short of laying his hand on the detective’s arm, dropping it at the last second before he did something foolish and needy, something that he might regret.

“Yeah, right. Like I’ll have time to do that.” Leon shook his head, rueful this time, and went to open the door. “I still have to work regular shift hours and then I have to study whenever I can find time.”

“You could…make time, Leon. Young Chris will miss you a great deal if he doesn’t see you for a whole week.”

This time he did wrap long fingers around Leon’s forearm, staying his hand from the door. He tilted his black head up, odd eyes glittering with a subtle invitation.

“….And you’ll miss me, too, D? Is that what you’re saying?”

The Detective turned back, grinning, letting his arm drop, allowing the Count to tug him closer so that the scent of D’s silk-clad body enveloped the detective’s senses, coaxing him nearer still.

“You know I’ll miss you, Detective. A whole week without you is a very long time. Think of your poor younger brother, please. He’s just a child.”

The Count smiled up at his dear detective, his expression clearing when he saw Leon’s tiny nod of agreement. The pleasure of winning filled his narrow chest with warmth when he saw Leon’s shoulders slump in sweet defeat.

“You know, I don’t really have to go buy that book right now. I could, say, go get the stuff I need a little later tonight or something…maybe even tomorrow, before class.”

“You could? Really? Then, if you do have some spare time…right this way, Detective.”

The Count turned with a faint swish of silk and pulled Leon toward the kitchen, which was always deserted at this hour of the day.

He had his red mouth fastened on Leon’s almost before the door stopped swinging on its brass hinges, his arms wrapped around the detective’s waist in an attempt to press himself into the detective’s skin. Leon grabbed him under the armpits and hauled him up the counter, returning the kiss with interest while hiking up the Count’s cheongsam so that his long white legs were exposed.

D groaned into Leon’s mouth when he felt fingers sliding across his belly and his hips, and purring with anticipation, he wrapped those pale legs around the detective’s waist, his manhood already dripping and growing hard.

“You like this?” Leon said, teasing, when he drew one hand up D’s springing cock, the rough fingers of the other sliding down below D’s balls to caress the waiting, twitching entry. D pushed himself against those hands, murmuring something breathless about ‘heaven’ and ‘not waiting,’ his beautiful face fevered and hot.

Leon took the maddening hands away briefly to help D haul down his jeans and then went back to fondling the willing and eager Pet Shop owner, until the Count was nearly dying with need.

“Please, Leon - do it quickly! I want you there!”  D’s hands wrapped around the cock jutting from the detective’s crotch, milking it desperately, drawing it nearer to his hungry self.

“Yeah, baby…god, I want you, too!”

He allowed himself to be guided by D’s frantic fingers and shoved mightily when D had him positioned just so. He hissed with satisfaction when D devoured him, sucking him deep within a liquid velvet heat that made his blood boil in his veins with satisfaction, thrilling him with shivering pleasure and sending his heart stumbling unevenly within his heaving chest.

“Ahhh! Nngh!”

D arched his neck, exposing his white throat, and ground himself against the thrust of his detective, plastering his flushed body against the soft flannel of Leon’s shirt and the hard bones of his hips rising from the folds of well-washed denim, his every answering movement welcoming and joyful. His face went slack with pleasure as the detective pounded into him, rocking D’s clenched ass cheeks on the smooth wood of the butcher block with surging, sloppy movements that caused him to mewl like a kitten and then bite his lips against the breathless, reedy sounds of his own hunger.

“Leon! Leon!”  The Count could bear it no longer and had to cry out.

“Christ, D, keep it down! Chris is still asleep!” A warm hand covered D’s parted red lips, stifling his cries gently. He ran his pink tongue over the hard fingers instead, sucking on them greedily when Leon slammed deeper. He quivered, a fine tremor shaking his flushed limbs and then began panting in time to the thrusts.

“Baby, baby, come on,” Leon muttered, pleading against the smooth skin of D’s white throat. He wanted to hear that soft gurgle of pleasure that Count always released when he was finally satisfied, he wanted to feel his lover tighten around him in a fervor of lusty need.

“I love you, I love you!” the Count mouthed soundlessly against warm fingers, his cock pink and so hard, it was near to bursting with cum.

The detective’s rough hands pulled D’s hips closer, seeking the deeper recesses of the Count’s trembling perfection and he fastened his mouth finally on one hardened nipple, sucking on it through the thin layer of silk.


A wordless scream of orgasm, and the Count’s body shook with the force of his release, Leon filling him simultaneously till he was churning inside, dripping with the detective’s thick cum, thighs spread wide on the maple countertop, sagging limply back in Leon’s arms.

“Babe…oh, babe.”

Leon rested his head against the wet patch of silk where he’d sucked on D’s rosy nipple and shivered himself, the waves of pleasure still echoing through his tight body, his dick slowly softening within the slick warm of D’s ass.

They were silent for a moment, ears pricked up to sense any intrusive sounds from the Parlor or the hallway beyond. It would not be good to be discovered quite so in flagrante, or at least D was sure he would be horribly embarrassed if the Pets saw him so ruffled and breathless, his silk dress hiked up to his waist.

He smiled eventually and opened his gorgeous eyes wide, looking down at his dear Leon, who had collapsed against D’s chest.

“Mnn, Detective. That didn’t take too long. Are you sure you can’t find some time to stop by before next Wednesday?”

Leon laughed against D’s rumpled cheongsam, a warm chuckle that gave evidence of his relaxed contentment.

“Ok, ok, babe…I’ll find some time, alright? Who needs friggin’ sleep, anyway?”

D smiled, satisfied, sure that his faithful lover would come see him whenever he possibly could, whether it be for a few short minutes or even a little longer, time enough to make him feel this luxurious contentment, keep him happy and satisfied till Leon’s stupid required continuing education class was over and done with and they could get back to their normal routine.
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