PSOH, "D is for Desire", The Times of Their Lives

Apr 10, 2008 22:24

Title: "D is for Desire", The Times of Their Lives
Rating(s): Varies from short to short. This one here is R. That would be R, yes.
Pairing: Leon X D
Set in various times of their long association, and is something that I don't seem to be able to stop writing, though probably I should be doing something else...Som are longer and some are shorter and I've got quite a few of them now, so be prepared. ;D
I don't own these characters and I thank Akino-sensei heartily for letting me play with them...I hope I did indeed 'play nice.' 
So, let me know...please XD (nicely - just ignore me completely if you don't like it, 'kay?)

D is for Desire…
The Times of Their Lives


“I want-“


“I want that!”

“Does it feel good, babe? D’ya want me?”

“Oh, yes! There, Leon, right there…harder!”

“Oh god, oh god, baby, oh god!”

“Le..on! Le…on….oh!”

Leon joined D in his final cry of satisfaction, the deeper timbre of his voice a bass note under D’s ululating sound.

He collapsed slowly down on the white back below him, the one which had just been writhing, arching under him and now was still, except for the rise and fall of D’s still faintly heaving sides.

His lover had shredded another pillow. Tiny feathers floated in a cloud and Leon snorted when one tried to float up his nose.

“Damn it, D! You gotta stop doing that! It’s bad enough when you do it to me, but jeez, those things are expensive!”

“I can afford a few pillows, Detective.”

He rolled over under Leon, who pushed himself up a little to allow him the moment to do it, his tanned biceps flexing in the afternoon light. D laid a long-fingered hand on one, his rings glinting and twinkling in the rays of watery sunshine. He gazed up at his mate with profound fondness, replete, satisfied and and more than a little lazy, ready to doze until an early dinner. They had spent the brief summer storm making one of their own. Neither had noticed the thunder as anything other than a musical accompaniment to their own largely guttural symphony.

“Waaahhhhh! Wahhhhhhh! Waaaawaaaaawaaahhhhh!”

The cry of baby Alex broke the sweet moment, causing D to attempt -  with full force - to leap out from under Leon and instantly be in the nursery. Leon reared up and away, alarmed.


“Oh, shit! We woke him - here, wait, let me let you out!” He thrust himself completely out of D’s way and the other new parent practically leapt from their connubial bed, throwing on his robe while running like a madman.


“Oh, there, there…it’s fine, darling. Daddy’s here.”

The wailing ceased abruptly as the rosebud mouth of baby Alex was pressed against D’s nipple. He gulped, sniffing in a wondering way at what was presented to him, and then latched on, the sensation making D wobble and sink gratefully into the rocker Grandfather had insisted on. Now he knew why - it was as if the baby were sucking his very life force when he took in his father’s milk. It made D dizzy still and the rocker was a good place to collapse.

Leon came to the door of the nursery, entering quietly and then moving to stand at D’s shoulder and enjoy the show. He laid a gentle finger on their son’s fluffy head, feeling the little dip in the baby’s scull where the bones were knitting together.  Three months old now.

So fragile. So necessary.

“You want something to drink?” D often got very thirsty when he was nursing Alex.

The Count smiled up at Leon, nodding, and the still bare-chested detective dropped a fond kiss on D’s wildly tangled hair and slipped out the door.

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